Just thought we should see who manages to score the last set of Eneloops at Dick Smith - to mark the end of a special symbiotic relationship between Dick Smith and OzBargain. Personally, I managed to pick some up at Southland (Vic) this afternoon (5/4/16 @ 2:35pm). 2 x 8 x Rouge AA ($8 per pack) and 1 x 8 x White AA with bonus case ($15.99). Felt a little strange leaving the store, almost certainly for the last time…..
Who Bought The Last Eneloops @ Dick Smith?

Last edited 05/04/2016 - 17:37
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I bought some last week.. when does dickies close?
Popped into DS today and heard the counter staff saying possibly end of the month for that store.
Went to Emporium last Thursday. Absolutely nothing left only their own DS brand phone cases/charges on sale.
No eneloops that's for sure.
You are mad but not alone. RIP Dick.
There was a random assortment of stuff at Southland Vic, as well as scoring the last lot of Eneloops I also got a Logitech presenter…. A few TVs, some fit bit stuff…. And a huge number of usb chargers and cables…. Looked like they were having stuff delivered from stores that had closed….
Anybody used Vapextech batteries? Just searched for cheapest AAA LSDs on ebay and they came up on top by a long way. UK seller- huge number of sales- 100% rating. What's the catch?
Catch is, they aren't super cheap when taking into account postage, and if they are rubbish then returns are a little trickier. Might be just as well off going down the Aldi route or one of the other options mentioned here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/241095
$9.74 for 4 including postage.. The next cheapest is $18 on ebay.
Aldi is a 120km drive for me but I'll get some next time I go. Is that a special or a permanently stocked item?
They always seem to have the batteries at my local Aldi, but maybe it might vary. There were some other potential choices in that thread as well…..
Still haven't bought a single pack. Time is running out…