Fair price to get a small house painted

Looking to get a small 3 bed trust home (1970 vintage) painted in SA. No ensuites,robes etc. just beds, lounge, kitchen, laundry, Bathroom, toilet, passage. All in good nick, just needs a freshen up. Been quoted $1800. Seems a bit rich since 2 of us originally painted the whole thing in a Day and half. Any tips? Ie Gumtree? Or will I get a mess with unskilled immigrants etc


  • Inside or out?

  • Ie Gumtree

    Oh god I wouldn't.

    Get a few more quotes. Let them know you've had another quote already but don't let them know how much it was. That'll usually guarantee they won't pad their quote.

    Make sure you google anyone before you pick them (especially if they're cheap).

    If you can't get a lower quote get some mates together, give them a case of beer each (after the job is done) and DIY.

  • +1

    2 of us originally painted the whole thing in a Day and half.

    How long ago? Professional job would last decades.

    DIY again?

  • +1

    Are we comparing Apple to Apple - professional Vs DIY, $1800 vs 1.5 days?

    • how many layers are you quoted on - minimum 2 ie undercoat + one layer? how many coats did you paint yourself - with undercoat?
    • insurance vs none
    • overhead vs zero
    • workmanship guarantee vs none
    • include or exclude paint?
      Consider one home can of paint roughly gets 2.5 standard walls to my guesstimation. Paint would cost easily 6 rooms (3 beds+lounge+ (kitchen)+(toilet+passage)) x 4/2.5x $100 (1can of undercoat+1 can of colour) = $ 960 cost on paint, cheaper if licensed or cheaper brand + paint brushes/gear costs.

    $840 to share among 2 for1.5 days. Seems reasonable. My motor mechanic may charge more.

    Seems reasonable price - but you may like to bargain more or get a second/third quote.
    Main question here is whether you have time and your 1.5 days sweat and tears worth roughly $1200.
    How critical is the workmanship? If answers are yes, yes, no. Then DIY.

    How did you get rid of the old paint - just scrap off? did you not use any heat? pre1970 - likely to contain lead.
    Not expert myself, but painted enough own properties.

    • The quote is for 1 undercoat and 1 top coat (1 colour). I painted it 10 years ago with 1 under + 2 top coats using Wattyl ID.

      I always buy at trade clear out prices, working on approx. $7/ litre.

      I am very much a DIY person, and like a job done right. But I think it's time to let go and invest in life. Just wanted some advice from others that have employed a painter. I will definitely be telling them there will be no cleaning of paint equipment on site (usually the cistern gets a nice paint at the end).

      Cheers all

  • Use hipages to get a few quotes within 24-48 hours.


    Refer to your local Messenger paper - many listed ads for painting - call a few for indicative quotes.

    Price will vary depending on quality of paint/job - you will need to ask details and choose what suits your needs.

    • Good advice.. cheers

  • That price sounds good to me.

  • Honestly, do it again yourself…since you've already painted it once, I would assume that there's no extensive prep work to be done this time around. $1800 for a pro is actually pretty fair, but if you can save yourself that much all the better.

    A quick wipe with some sugar soap & have at it! As someone else said, enlist some friends/family…feed 'em up on discount pizza/KFC & beers, easy-peasy!!! ;)

  • $1800 incl paint is a good deal i reckon

    Without paint , not so much - make sure of this before you commit to avoid arguments - its likely the painter will be a surly bloke from the UK with 1 or 2 backpackers to help him.

  • How many layer? one color or different color to the door flame ?

    $1800 is a very reasonable price but the quality need to be confirm.

  • In the past my mates and I have done paint parties. The owner buys the paint and supplies the booze and music. between 10-15 of us it was done in an afternoon easy. We are not stupid and make sure we do a good job. Good time was had by all

    • Im thinking a hybrid. Get mates in for a day, what doesn't get done gets left to the professionals

      • I would 100% recommend against this. As a Professional, I don't want some hacks having a go and then have to come in afterwards and try and fix up their mistakes to meet my quality level of work. I do programming and nothing worse than some hack going it making a heap of code changes and then I have to go in and clean up their mistakes. The only exception would be if you can get a discount if you sand the walls before he gets their and maybe an undercoat, but id be sure to get prices if you did or didnt do this.

        Personally either let them do it all their own way, or do it all yourself and be happy with the results.

        • If my mate invites me to paint, I couldn't resist but to paint my initial or write something on the wall with undercoat before putting top coat.

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