Found this deal on Reddit, bought and activated fine on my US PSN account.
Code says it gets emailed within 24 hours but I received mine instantly.
Found this deal on Reddit, bought and activated fine on my US PSN account.
Code says it gets emailed within 24 hours but I received mine instantly.
I'll happily accept it ;)
Sorry! I saw your comment as just lol not as you'll accept it D: sorry sorry sorry >_<"
That's fine, it was tongue in cheek ;)
Bugger. Hate when that happens.
I'll take it if you want to get rid of it. wink wink, nudge nudge
PM sent with code ^.^ enjoy!~
This guy, this guy right here… is a good bloke.
All time favourite game since PS2, use to play it everyday.
Is it cross buy with vita?
I don't think so, only the PS3 versions showed up on my account
Bought, and was delivered instantly…went to redeem, showed up as Sly Collection, then didn't work…realised I already owned it… >_<