Jumper Cables

Hi All

Seeing the current deal for a battery jumpstart pack got me thinking about jumper cables. A battery pack is probably OTT since the car (a 2011 1.4T Golf) isn't likely to go anywhere there won't be another car to start from. But having a set of cables would be handy.

I saw these at KMart which are 400A, would they be suitable? Alternatively JayCar have some for $35.



    • Thanks, I'll probably spring for the Jaycar set.

  • Don't think that there is the difference that you can find using them. I bought http://www.bunnings.com.au/projecta-200amp-surge-protected-j… this when it was on special the other day, it's spark free and polarity protected against incorrect connection, comes in handy box as well.
    Tried it once and worked fine (started a 5 cyl car from a 4 cyl car).
    and yes, you don't need 400A for your car (it is mostly for V6 & V8)…

    • Thanks for the input. I'll probably get 400A ones so I can jump other people's cars if need be.

      • bigger is better for sure, mate ;)

        • +1

          that's what she said.

        • @altomic: she says you'd be better know how to use it! :)

  • Jumper cables are an item where it pays to get a decet set. I had a set of cheapies start melting once. The most expensive bit of the cables is the actual cable, and no amount of thick insulation will make up for lack of copper in the cable. You need copper to get a decent current flowing to start the car.

  • @ametric, the 200a will be ok if you leave you're lights on in a carpark for a couple of hours, but when the battery is dead and you need a 'start from flat' you should get the highest amperage practicable. Check the CCA rating on the battery and get something close to that rating, I.e: if it says 500cca, get 600a. 400a may not work in a pinch.
    And jump start packs are only rated for a certain number of starts before they need a new battery, not worth it.

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