I bought the 1GB Telstra standard size sim from here a few weeks ago.
I've cut many standard size sims to micro/nano size before. I just use scissors and use past sims as a template. Nano-size sims have a tiny border of plastic but if I cut the 1GB Telstra one, I would have to cut through a bit of the gold contacts. It is possible to do so? The gold part of this Telstra one is the same height but a bit wider (the two long edges are a bit longer), so a tiny bit of the sides have to come off if I go through with this.
There might be two problems:
- Is any data stored on the outside edges of the gold part? Apparently, the actual chip where the important stuff is, is smaller than the gold size.
- Will it short out the phone (sim slot is a side spring-loaded one)?
Anyone can speak from experience? If it's too risky, then I'll give it up.
Yes too risky..go too Telstra and swap it for the correct size.