first post on forum,has anybody ever received their free gift for filling in a survey etc.We filled in around 4 surveys that were posted on ozbargain,ranging from pizza bases,kitchen aprons,coffee samples etc and not one sample ever was received.
I think that most surveys are a source of onselling info and not worth the effort.
Like to know other peoples views on whether they have different opinions'cheers
Free Promotions-Has Anybody Ever Received Theirs

i received the apron
Yeah I got coffee samples tea samples bottle openers. Maybe you have a dodgy postie or a theiving neighbour.
To avoid spam I set up disposable email addresses for each entry. This is easy when you own your own domain name.
E.g. [email protected] if you owned example.com
It means you know which source gave your email address out to the spammers.
If you don't want the email from a source, remove the account.
Dead easy when you know how.It also mean you'll never need to change email address again. Like if you change ISPs.
Yeah I've been doing this for a good few years now. I really expected a lot more on-selling to be detected, but to date, the only email address that has gotten spammed (in addition to spam by the actual retailer I gave it to) is Fishpond.
I always get mine. Apron, coffee, moisturiser, sugar substitute, cleaning products, wax and lots more. I think Gish is right, get a lock for your letterbox and report it to your PO perhaps.
I've gotten quite a few freebies since I joined OzBargain.
Best was a sample pack of chai tea, the tea is fantastic.
i got a few freebies, some we dont get. (i.e. makita). I suspect they see a flood of orders, trace it to ozb, then cancel them all, then start it up again. Case in point, i applied for the mobile phone cover 3 months ago (when the post came out), tried again last week and it arrived 2 days ago
I recieved some free stuff like a 3kg bag of dog food, stationary but some just seem to never arrive. For safety, use a PO BOX, that way no one can steal it or send junk mail to your home. And also as wrote by others above, use a secondary email will no real infomation in it, so that if the organizer want to send junk or make calls, you wont be annoyed by them.
most things: teddy bear, baby cd, bib, contact lense cleaner, anti snore device, hand wash, mini pillow, 3m stuff
i think i may of got my makita phone thing today (got a slip in letterbox, couldnt deliver as i wasnt home, said it was from makita). got the apron, whiskas, sun cream, tea boxes (about 3 full size boxes) usb thingys (flash drives, card reader etc) canna pen, 3kg bag of eukanuba dog food, stickers, various contagious network deals (got a free uncharted 2 PS3 game) various free movies, a-club vouchers (successfully redeemed), fibre samples, cosmetics, crappy stubby holders, ricky ponting's balls!, anti snore device, iphone 3g screen protector, washing detergent, cleaning products,
Yep.. I have received most of mine. With freebies I always use a gmail address to ensure that my real email address is not spammed.