Arnott's Shapes changing to a lower-quality recipe, time to panic buy

so apparently Australia's most iconic baked-not-fried biscuit based snack is getting a make-over… for the worse.

original article from LH…

Arnott’s is changing the recipe of its Shapes biscuits — and the results are reportedly awful. According to the consensus on social media, the “new and improved” BBQ and Pizza versions have no visible flavouring and lack crunch; essentially robbing them of the brand’s best qualities. Thankfully, there’s still plenty of old stock on supermarket shelves — but it’s running out fast. If you’re an Arnott’s Shapes fanatic, you need to start stocking up and you need to do it now.

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Arnott's Australia
Arnott's Australia


  • +7

    Omg i need to fill the doomsday bunker stat

  • scrimshaw, when did you update your avatar? maybe just so used to see your old one.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Arno must be hurt!!! Ouch.

    • around Xmas time.

      Your browser cache data must be really old if you have just seen my avatar update.

      • most of the time on iPhone - avatar doesn't show. That explained.

        • Avatars don't show in mobile view - only in desktop view.

        • +1

          @KaptnKaos: nobody ever comments about my avatar.

        • @altomic: nor mine. :(

        • @Tas: hey, it's beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you any different.

        • +1

          @altomic: thanks sniff. You too!

        • @altomic: Mine's a beggar in true OzB fashion!

  • +1

    Can we provide feedback straight to Arnotts? Well send out hate lol

    • +1

      Thanks Lyl

      Might stock up on it, but I'm hoping they revert back to old recipe.

      • +4

        maybe this is a a marketing ploy, like coke.

        release a new recipe.
        everyone goes batshit crazy as it's new.
        people buy it.
        people try it
        people hate it
        uproar from people to revert to the old recipe
        manufacturer eventually reverts to the old recipe.
        people go batshit crazy buying it because its the old recipe and they love it. and what they are familiar with. and they "won" to get the old recipe back.

        reinforces product loyalty and brand preference. positive reinforcement. also marketing success in raising consumer awareness and product awareness (though it is coke and very very very few people don't know it but it might have converted some pepsi fans). gets free media attention as bloggers and wacko's at community consumer sites whine on about companies destroying what is already an awesome product.

        • AKA new coke / classic coke.. Oh, and BTW sneak a recipe change in the classic variety

        • -2

          Sorry to break your fantasy where you know what's going on but Coca-Cola did not try and release a drink everyone hates.

        • @Diji1: how about "new" VB?

        • It wouldn't surprise me as marketing departments these days are pathetic and will do anything as negative press is treated as positive. The bonus from this experiment if the public liked the new taste they would have saved money as the new recipe would be cheaper.

        • Reminds me of the Vegemite saga

        • +1

          @stevensx: exactly. reverse engineered marketing.

        • +1

          @stevensx: 2.0? tragic. but it reinforced vegemites position as a condiment.

        • @airzone:
          I never even tried that new green Coke life……
          I'll forever miss out it seems

  • +1

    Pretty soon there will be nothing tried and true left….even my beloved Tasty Toobs are gone.

  • I never liked Shapes

    • +3

      I like Shapes but need to watch my shapes.

  • +3

    manufacturers - stop meddling with what is already perfect.

    kettle chilli chips are now only okayish.

    and where the hell are herb&spice kettle chips????!!!!

    but arnotts are now screwing with BBQ shapes!!!!


    next 4&20 won''t be using kangaroo offal in their pies.

    it's unaustralian!!!

    • +1

      That might be an upgrade on what they are currently using.

    • Did you post your observations to the unaustralian post??

  • +6

    man i am still gutted about kettle herb & spice

  • +1

    I bought one of each of the shapes except for disgusting chicken crimpy and savoury when they were half price a few weeks back. First time in over a decade. They are a joke. Teeny tiny packets, teeny tiny flavour. The cheddar was so mild as to be near non-existent, the pizza were OK but lacking strong flavour, the BBQ seemed to have changed with the red bits/flavour - tomato?, the cheese and bacon were vomit tasting with that plastic bacon taste, and the nacho cheese had as much nacho flavour as my joint.

    Who buys this? I'm surprised Arnotts isn't bankrupt. The flavour was mostly at the end of the teeny tiny box and lacking anyway. Meh. Stick with KFC. Australia truly sucks when it comes to snacks, Kettle in America has 16 flavours ranging from Pepperoncini to Maple Bacon to Cheddar Beer and what do we have? Vinegar, Chicken, (pansy) chilli and unsalted. WOW. They have released 2 new flavours but they'll be dead before Christmas. No imagination and no point.

    • +1

      exactly. they need Ajinomoto's greatest invention - additive flavour enhancer (621)- monosodium glutamate -MSG

      • Some shapes have MSG already. Cheese and Bacon.

  • +2

    What's that you're eating?

    I don't know.. Some kind of delicious biscuit

    Errr it's a beer coaster.


  • This is obviously Arnott's attempt at "New Coke" - by the way - make sure you stock up!

  • The last time i had them i thought they tasted different and not nice at all.

  • I got a couple of the original multipacks but already starting to run low. My local Coles only has the new version now. The new pizza was a major disappointment, bbq a mild disappointment…

  • The ebay scalping has begun……

    Shapes selling for $9.95 a box!

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