Not sure if this is a good place to post, but I'm looking for an accountant for a small business.
Ideally I'd like to pay per return (e.g. BAS/GST, end of financial year statements etc.), rather than pay per month. I'm fine with a small accounting practice that can provide a more personal type of service, advise on tax savings, etc etc.
I'm in Melbourne, so anywhere in the city, or western suburbs (Point Cook) would be ideal.
Any recommendations would be welcome….
Do you maintain your own ongoing financial data in MYOB/Xero or any structured format? If you're looking for help with these too, you are probably still be looking at paying as you go at hourly rates or a retainer.
Depending on the extent of your business turnover and expenditure/complexity involved, it may be 'value adding' to pay on an ongoing basis for quality records from which you get the 'live' pulse of your business for decision making purposes. With good quality readily available data, you are likely to get your BAS, Financial Statements, Tax Returns (compliance work) and additionally any tax advice done for less by qualified accountants/tax advisors.
The key to longer run savings is to invest in setting up and maintaining your data electronically to enable efficient use by the Accountants/advisors to meet your compliance requirements.
I know of some CPAs and registered tax agents (a sole practitioner and another in a firm providing also legal services) based in inner southern suburbs who may be of help. If interested, please PM your details so I can pass it on for intro where suitable.