Selling phone on Gumtree - receipt??

When selling a phone on Gumtree is it best to give a reciept stating that buyer has inspected it etc, the imei # etc so you have proof that they were happy with it prior to paying? It's an excellent phone.

I have had a bad experience before with someone lying (purchased phone on ebay, recieved it with note that 'the other one' would be arriving soon. Seller then said 2 were sent and were going to call the police. Thankfully I kept the packaging and note as seller had 3rd party who sent phone and lied to them! Though likely a scam with them both).

Sorry to ramble, just want to cover my butt incase they break it and try to claim it was already damaged etc.

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  • +10

    meet face to face

    get them to satisfy themselves it works

    take cash

    walk away

    • +13

      ^ and don't meet at your home

      • Why? Any suggestions for meeting places?

        • +1

          'Open' places such as your local Maccas. Can grab a soft serve while you're at it too.

  • Thanks :) no was planning on a local McDonalds :)

    • +1

      Nothing says "this transaction is legit" like swapping goods for cash in a Maccas carpark. :-)

      Kidding! Very sensible to do it somewhere neutral.

  • +1

    It is quite reasonable to give a receipt when you are selling. It should state your name, the item and the amount of money received. You can put "sold as is" or whatever, but I don't think that is strictly necessary.
    The buyer should insist on a receipt to be able to prove they did not steal the phone.

    • The buyer should insist on a receipt to be able to prove they did not steal the phone.

      Doesn't mean much if you can't contact the seller.

      • The buyer should ask for the IMEI and then do a search to see if it comes up as blocked or not. If the phone was stolen you would expect the person who lost it to have it blocked asap. If they don't then they are to blame too.

        • How does that relate to getting a receipt?

        • @tomsco: Well it gives the buyer some degree of assurance because other than that, the rule for Gumtree is Caveat Emptor. A hand written receipt from the seller is just a piece of paper with no legal recourse (how do you prove that they actually gave it to you? Even if you could, it would mean nothing unfortunately) so you need to look at other realistic options to protect yourself.

        • @halfnhalf71: Which is the message of my post. Receipt =/= prove they did not steal the phone.

        • @tomsco: I completely agree. My reply was to mskeggs, it just so happens that the thread of replies goes in chronological order so it looks like i replied to you.

        • @halfnhalf71: Just so happens you hit the wrong reply button.

  • +1

    There are no warranties when you sell on Gumtree. Even if the phone is broken, if the buyer gives you the cash then they have no recourse. It's buyer beware. The buyer must be certain that the product they are purchasing meets their requirements. Once they have given you cash (make sure its cash! No bank transfer, no cheque, no PayPal!) and you have given them the product, the transaction has concluded.

    You are under no obligation to do anything else.

    Meet in a public place (not at your home) so they can't pay you a visit if they are unhappy with the phone.

    • This. I have bought and sold few phones on gumtree and never bothered with giving/receiving receipt. Cash sell/buy and check everything before buying/selling. Thats it.

  • -1

    I <your name> has sold

    Item details including IMEI, serial etc to <seller name> for $xxx

    You could add something like "phone sold as is"

    Both the buyer and the seller sign and then you keep the original and scan and email a copy to the seller.

    Ideally if you have a tablet use a PDF app to do this in front of them.

  • +2

    damn you lot above make things complicated ive bought lots of electronics off gumtree without any problems. you let the buyer test it as much as they want to for mobiles phones i check the imei on my own mobile phone on the imei website i make a call to check mic and ear speaker and i check camera and all buttons working and the charging port. and then hand the cash over and that's it.

    no signed documents,no receipt (unless it's the original purchase receipt for warranty if any)

    It's really simple.

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