Opening day special at Caltex Woolworths Springvale :D get bargain on fuel
83.9C/Litre or 79.9C/Litre with petrol voucher.
Opening day special at Caltex Woolworths Springvale :D get bargain on fuel
83.9C/Litre or 79.9C/Litre with petrol voucher.
Long lines.. is it really worth it
Long? There was like a 15 car queue not even in the driveway entrance at 1pm
Pity it finishes at 8pm, which is not long from now :(
It's not finished… Still cars lining up for it
Damn that is cheap
guildford (one of the ones on guildford road heading towards the station) had it for 58.9 a few weeks back…
I kid you not anyone that comes from south west sydney probably will be able to confirm.
although it was probably mixed with water or something (not literally..)
I saw this during peak hour as I was passing. The queue was massive. I would estimate the line to be more than an hour maybe more than two. For a saving of maybe $10, some people really don't value their time.
83.9c, need fuel docket for extra 4c off