10.1" Windows 2-in-1 Tablet ~ $300

I'm looking at picking up a 10.1" Windows 2-in-1 for overseas travel. I basically want something light that I can type on on the plane. and detach the keyboard to carry around. I don't really need the best speakers or camera. main thing is probably the screen.

The two I've been looking at are the HP Pavilion X2 (I think I prefer the old model with the thinner/lighter keyboard) and the Asus T100.

I just saw a PendoPad in Officeworks. I've heard bad reviews, but the screen actually seemed pretty good. and it felt light/solid.

I'm looking to spend ~$300. Any suggestions?


  • What do you think of this?


    4GB ram, better screen, usb3.0, just that no warranty I guess.

    • thanks! yeah, I've been looking at that one too. so hard to pick between all the chinese brands/ and I'm not sure about the keyboard/cover, looks like it could be a bit bulky/cheap? I don't know. hard to tell without seeing one in person.

      • +1

        gearbest is crap too

        I have an interest in the Hi10/12, Pipo W1 etc. but not really wanting to gamble $300 on it.

        If the currency was better and the tablets were under $200 then I'd be more cavalier about it.

        • I bought my Xiaomi Redmi 2 from Gearbest. didn't have any problems. think it arrived within a week.

          No. wait. that was everbuying.

  • +1

    Asus T100 gets my vote, I've been using one for university since last year. If you can get the latest model (T100 Chi, I've seen them at places like JB-Hi Fi) or even the T100HA (Ensure that it has the Z3775, an improvement over the original.) then you'd be on to a winner.

    I've managed to turn it into a portable machine for doing just about anything. (Word, Photoshop, Games, ect.) The only let down in my book has been the 2GB of RAM, but with some optimisation (background apps, startup apps, ect.) it'll be less noticeable.

    • How much is the Chi or T100HA?

      • Depends on where you shop. I've had a brief look around but it seems the sales that brought it within your budget have ended. I came across this however, (http://www.centrecom.com.au/asus-e200ha-fd0006ts-116-hd-lapt…) which seems like an upgraded T100 in the 11.6" screen size.

        Edit: I just realised that isn't detachable and may not suit your needs. My advice would be to google around for the T100. The Chi is relatively newer which sets it outside your budget.

  • +1

    Think i bought my t100ha for $389 from harvey norman during a recent sale.

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