What should I do with it (and my ticket for that matter)?
Got out of a relationship - Have a Spare Ticket to Japan Next Friday

Last edited 04/04/2016 - 22:13
I can make that particular wish come true for $300.
Yes, When do I pack my bags?
Before next Friday
sigh, seems like too much effort now!
If the ticket already specifies the person who will be travelling on it, you should try to seek a refund. If you can't get one, you're out of luck.
I am out of luck. Tickets are non-refundable.
Enjoy the extra space?
how much does it cost for a legal name change?
would it be cost effective..
OP what will i be changing my name to?
$75 according to jetstars website. I reckon it's not too bad.
Depends how the relationship ended.
If it was sour and her fault- use that spare ticket on her best friend.
That's a brilliant idea. Except I'm not close with any of her friends.
Ask her mum
what a snake. sorry uncle!
find same named person to travel with…
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/18/man-find-woman-…Great story but what a dick move from Marriott though!
Take a friend with you! Name changing the ticket should only cost about $100. Don't ruin your holiday because of her. I'm sure you need a holiday and have a friend willing to go with you!
It's a little last minute, most of my friends can't take a leave. I've asked. Sighhhh
JQ does not willingly allow name changes. It could be very expensive. You need the ticket to match the travellers passport. Will travel insurance help you out for a say medical reason why partner cannot travel?
That would be fraud.
unless you go stab the ex partner, then they would have a valid medical reason not to travel
Have you been rejected a name change? From what I read on their website there doesn't seem to be any restrictions. Unless I missed something.
Take a blow up doll.
Then take a pic and send it your ex saying still not as cold hearted as you!How much does one cost?
Buy a waifu there
Is the ticket return?
Yes it is.
Including name change fees? I am a guy btw. Just in case you getting wrong idea.
You can cancel the tickets n get tax refund.
Jetstar refunds are only possible due to bereavement so unless she died/extremely sick, no go there.
You can contact Jetstar and see if they are willing to put it onto a voucher for you. Sell your sob story and maybe cry on the phone a bit and the operator might be tempted. They all have the capacity to do it. They are a bit more lenient here with credit as you have to spend it with them anyway. PLEASE don't call them and demand them to do it cause some random on Ozbargain said they could.
Name changes are very strict with international flights but I do remember it being possible with Jetstar. Certainly not with someone like Singapore or Cathay.
How bad was the break up? You could play the big man and just give her the ticket and let her do her own thing. Options =/
I'm pretty sure you're replying to this too late…
I probably am looking at that post date haha. Didn't check.
Haha you are a little too late. So here's what happened: I rang Jetstar, they were 100% ok with name change for a $75 handling fee. BUT! here's the catch, they wanted me to pay the difference in ticket price between when i booked and at the time I call which turned out to be about $900~ and even the operator agreed that it was ridiculous but there was nothing he could do. So i said stuff it, forget this entire phone call.
Went to Japan alone, had an empty seat next to me on the way there and back - totally worth it (and the strangers who sat on the same row were very grateful when I told them enjoy the empty seat between us, i paid for it).
@zerocul: Hey man, nice to see a reply and hope you still had an awesome trip. Spare seat on a Jetstar flight would have been pretty dope hahaha.
What's the dates
Seems 2 months late
How about travelling together with me :D ? (just my wish)