• expired

Buy 6 Continental Cup Soups, Get Free Personalised Mug


Continental is offering a free personalised mug if you buy 6 packs of instant soup.
I think they had something similar last year. Good deal if you go through a lot of soup over winter, I guess.

Woolworths only.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I can never get these soups to be smooth. They always end up grainy/fibery or settling at the bottom when I mix them.

    Anyone know what to do to get them smooth and even?

    • -1

      Use hot water instead of boiling hot water and use a cocktail shaker if you got one.

      • +5

        NEVER SHAKE HOT WATER, EVER! Especially not in something like a cocktail shaker! Well not unless you actually want to get scalded!

        You really didn't think that bit of advice through mate, seriously! :(

        If you want them smooth just follow the instructions, boiling water's fine, just pour it all in before you start stirring, that's the key! ;)

        • I meant warm-hot water not boiling hot. Prevents over-expansion of the contents when shaking and won't burn you. That's how I do it and it's fine.

          • @Livert: Sadly, soup at temps low enough to shake doesn't sound too appealing to me; but if you're good with it, who am I to argue! ;)

            Now, if they happen to bring out gazpacho flavour… :)

    • try filling your cup halfway and dissolving the powder soup in that first. less spillage cos you can be more vigorous in stirring. then fill with water and stir gently to mix.

  • +1

    I wonder if you can submit swear words for the cup. Or sexual terms.

    Could be funny.

    • +2

      LOL. I'm getting Monday-Sunday cups. Saves me the hassle of washing more than 1 cup/day. 42 packs of cup-a-soups OMG.

    • +2

      I got one last time they ran this offer: "CUP OF FAIL".
      It lives on my desk at work and I take it to meetings. :)

    • Can't write swear words. I tried, "Profanities are not allowed."
      Sexual terms would probably work.

  • I got one of these last time.
    You can have unlimited characters on the mug (if i recall, mine had 14 char)
    BUT. it did take about 2 months for it to come

    • "Maximum up to 22 characters and no punctuation except hyphens."

  • Last year you only had to buy 5, = 5$. This year 6$. Still awesome deal

  • What's the current sale price at Woolies?

  • +1

    99 cents per pack (two serves per pack), on special this week at Woolworths.

  • I dropped and broke my last cup, I think I have to get another one again!

  • What do you send in? I assume receipts and/or barcodes? At 99c a pack, it's a steal.

    • +1

      How to redeem offer

      1. Consumers must purchase any six (6) packs of Continental Cup-a-Soup from a
        participating Woolworths or Safeway store and register their claim at
        www.cupasoup.com.au, or www.freecup.com.au.

      2. Consumers will be required to enter their details including postal address, email,
        Woolworths or Safeway receipt number, and unique code found on each pack, to
        be eligible to claim their free personalised cup.

      3. Cups will be printed with the name specified by the consumer during the on-line
        redemption process.
      4. Consumers can claim as many cups as they want providing each claim is
        accompanied by proof of purchase (in the form of the Woolworths or Safeway
        store receipt) of six (6) Continental Cup-a-Soup products within the offer
      5. Offer period commences 04.04.10 and closes 16.05.10 or until stocks last (“Offer
        Period”). Claims will be processed until 5:00pm 26.05.10, however, purchase must
        be made within the Offer period.
  • last time you entered the unique code from the top of each box and what type of soup it was and also a code from your receipt, to confirm your purchase. Worked fairly well.

    • Same method this time.

    • +3

      Why would you -neg the offer just because you don't like it? It's a freebie for goodness sake. Shut up and put up with it.

    • +1

      Red is my favourite colour, and I wouldn't mind having my name on it.

      So there's a flaw in your stupid ass comment. I would want a red mug with a personally lame comment on it.

  • +2

    Good special if you drink it, but horrible tasting and horrible health-wise albeit convenient.

    • Pfft, it's awesome soup! But its horrible health-wise, I do agree..
      Especially with all the MSG =S

  • Days of the week in a language your learning if you're buying lots.

    These are perfect for teachers who are always getting their mug stolen. If you have your name it on it's unstealable XD.

    • +2

      OR…… they become a trophy for the student who steals you mug !

    • Unless the person who steals it has the same name but at least then you'll have a prime suspect! ;-)

  • har! are these back??

    I got 3 done last time the first cup was around 2 months but they had a huge backlog sometime after that and i received the other 2 about 6months later!!

  • I missed out last time…not again!! I want my cup!

  • Now to wait for a post on continental cup bargains

    • such as?

    • If you mean Continental soup bargains, they are already on special this week for 99c (see above)

      • Yea bought 6 from woolies today :D Now to think of a witty cup

  • Do these even taste good?

    • +3

      They're alright. We're really buying a $6 personalised mug and getting 6 packs of cup-a-soup for free.

      • That's how I'm treating it. They'll sit in my cupboard until I'm starving/lazy enough to have them for lunch…

  • I purchased 12 and one of them didn't have the code on the bottom. Now I have to go back to get one packet :/

    I have claimed my first cup though, great offer :)

  • +1

    I'm pretty peeved! I've decided to change my name to "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and it won't fit on the mug! ;)

    • Just use "Souper" for a nickname ;-)

  • Bummer. I buy my Cup-A-Soups from Coles .

  • Just put my order through. Seems straightforward, though entering in all the details takes a few mins, much easier if you buy them on one receipt, and buy the same type of soup.

    A reminder that you can only enter in soups bought from Woolies/Safeway, they ask you for the receipt number.

    No profanities, including stuff like 'bum'..!

    Anyone know how big the cups are, and if they have the Continental logo on the other side?

  • HELP! My phone no. doesnt seem to be correct?

  • HELP! My phone no. doesnt seem to be correct?

  • I got one last time with QA GUY and my company name. It took so long to arrive that my company changed its name in the meantime…
    Nevertheless, I like it and it was somewhat free.

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