This was posted 8 years 10 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Board Games Discounted at Target Plus Buy One Get One Half Price


Board Games are discounted at Target and also fall in the buy 1 get one half price.

Free delivery on all orders over 39 dollars

I was able to pick up for $75 delivered

Monopoly - $39 reduced to $25
Logo Game - $30 reduced to $25 reduced to $12.50
Cluedo - $39 reduced to $25
Scrabble - $39 reduced to $25 reduced to $12.50

I saw there have been posts already around the Target toy sale and also Monopoly Empire in the clearance section, so if this has already been posted through the comments sections of those posts apologies (I did a word search and couldn't see references to the games I bought).

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Target Australia

closed Comments

  • I never lose at board games

    • -1

      If that wasn't an obese male, i would have thought it was my wife

      • +1

        She has a goatee?

        • Funnily enough some do…

          Don't you just hate it when you compliment someone's moustache and then she doesn't want to talk to you anymore??

        • -1

          Sometimes she makes goat sounds, is that close enough?

        • +1

          I think maybe my wife browses ozb

  • Bopit and Simon for $28.50 C&C.
    Good to keep in the cupboard for last minute birthday party invites etc.
    Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Srabble is $25, I assume your $12.50 price is if you buy another game already?

  • +25

    I was able to pick up for $75 delivered

    Yep, somebody's smoking the good stuff.

    • +6

      He went to pick up his delivery but when he got home, a chocolatty grin spread across his face as he realised all he came back with is a pallet full of malteaser bunnies

    • Tinder?

  • +1

    LifeProTip: Get board games like Scrabble, Monopoly, Cluedo & Trivia Pursuit for $5 from Op Shops!

    • Agree!

    • +22

      Great idea,if you like scrabble with only a few vowels and some constanants missing altogether, monopoly with only a handful of houses and enough pieces for exactly 3 players, cludeo where the murderer can only be one of two perps coz thats all the box contains and trivial pursuit with answers with no questions, and questions with no answers.

      Youll be tipping up the game table in no time with this advice!

      • +2

        Fair enough on Scrabble, Monopoly and Cluedo - but the TP cards have the questions on the front and answers on the back of the same card.
        So - you may not get ALL the cards - but you will have answers for each of the questions you do have.

        • +1

          Not after you pry the cards apart from the years of residual spilled coke / beer / other mystery fluids that bind them!

        • +1

          @pointless comment:

          Just what kind of scrabble are you playing man?

        • +2

          @syousef: from now on, im only going to play 'srabble' as outlined above or 'crabble' as outlined below

        • @pointless comment:

          It could be worse. The extra 'B' almost makes up for the 'C'. Or if you were missing the 'R' not the 'C', you could be playing 'scabble' which I assume involves picking scabs off each other like zoo monkeys.

        • @syousef: the extra B is for BYO

        • @pointless comment:

          The removal of the 'R' is for it not being quite Rrrrright. Or you could only have R's in which case you have pirate scrrrrrabble arrrrgghhhh.

        • +3


          What about 'Crabble?'

          You get a bunch of crustaceans and put letters on them with a sharpie.

          Then watch the words you make become entirely new ones as they scuttle hither and yonder.

          So, for example, you may start with the words 'Shuck' and 'fit'

          Then the live crabs will move around a bit and you have will two new words….

        • @pointless comment: I think you mean BYOBB

      • you don't need a full set if someone's gonna flip the table anyway. btw I've bought Balderdash from an op shop before and it's awesome!

      • +2

        Wht yu tkig aout? boght Scrble fro opshp an it' fne!

  • No Trivial Pursuit? :(

    • +1

      We don't sell trivial pursuit. We really don't sell any interesting board games besides The Logo Game but that's just IMO.

      • +5

        Aye, i'll be interested when they start selling things like Catan and Pandemic :D

        • +3

          Yep, I feel like Big W or Target could kill it with a decent range of games at competitive prices. Just look at the top 10/15 from boardgamegeek + Dominion/ones with aps of expansions/large following for your stocklist.

        • Not really - the market for those gateway games isn't large enough like it is in Europe to justify stocking them at a big box retailer - which is why they're probably relegated to a handful of specialty retailers like Games Paradise or Good Games

      • Don't even have Pictionary any more, I thought that was a staple of the board game offerings.

        • +2

          It was discontinued as it lead to too many hospitalisations due to violence borne of frustration

        • +4

          @pointless comment:

          I wasn't frustrated I just thought that if I yelled the same answer louder each time it would eventually be right one.

        • +2

          @kingzac: you just dont realise how many times you were one shout away from a pencil(s) in the eye(s)

        • +2
        • They actually do have Pictionary, guess it's only available in-store..managed to pick one up along with Janga Quake for $28.50, as they both scanned at $19 each! For those interested, Target Midland still has 3 more boxes of Pictionary available…

      • I can't seem to find Logo Game on the website?

    • I planned for the future many years ago and picked up the digital trivial pursuit with unlimited questions and online content for whent he kids are a bit older can taylor the questions to their age …. 6 months later they discontinued the online site that you need to access the questions so its pretty much a paperweight… board and pieces are there if I can come across the question packs.

    • You ever played recent editions of Triv Purs? Pretty disappointing… way too easy. I recently played a mid-90s South Australian localised trivial pursuit… it was hard, although most of the answers to the questions were related to the six or so major towns/cities in SA… or AFL, which made the sports questions impossible. But better than the modern Trivial Pursuit questions which are things like 'Who had a 1998 hit with "…Baby One More Time"?'

  • -1

    Do people still play board games? Thought it was a lost art… ahh the good ol' days..

    • If you need inspiration, reinvent old favourites or start doing mash-ups

      Above we have 'srabble' and 'crabble', for example

      Or what about 'Trivial Twister' 'Pictionopoly' or 'ScrabbleShip'?

      • Pictionopoly, the only game where a picture of a hotel can cost you $2000

    • +1

      There's a pretty large boardgaming industry that exists, although it is still relatively hobbiest. Check out boardgamegeek and their top 15 games across any category. Guarantee you would not have heard of any of them. I also guarantee that you can sit a lot of people down and they will become completely engrossed once they learn a 'modern' board-game that suits their level.

      The 'art' is very much developing and growing to exciting new heights

      • +1

        I recently started buying board games and card games with my boyfriend, and meet up with friends or my brother + his girlfriend somewhat often to play. A few weeks ago I didn't know any of them existed, now I wonder how nobody else does. The mainstream boardgames do not compare.

        I've recently played Catan, Pandemic, Takenoko, Munchkin, Sheriff of Nottingham, Bonanza, Sushi go and a few others and they have all been awesome and really fun. We are all aged 25+ and having a blast :)

    • I spent 6 hours playing Game of Thrones boardgame last year. Just something to do between the season break. The boardgame is actually quite fun!

      • that is one heavy boardgame
        very strategic and not easy to pick up
        are you a regular gamer?

        • Not a board gamer at all. It took me about 1 hour just to understand the concept (explained by my friends who played it once.)

        • Wow you're doing well then. I played for four hours and still didn't know the rules by the end of the game. You really lose track of time whole you're playing it

  • Mummy, what's a board game?

    • +4

      It's just like VR but without the V.

  • +1

    My 7 yr old loves board games but not the boring types they sell in these big stores. He recently got catan junior and forbidden island and spends hours playing them with cousins and friends.

    • You should definitely look at Dixit, Sheriff of Nottingham and Camel Cup. All awesome family games (that I sell locally in Perth!)

      • Thanks. Yes he is a pro at Dixit.

      • WHat's the details of your shop?

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