My daughter just kicked my laptop in her sleep, sent it flying and now the screen is cracked.
Unfortunately it is a touchcscreen and all the cheap laptop replacement places I can find online say they don't repair touchcscreens.
Going to ring the toshiba service centre tomorrow and see how much they will charge to replace, but I was wondering if there were any cheaper ways of going about getting it fixed?
It is a toshiba satellite p50t-B. Part number PSPNVA-01ROON
Laptop Touchscreen Repair

Thanks endotherm, I may do that, will probably up or premium by the same amount next year though so hopefully won't be that expensive :-\
From experience, unless you are making multiple claims every year it doesn't affect the premium noticeably, if at all. Of course it depends on your insurer and your policy.
I never understand this attitude to making insurance claims ;)
Insurance is to cover yourself from having to make large out of pocket payments in the case of rare events.
If you treat it like it's some sort of savings mechanism by not making a claim when the situation you purchased it for arises then you might be better off lighting cigars with the money your paying for it.
Each to their own of course.
It's generally $550+ a claim so unless its under that…
Is the LCD screen broken too, or just the touchscreen glass overlay?
You could always try repairing it yourself if out of warranty:…
Heero - it looks like just the glass, there is no defects or dead pixels on the display. The touch input isn't working though. How do I know?
Thanks very much for the link too, I had looked unsuccessfully.
I got a quote back from the toshiba service centre in brisbane, starting price $750! They say they would need to replace the whole top of the laptop because they don't have a dust free work place.
One computer guy emailed back to say he was unable to source the part, and other said $300 for a generic non-touch screen replacement. No one else has replied to my enquiries.
I'm actually surprised cracked laptop screens aren't more common and so easier to replace. Maybe it's just that it's a touch screen.Thanks for your input about home insurance endotherm too, I guess it's stupid to have insurance you are unwilling to use hey. I will probably end up needing to do the repair through the service centre using insurance, but it seems ridiculous because that is the value of the laptop just for the screen.
Cracked screens are common and they generally are cheaper to replace.
You can find common screens for more common laptops for under $100. I paid $150 to have a screen replaced. If you choose to drive a Ferrari, you end up paying Ferrari prices. Unfortunately touchscreen laptops are not common.
It's not even that good a laptop lol - slow.. heavy.. nice screen though (or it was)
In hindsight, don't buy a touchsreen laptop.. or don't use laptop in bed beside kung fu child..
Keep in mind if it is really pricey, most household insurance policies cover glass breakage. You should be able to claim for it there.