Hi all,
In a bit of awkward situation here. I'm currently at lock up stage of my new build in Perth.
I chose this door called Stratton http://imgur.com/k1d6jUA from M&B sales (building with HGWA). I thought it looks alright during pre-start, but I now find the pattern too overwhelming and dated when both put together side by side.
Any idea what to do with current doors if I were to change my doors? It's not painted yet. I don't think I will go through builder for a new door, might just buy directly from the supplier. Any suggestion how to move forward? Thanks!
That is a bloody ugly door for a new build. Stsndard door options from a builder are usually cheap so just go buy the doors you want and put the old doors on gumtree or find out if the builders suppliers will swap provided it wasn't a special order.
Door sizes are relatively standard usually 820mm for an internal door so should fit other peoples homes if you find a buyer
Depending on the surface you could fill in the door with plaster, sand it back and get it painted. A plain door will still look better than stratton