This was posted 8 years 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

BIG W: Kirby Wii U $26, Amiibo Triple Pack $19, Chibi Robo 3Ds $42 Plus Others

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Hey Guys,
Some notable prices changes from BigW have come up during a scan (using this site):

Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush
Nintendo Wii U
Nintendo amiibo Triple Pack (Animal Crossing) $19
Cooking Mama Bon Appetit $26
Gardening Mama Forest Friends $26
Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal $26
Chibi Robo Zip Lash $42

Hope this helps someone.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Kirby is crazy cheap for that price! thanks OP

    • +1

      No problems. My partner loves it, CO-OP isn't as good as something like Yoshi's Wooly World, but it's still a great game.

      • +1

        Yoshi's wooly is good fun :) found it a bit meh after i completed it though personally.

  • +3
    • +1

      Nice find!

    • Wow, shit. Might actually bite for that. Don't think it's getting any cheaper any time soon. Morbid curiosity, plus I was waiting for that game for so long. I don't even really care how bad it is for that price.

    • Its a very fun game. Its alot of fun if you like cover shooters with some twists, remember to use the thumbstick button for cover, parkour, lol. Multiplayer is alot of fun but be warned its region locked so the you generally have to play when UK / Europe is playing, basically later in the day / early mornings, depending unless its a weekend.

  • Also, Mario and Luigi Paper Jam Bros for $35…

    Sweet, picked up Devils Third, Cooking Mama Bon Appetit and Paper Jam, thanks OP!

  • +1

    Same prices available on Big W eBay store as well if preferred.

    • Dammit. Don't think they have it at that price anymore :(

  • That Kirby game is great, can play without looking at the controller, or just with the controller. Fun stylus game.

  • $40 Min for click & collect? :/

    • -1

      Try the ebay store. Free C&C.

  • +1

    Picked up the amiibo and Kirby game. Cheers :)

  • +1

    Great price for the Amiibo pack. Chibi Robo has been $29 before.

  • +2

    Just so that you know, buying these games from the Big W site doesn't mean you're buying them from Big W.

    Rather you're dealing with a third party called "Movies and Games Plus", located in Queensland.

    I had to return a game and I thought I could just take it to my local Big W. Nope, had to send it up north. Had to pay postage too.

    So keep that in mind when dealing with Big W online.

  • Is puzzles and dragons any good? More interested in the RPG stuff than the puzzle side - also kirby cheeeeep!

  • +1

    my local big w just has to be not very local :(

    • Same here. Nearest store is a 24 minute drive. Hopefully they put one at Knox in the renovations.

  • Kirby sold out. Also sucks that $40 min c&c. I just wanted the game for $26.

  • +1

    That's a steal for that Kirby game. It looks like a fun little gem just like Yoshi's Woolly World. Snagged it from the eBay store.

  • +1
    • +1

      It's not a freaking orchid


    • Out of stock.

  • +1

    Are these prices online only?

    • +3

      Scanned in at $49 at my local. Said it was online store only 😪

  • Noooooo they don't have it online anymore and it scanned $56 at my local big w….

  • +1

    Kirby, no stock online and eBay link doesn't show the product anymore, in store scans at $59 in Doncaster Vic… Missed the chance on this one have I? Sad face…

    • One copy left at broady, scans at the same

  • -1

    Scans 59 @ Brisbane CBD. Young kid behind the counter claimed 'we don't price match OzB'. Don't have the strength today to grind out a deal with the manager.

    • +1

      Well they wouldn't price match the site directly, it's not a retailer. Best to follow the links on the deals and prove it to them.

      • I did that good sir. Young kid was not interested in anything but his bad hair. The other issue was that by the time I got to big w, the game was sold out and the price had been taken off the big w website so ozb was the one price reference I had.

  • Good deal on the 3 amiibo pack, sucks that you need to spend $40 for collection.

    • JB Hi-Fi Chermside price matched the amiibo 3 pack for $19, so I am happy! :)

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