This was posted 14 years 10 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[EXPIRED] Domino's Pizza 2 for 1 Pickup


At my local store, I'm able to get two pizzas for $7.95 (Fairfield Heights, NSW). Not sure about other stores though. Comment on what your prices are.

Mod: This coupon code is exclusive to and we cannot post it on OzBargain. Sorry have to remove it.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Works for fairfield heights, not for edensor park.
    With 4 pizzas, 1 is free so its only for 2 pizzas i guess

  • +1

    holy shit
    7.95 for 2 pizzas @ fairfield heights
    how luck am i lol

    that is insanely cheap!!!

  • +1

    just tested it.. it works!!!

    they now have surcharge on ingredient changes :( :(
    no more vegorama with prawn prawn

  • That's great. Works for Dominos in Elizabeth Street,Surry Hills. Actually this is for "Buy 1 get 1 free" but you have to choice two same pizza to get this deal.

    • It works on Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, Sydney but the prices are different
      Classic Values pizzas = $8.95
      Traditional pizzas = $10.95
      Big Tastes = $10.95 + $2.95 surcharge

  • +1

    Works @ the Burwood Store in Victoria!! Thanks!!

  • Works for Liverpool and doesn't need to be 2x the same pizzas.

  • Works for Rockingham, WA!! I know what i'm having for dinner. Thanks!

  • +1

    Works for Carlingford (NSW) 6.95 for 2 Thanks

    • Win.

    • Sweet! Go Carlingford!

  • Kick ass.

  • $9.95 for Mascot Dominoes :@

  • +2

    I confirm works for Mount Waverley VIC. Two pizzas for $6.95, awesome deal. Great find.

    • just ordered two.Thanks

  • Yeah!! It works in Belconnen ACT

  • +1

    Works for Gungahlin ACT store, though its $8.95. However, no surcharge on 2 ingredients swaps, so vegorama + prawn prawn etc is good.

    Also, for those who only need 1 pizza, all ACT and surrounding areas (Queanbeyan) are currently having a 'mega weekend' promo. Code 91320 gives $4.95 for all classic and traditional pizzas, pickup between 11am to 5pm this weekend only (again, no surcharge for 2 ingredient swaps on the traditional range only). Not valid on Good Choice range and all other usual surcharges apply.

    • Tried with Mawson… I think it works more like a buy one get one free.

      I put the garlic prawn pizza on the order and the charge is $8.95 + $2.95 and Godfather is free (should be $8.95).

      Without the garlic prawn, but a Godfather and Hawaiian, the charge is $7.95.

  • do you know when is the expire date of this offer?

  • Works in Willetton 2 for $7.95

    But what has happened to the THE 70S LOT pizza its not there anymore :(

    • I think it's simply called "The Lot" now, and it's under the Big Taste pizzas.

  • +9

    Works for Northbridge, WA.

    I'm trying to lose weight you bastards.

  • Works for nerang

  • +1

    Ohhh what, I was just at Canley Vale at my friend's place yesterday and we bought it with a more expensive offer =(

    • That's what I was thinking when I saw this haha

  • Great deal but doesn't work for Inglewood WA

  • works at Zillmere Dominos.

    The question is, do I buy two pizzas and put on in the fridge…

    • Yes, one for work lunch tomorrow :)

    • Yes, take the missus, order 4 in two separate orders and freeze the extra. =) 2 x Classic Range = $5.95 = cheaper than home-brand frozen pizza.

  • Works at West Ryde! Thanks alot OP! Terrific deal

  • Awesome worked Thornlie WA.

  • Thanks for that. It worked in Willetton, WA

  • Works in Ballarat, VIC

    • 2 x Classic Range = $5.95
    • 2 x Traditional = $6.95
    • 2 x Designer = $6.95
    • 2 x Big Taste = $9.90

    Classic Range incur $2.95 surcharge for swap and drop.

  • So cheap.
    My original price would have been around $20.
    With this code, it was half price. :)

  • Thanks for dinner :)

  • Works @ Yeronga, Brisbane

  • Not valid Flemington - not that I thought it would

    • Wow. You're the first person here who failed to use it. I was convinced it was going to be a nationwide thing.

      • Doesn't work at Nedlands, WA as well. Nedlands rarely works.

        • Certain stores who feel that they have enough traffic or don't want to sell pizzas that cheaply can opt out of the coupons, is my understanding. A lot of the WA stores do that.

          • @Wampus: And fair enough for the Nedlands store. They're the only fast food pizza place for several suburbs, so they really don't need what essential amounts to the loss leading advertising that this is.

  • Worked in Croydon, Vic.
    Thanks :D

  • Works @ Tranmere, Adelaide

  • It works at West Ryde 2114 as someone above pointed out, but I want to make note that this coupon is only valid for traditional pizzas.
    So $8.95 for 2 traditional pizzas, $4.50 per pizza.

    • I got mine today at West Ryde for 7.95 and I played around to check that it was valid for all pizzas, which it was. I guess they removed it, good thing I ordered at noon for a night time pickup :)

      • :O You did it online? I… did it in person… Maybe that was why.
        I guess I will try it online as well.

        • Yeah, online mate. I don't like going in person because the manager always tries and weasels his way out of their obligations.

  • +5

    Wow, two pepperoni pizzas for $5.95. Successfully ordered from Westridge QLD store

    • +1

      We have a new winner.

  • thanks
    got my parents to order some pizza tonight :)

  • Works - Gungahlin ACT

    The guy told me this code will be valid throughout the year :)

  • Works @ myaree WA !

  • Shit… Awesome! 2 Classic range pizzas for $5.95!!! BARGAIN!

  • Not work @Dandenong VIC

  • Not working @ Seaford VIC. Is still within valid date period because I changed the store to "Burwood VIC" as someone above said it worked, and it still does there.

  • works fine in South Australia 6.95$ for 2 pizzas is a bargain….

  • Works @ Penshurst NSW $7.95

  • works in marrickville and ramsgate in sydney, NSW.

    M'ville: $9.95 for 2xClassic
    $10.95 for 2xTraditional
    $13.90 for 2xBig taste

    Ramsgate: Same as m'ville but $1 cheaper for all.

  • $7.95 x 2 Traditional pizzas. Best price yet. Wonder when this deal expires?

  • Works in Lakemba, NSW. Thanks OP :)

  • any tips on topping swaps?

    6.95 at reynella!

    • order supreme, remove anything u dont want, replace a max of 2 items
      chicken and prawn is good. garlic and oregano is free.

  • +1

    At Merrylands NSW I tried the following
    2 x Classic Value (Hawaiian & Simply Cheese) = $7.95
    2 x Traditional (Meatosaurus & Supreme) = $7.95
    2 x Big Taste (Chilli Prawn & Chicken Italiano) = $10.90 so it looks like you only pay for 1 x Surcharge of $2.95 for the prawn/chicken/bacon whatever combo you choose

    Only seems to work for 2 pizzas in 1 order because if you add 2 more pizzas it charges you for each of them

    Great find OP!

    • was only $5.95 for classic pizzas at bexley. but u cant change any ingredients, only remove.
      traditional was $7.95
      no point buying big taste when u can customise traditional into big taste.

      and yeh, u have to do 2 batches of 2 if you want 4 pizzas

    • I ordered supreme & godfather and it only came to $6.95 :\ (Mount Waverley)

  • do we need to order online first then pick up ?? or can do instore?

    • Online only…

  • I did test yesterday. work for Epping, NSW. thank you

  • +2

    The vouchers is no good in Hobart. But neither is the pizza at that store anyway! :)

  • my brother used it at revesby it worked

  • Worked at the Robina store. It was $9.95 for 2 traditional pizzas.

  • WOAH! it works maribyrnong store … $7.95 2 pizzas interchanged toppings free! YAY
    4 pizzas my way

  • Cannot be used for their Good Choice range. :(

  • Tried it at Hurlstone Park (NSW) Dominoes, they called and were stringent about needing a "PRINTED COUPON" for them to actually pass the deal. Instead after persistance I managed to haggle them to make them give it to me or else i would complain for another $9.95 "Buy one get one free" coupon deal. Nevertheless, Overall dissatisfied with Dominoes and next time I'm going with Pizza Hut. Thanks for the deal though. Cheers.
    EDIT: And the staff also called the Management and started chucking a hissy fit saying that the coupon isn't valid or whatever. And that they would put my name under some list thingy… Just overall dissatisfied by Dominoes…

  • Werribee, VIC store demands printed coupon claiming the code is from an entertainment book.

    • do it online and paid using your credit card.

    • Strathfield NSW, same here, the guy at the counter request "actual coupon" even though the computer system they use says 2 for 1 pizza and worked, I think they just try to weasel out the deal.

  • I can't see any voucher buy 1 get 1 free on their website?

  • +1

    Just try order it online better. I test use the code for the above Hurlstone Park (NSW) Dominoes. 2 classic pizza only 5.95 . Just order it online line and pickup no need to talk to them.

    • This is what I did, order and paid for online. Westridge QLD is a very busy store so they barely had time to check that it was paid for, let alone what I paid for it.

    • I did order it online… They called me before I picked it up and he demanded a printed coupon… =.=

    • I just ordered from Hurlstone Park (NSW), 2 classic pizza only 5.95 (made 2 separate orders of this so total of 4 pizza's for $11.9). No problem, taste great :) didnt ask for anything.

      Guessing they probably couldn't be bothered asking to show coupons anymore :P but they were busy (Tuesday night)


  • Thanks heaps. y'all must try dominos meatballs. Damn nice :)

  • can someone please tell me how to enter the code…

    i think i am an idiot.

    i have gone through, all the way to where it says 'place order' and there was no option to input the code…

    • It shows up in the top right corner on the first page / first step of the order screen. At least it does for me.

      • yep cheers found it!

  • Was wondering if this would work with the $5.90 cheaper tuesday promotion, but i think it's over?
    last tuesday the coupons were automatically in the online order panel, this week they arent..

  • Just ordered online at Northbridge WA. Still works as of 13/04/10 11:15AM

    I still see the 5.90 coupon for Tuesday automatically added but removed when you add this coupon on it.

  • Confirmed in Bulleen. $6.95 for 2 pizzas.

  • not working @ Carlingford boo!

  • seems like you can only order 2 pizza's in total. I just tried ordering 4. First 2 are charged as per coupon, other 2 at full price. Still good though

  • +1

    Worked for me at Mitcham VIC even for Classic range i.e. 2 Pizzas for $5.95

  • +2

    Tried a couple of stores
    Worked in Essendon & Broadmeadows in VIC
    Didn't in work in Preston & Flemington VIC

    Great find. Thanks.

  • Worked 4 ME @ MT PRITCHARD ..

    the asian lady was giving me the look .. like as if i hacked it online or something. she asked for the coupon

    and im like.. i ordered it online. so ye waddup

    -ily louise

  • i paid 7.95 for two classics on tuesday at woodridge store. i think i got overcharged by $2? isnt it mean to be 5.90 all day on tuesdays?

  • did anyone know how to combined 2 code into 1 order. my local shop charge $7.95, i am trying to bring the price down to 5.95 with other discount code. but always error

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