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Woolworths 6/4: Sirena $1.25, Chobani $1.12, 30x Pepsi $14, Tontine Pillow $11, 50% Vodafone Starter Kits & Broadband + More

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1/2 price specials starting Wednesday Apr 6th at Woolworths:

  • Kellogg's Just Right 790g $3.75
  • Kellogg's Coco Pops 650g $3.49
  • Kellogs's Nutri Grain 500g $3.14
  • Kellogg's LCMs 15x Bars $3.99
  • Sargents Traditional Pies 4pk $3.82
  • Finish Dishwasher Tablet 36-56pk $12.99
  • Moro Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1L $7.57
  • Sirena Tuna 95g $1.25
  • Smith's Chips Thinly Cut 175g $1.59
  • Pantene Treatment BB Creme 135ml $5.49
  • Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner 350ml $3.94
  • Cadbury Medium Bars $1.00
  • Pepsi Max 30x Cans $14
  • Prima Drink 6x 200ml $1.74
  • Fantastic Delites 100g $1.00
  • Green's Puddings 260g $1.40
  • Betty Crocker Cake Mix $2.62
  • Heinz Baked Beans or Spaghetti $1.00
  • Zafarelli Pasta 500g $0.97
  • Borg's Strudels $3.00
  • Chobani Yogurt Pouches $1.12
  • Tip Top Raisin Toast $2.70
  • Tip Top English Muffins 6pk $2.45
  • Oral B Pro Health Toothpaste 100g $2.39
  • Lux Bodywash 400ml $3.07
  • L'Oreal Excellence Hair Colour $8.74
  • Nature's Own Odourless Fish Oil 200pk $14.97
  • Nature's Own Glucosamine 120pk $14.99
  • Nature's Own Potency Multivitamin 120pk $19.47
  • Kleenex Cottonelle Toilet Paper 8pk $3.34
  • Easy Off Bam Cleaner or Active Foam $2.99
  • Finish Dishwasher Cleaner 250ml $3.49
  • Sard Oxy Plus Soaker 1kg $3.49
  • Energiser Eco Advanced AA or AAA 10pk $8.39
  • 1/2 Price all Vodafone Started Packs & Broadband
  • 1/2 Price All Essentials Storage Containers
  • Tontine Supportive Pillow $11.00

Also, not half price but good deal - Golden Gaytime 4pk $5.00

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Thanks TA. I wish the'd hurry up and do 1/2 price McCain pizzas - my stash of 30 is almost gone!

    • How do you store 30 pizzas?

      • +5

        Take them out of the cardboard boxes and stack them on top of each other in their plastic sleeves

        • Youd still need a stand alone freezer and some serious space dedicated to pizza.

          Youd may even be losing money if you have to pass on meat specials coz of no space

        • +2

          @pointless comment: correct I have a separate chest freezer that fits 20 deep, then a few sideways and one or two in the fridge freezer

        • +1
        • +1

          @haydent: Your commitment to frozen pizza is both impressive & commendable; albeit somewhat disturbing. ;)

      • Chest Freezer

    • +5

      Ozbargain Level : 99.

    • +4

      I know it's a cheap way to eat but FFS, have you had health checkup lately, i.e: cholesterol level, blood pressure etc?

      • +1

        We only have one a week, after touch footy when I cbf cooking. I'm sure plenty of people buy dominos once a week

        • +6

          Ahhh, I see now. I thought you're one of those miserable tightarses who rely on cheap frozen and junk foods for sustenance because they love money more than their health.

          Of course there's nothing wrong to have your favourite junk foods every now and then as long as it's in moderation. :)

      • +1

        I sometimes live on them although by live I mean I consume Soylent exclusively (and I almost never waiver from this regime) until evening meal time and then eat Dr Oetker or other baked goods aka crap food.

        I have been doing this for a long time and my doctor is happy with a very recent and previous blood testing.

        Also I do at least 60 minutes of pretty vigourous cardio 5 days a week, YMMV

      • +3

        +1000 @ Gorodemon

        Health > Money

        This is what a lot of people don't understand when they get all excited about 1/2 price frozen pizza. If you want to kill yourself slowly eating cheap processed food go ahead. Would rather buy some bok choy and brown rice thereby lengthening my life span but others may beg to differ.

        • +1

          Yet the popular monthly deals on here are KFC, dominoes, etc
          When I'm time poor and have to resort to frozen pizzas, I add on extra veggies eg mushrooms, capsicum, and serve with at least an undressed salad.
          Moderation is key, tho I can't remember the last time I've ate KFC/dominoes

        • +2


          In the time you you have prepared all that you could have microwaved up a sachet of brown rice (90 seconds), microwaved the bok choy (60 seconds) and opened a can of tuna (3 seconds).

          Its depressing to see the dominos/KFC deals getting so any upvotes. People are always going to be shovelling this crap into their mouth because their brains love the short term high of junk food over healthier options. I can already see a lot of people with long term health issues wandering around poorer parts of Sydney because of lack of self control.

        • +2

          I like the way you think.
          I bring salad and tuna when I'm in a hurry and don't have time to make lunch. Rarely buy lunch as I like to save :p
          I don't like the idea of using my microwave to 'cook'. I prefer my rice to be made from scratch (not hard), tho I do have a rice sachet as an 'emergency'. I'm also dubious about the packaging as surely some plastic leaching will occur.

          It's scary how what you eat contributes to your health. Seen those ppl too in my line of work.

        • +1


          Make no mistake I ate a lot of crap in my 20s but I think when you get older a lot of things temd to catch up with you and the body is a lot less forgiving. I can see it in people in their 50s and 60s.

    • Did you stock up on Dr Oetker a few weeks ago? Some of their pizzas use real mozzarella!

  • +5

    Sirena - this is so much better than john west it's not even funny!!

    • +6

      It the tuna sirena rejects that make up john west and the rest

      • +2

        couldnt agree more!

        EDIT: Although this is about 30c more than John west, but it's worth it :)

        • I'm pretty sure you get more tuna for your buck with Sirena. I've squeezed both Sirena and JW cans and it feels like you end up with approx 20% more with Sirena. JW is a lot more flakey and probably holds more liquid.

      • -1

        Where's the GIF?

    • but not as nice as safcol.

    • +3

      Totally agree! I bought 36 Sirena's from coles at $2.00 for 185gms not long ago.. still got a few to go. I only get chilli flavor.. this is one of those things that once you try, you can't go back.

    • It is better tasting tuna but this species got over fished and is considered unsustainable unfortunately.

      • I hope they don't go extinct in my life time then.

      • If you're talking about yellowfin tuna, don't worry! Coles is doing their part and selling yellowfin tuna at an everyday low price of $2. It doesn't taste as good as the Sirena, but it tastes good enough for you to wonder why it hasn't gone extinct yet.

  • +4

    Time to majorly stock up on Sirena tuna - seems like the small cans only go half price about once per year.

    • My local IGA has the flavour varieties regularly on special, the Non flavoured are hard to come by.

    • Both on special, but worth pointing out;

      95gr = $13.16 per kg
      185gr = $16.22 per kg

      Assuming the ratio of meat to oil is equal, the small cans are a fraction cheaper.

      • Someone really needs to test these out (I probably could but too lazy!). I've noticed that the consistency/density of the tuna varies between the different sizes and I think the large the size the higher the meat/water-oil ratio. May be it's psychological.

      • +3

        Aldi tuna is around $4/kg. Tastes good to me…

        • +1

          But I find it starts to smell a bit when I leave 20 of them stacked in my drawer at work for a few weeks.

    • How many can you buy at once? Is there a limit? Haven't seen these this cheap in a long time

      • +1

        I remember last year in Coles they had a sign saying limit was 12, but I had no problems at self checkout buying more.

  • +1

    Time to stock up on coco pops

    • Is that you PC??

  • Kellogg's seems to have huge discounts in almost all the stores lately. I guess it's to due with that piss scandal in the US a while ago. I aint touching it any time soon.

  • Top work TA :) Going to stock up on Sirena and Kellogg's this week.

  • +2

    Nice work TA, looking forward to eating tuna mixed with yogurt blended up with vodafone starter kits

    • -2

      You can wash it down with some Shampooor Conditioner

      • -2

        Is that shampoo for poor people?

        • No, the poor dont bathe

        • @pointless comment:

          They certainly can't get to the supermarket in cars

        • +1

          @smokenmirraz: they get taxi vouchers to shopping centres so they can give their cetnrelink monies directly back to the governemnt via the high taxes placed on smokes and booze - and GST on everything else

  • Which of the voda broadband packs are actually sold at Woolies?. Looking at the recharges alone last time i couldnt find the $60 one….

    • By Sim starter packs and broadband packs they mean the $2 Sim only, $30/ $40/ and $50 Sim + starter credit starter packs. Also the prepaid mobile broadband 3G starter kits that are the 3G wifi modem/sim + 3/4 Gig 30 day starter data credit. No 4G starter packs are yet available at Woolies as far as I know. No half price RE-CHARGES such as $60 or other various values.

  • -2

    That's half price? or full price?

    Aldi regular price for 95gm tuna is ~90cents.

    Sirena Tuna 95g $1.25

    • Mate, do you even Sirena?

      • Clearly not.. if he had tried Sirena, he wouldn't have posted such ridiculous post.

  • Tontine 2 pillows for $11, anyone know if this is a good deal?
    Bought 2-pack for $29 at Spotlight (different model) earlier this week (feels like a rip off now)

  • +1

    Chobani $1.12

    That's a 12% increase on this week's price at Coles… Not much of a bargain

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