How Do I Start an Ecommerce Website?

Hello People,

I wanted to put an ecommerce website.
Is it cheaper and easier to setup on your own or get it built.
Any recommendations om where I can built my website easily and at cheaper prices.



  • +1

    might want to mention the general nature of your items: eg. small electronic parts $5-ish or Handbags @ $50 ish and how many items you are expecting to move per day/month.

  • +4

    You can use shopify and pay a monthly subscription.
    You could build it in wordpress and use woocommerce
    Or you can get someone to build it in Magento

    • This guy knows what he's talking about.

  • +2

    If you want absolutely the cheapest, you can just get shared hosting and install opencart or wordpress+woocommerce or Magento like mentioned above. If you go that route it takes a while to learn bits of everything but it's nice to know the stuff, and you can get away with spending less than $10 a month if your store is relatively small.

    If you want to learn absolutely nothing, then just hire someone to do it, you can probably end up getting a better looking website but that's not gonna be cheap (thousands).

  • Shopify or Wix are the easiest options. What are you trying to sell?

  • Thanks Guys.
    I am trying to sell wallpapers which will involve lot of pictures and some description.also a payment gateway system.
    What about hosting and all that stuff. Whats the monthly expenses for all that.
    I ll try the above options which you have suggested.

    • Just use etsy/ebay. I had an ecommerce website (bigcommerce) but received very little traffic.

  • How are your general computer skills?

    Whatever your choice you can probably find video tutorials on-line for the popular options listed above for beginners (Shopify, Wix, Woocommerce etc) if reading long pages isn't your thing. You might want to pay someone (IT student or Airtasker will suffice) to help you set up hosting if needed and guide you for a day on whatever platform you have (e.g. basic stuff like formatting a CSV for bulk product import).

  • +1

    wix is (profanity) disgusting. DO NOT USE WIX


    • Hi,

      What was bad about Wix as by going through the site I find it better value for money.

      • How have you come to this conclusion?

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