Is This Consider a Scam? How Do I Solve This???

Around December 2015 i wanted to rent this girl's room for 200$/week, then everything went fine and well, she asked me for 1200 of 2 week bonds plus 4 week rent (which is weird cuz normally they just ask for the bonds and only ask for rent until you move in) but i did not have 1200 right away at that moment so we nego a little bit and went for 600. But afterward she is so eager asking me for the rest 600 until a point i have to tell her that it's done, until i move in i pay the rest.

After around a week, she told me that she just found out she has a baby and they decided to keep it, therefore she won't take me or anyone in, she said she want to prepare for the baby. I'm just an easy going guy, i said, yea fine, it's fine. I'll just look for another room and she did told me that she would return the deposit money soon.

But, she didn't. Every time i called her ask about it, she rarely picked up, she told me she works as a nurse but i nearly call her everyday, who got a baby and work 24/7? Even if she didn't not free at that time, but seeing the missed calls, she should have call back. But no, she did not call me actively, only i called her. She rarely reply the text either. The only thing she reply is like "i call u back", "i check my work then i call you back" blah blah blah, but i did wait for 2-3 days, noone call back. Every time i got so pissed off i called her like 10 times in a row, she just like "ok call me at xx time today", i did, but sometime she picked up some she didn't.

Until now is been 4 months, she told me now she will have the money by this weekend, i asked "when at weekend?" and she just like (as always) "i'll tell you until i got it"

Will the police help me? Or are you guys have anything can help me? I know 600$ is not a lot to u guys but for me as a international student then, it's something.


  • +1

    do you have a receipt of the transaction ?

    • I have all the sms back until she told me she got a baby, told me to transfer to her account (got both her acc details) and stuffs, i got the bank receipt from before but it got really faded that u can't really see anything in it

      • +4

        Hmm. Maybe you can tell her a deadline that she should have the money for you if not you'll hand over the matter to police as this is no longer a civil matter since she took the money and now reluctant to return it.

        I am however not sure if police will be able to help you as this might be considered a civil issue.

        • Well i did report her for a scam on Text her the reference number. Then she told me she'll got it over the weekend like what i said

        • @Cheap Charlie:
          wow that's sound weird xD xD what kind of offer?

        • @lehatu: he's probably a Nigerian prince ;)

        • @lehatu: He has a couple of colleagues in the collections department, Spike and Lefty.

  • +7

    I'm not condoning you to go intimidate her, but no doubt you would have her address?

    Would a visit in person be possible. It is harder to fob you off when you're face to face.

    • Yea that's be nice but even so she can tell she doesn't have it right there again and again. But yea i do have the address.

  • +6

    Police won't care as it's mainly a civil matter and not enough money for them to investigate properly.

    Obviously you are entitled to your $600 back, the question is what effort you are going to go to in order to recover your money.

    I would start by writing a letter outlining exactly what happened - including referring to any correspondence between you - and request that she repay you the money. Include the texts and the number from which she sent them. Send the letter by registered post so she can't claim she didn't receive it. Request a written response within 2 weeks or you will take further action.

    She has probably just worked out that she can keep putting you off and keep your $600. A formal letter might kick her into action.

    Failing that you may have to go to small claims court. It will take a fair bit of time and hassle but if the money is important to you then it should be worthwhile.

    • Well it's not that she cut me off the phone or anything. She just kept false promising again n again. She does pick up the phone sometime but then she just be like "I'll tell u when i have the money next week or so" then after next week nothing happened.

      Where ks the small claims court is may i ask?

  • +2


    • +1

      And what do they charge for a service like that. Less than $600?

      • +1

        Defendant will be responsible for "representation" fees. :p

  • -2

    You gave $600 in cash to some random tart. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You've been had. More likely she is at Centrelink 24/7.

    • -3

      Thats why you never think with your d***

    • +3

      how else do you suggest boarder paying their deposit to secure a room ?

      • +1

        Pay when you only move in.

        Or partial payment of $100, with the rest once moved in.

        • That sounds reasonable.

          In my experience of letting however, you don't hand over half of our requested bond at inspection, you're not getting that room. There are many more people who willing to commit.

        • @tomleonhart:

          Well i really have no idea how things really work in Syd.
          I have moved like 4-5 times in the past 1 year and it's always been like that. Deposit either half or full bond. And wait until u move in for the rent money. And things go really sweet still this one.

      • Something like paypal would probably be your best option. Have them send a payment request for 'bond' and you pay it.

        • +1

          hehe I feel stupid now for not ripping of those students when they hand me their deposit to board for the last 8 years.

  • +6

    I'm willing to bet she can't afford to return the deposit. I mean she's young and pregnant probably needs that extra $600. Either she is working around the clock because going through her mind is "f*** I'm pregnant and I can't afford the baby" or she is bullshitting you.

    You need to be firm with her… Write a letter of demand.

    Something like

    RE: Deposit refund

    "Dear <her name>

    I am writing to formally ask you to please return the $600 deposit as we have discussed multiple times on the phone. Since it has been several months I would appreciate you contacting me on 04.—- or emailing me at [email protected] as soon as possible to arrange payment. If I don't hear from you within 2 weeks (<date in 2 weeks from letter sent date>) I will be taking this matter further to the small claims court and/or to the police.

    If you cannot afford to pay in full then I am happy to work out a payment plan with you.

    Kind Regards
    <your name>"

    Part of the reason I say 2 weeks is because Aus Post takes 2 days to get a letter across a city. Then give her a few days to act , organise the money and transfer it to you.

    With your bank receipt go to uni, go to a photocopier and darken the receipt OR go to your bank and ask for another copy

    • I am still so confusing about this woman actually. If she want to just take off the money, then why bother keeping contact with me? She can't keep denying this for life. And if she can pay back. Why doesnt she just do so?
      But yea. I'll just try to post her something like that.

      Thank bud,

      • +9

        She's hoping you will eventually give up. Don't.

      • +1

        Go park your car in her driveway. Make sure you are blocking her car

        Tell her since the room isn't available, you will be happy to rent the driveway for $10 a week

    • Props for your effort!

  • Do let us know what the eventual outcome is :)

  • Isn't bond for rent meant to be lodged with the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority? Maybe ask them if they recieved it. Could be another breach of the law which they might persue on your behalf.

    • if it's a formal lease agreement yes, but this sounds more like the dude is just renting a room of her house

  • -2

    How hard would it be to break in when she's out? Take her stuff and sell it for the $600. If you get caught claim you don't speak English and thought you lived there.

  • +2

    do a chargeback thru the bank man, it'll set you back $50 but better to lose $50 then $600. then be done with it, she can't counter-claim something she did not provide.

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