where can i practise sql - without sql server / oracle loaded on my computer?
where can i practise sql - without sql server / oracle loaded on my computer?
Tons of options as kipps highlighted. What's the goal here though? Just practice basic queries or try full fledged transactional blocks or particle procedural sql? Will be good to know details in order to recommend more specific option.
I have bought some Joe Celko books -
1.sql programming style
2.sql for smarties
i want to practise the queries in these.
i think access would be no good?
and also i have a MAC
Install Apache web server which comes with MySQL (similar commands I think?) - Should be available for MAC too.
Get either MySQL with MySQL Workbench or PostgreSQL with pgAdmin
i downloaded mysql-test-5.7.11-osx10.10-x86_64
now how do i start the sql query window ?
i dont see mysql in applications as well..
sorry for the newbie question
If you're really new to databases and SQL it might be a leap too far to try jumping in to setting up a MySQL server.
The thing you downloaded is the DB server, you'd need to install it, configure it, start the service, and then you'd need a client (or to access the server via Terminal).
Much easier to start with something super simple and self contained like SQLite. See my post below.
Have you installed MySQL on your Mac already? If so, you should have it in your "System Preferences". Go in there and turn it on if it's not already on.
Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/ufwxG
Also download MySQL Workbench. This will be your SQL editor to interact with the database.
If you're on a mac you should have SQLite3 installed by default.
Open Terminal and type:
cd /usr/bin/
Much easier than installing a fully blown rdbms if you just want to learn /practise SQL.
Edit: if you're unfamiliar with running stuff via Terminal download this program: http://sqlitebrowser.org
It'll let you jump straight in to point and click creation of databases, and running SQL queries from a nice windowed interface. And it should work without configuration.
Why don't you want to install it?
Get SQL Express Edition or spring the $50odd for the Developer Edition
Developer edition is now free.
how do i install mysql there are no setup files in there.
i just unzipped the folder
I ran "mysql_install_db" under scripts and it gave the below err -
FATAL ERROR: Could not find ./bin/my_print_defaults
You'll need the .dmg file if you want an installer.
Just follow these instructions:
thanks i installed the dmg file but i dont see mysql in system preferences.
2ndly do i need to download my sql launch daemon ?
i prefer not to use a terminal / command prompt to enter queries.
i am at this step-
MySQL server is now installed, but it is not loaded (or started) by default. Use either launchctl from the command line, or start MySQL by clicking "Start" using the MySQL preference pane. For additional information, see Section 2.4.3, “Installing a MySQL Launch Daemon”, and Section 2.4.4, “Installing and Using the MySQL Preference Pane”. Use launchd to configure MySQL to automatically start at bootup.
Did you ensure that the "Preference Pane" was ticked during installation?
If you didn't, follow these steps to install it:
Also, you don't need the launch daemon.
Sign up to Amazon web services, and just use an ec2 instance. It's free, and has MySQL.
holy shit - just go on code academy
Since you're on a Mac, try Postgress.app. Once that's installed and running grab a GUI client and have a go, PGAdmin is a bit weird but it is free.
You could also try sqlite, which doesn't require a server just a client such as DB Browser.
Oh i tried SQL lite but didnt like the fact that i had to type my query in terminal windows.
but ill give DB Browser a try.
if i can set it up to work on SQL Lite then golden.
I finally have mysql in the preference pane.
but when i try to start it i get the below error
file I/O error
The boot configuration could not be determined.
Heaps of options - Microsoft Access, mySQL for Windows, ….