Backblaze or Crashplan or NAS Synology DS1515+


  1. Meet a growing personal data need (4 laptops between the family, approximately 4tb and growing due to duplicates which takes forever to de-dup)
  2. Small home biz starting on the side; mainly few info pages, client logins and documents uploading. Biz laptop and clients' data needs backup
  3. If handling clients' documents; needs to be secured and easy to access
  4. Ideally off-site to mitigate unforeseeable risks (since its a home biz and all my personal data also resides at the same location)
  5. Not looking for cheapie, but more towards reasonable and cost effective measure. Especially if the solution covers the biz part
  6. **I do have an unopened Synology DS1515+ that is still sealed. Was supposed to take over duties from an old CS406e but the thought of paying over $800 for 5 x WD Reds had me putting off using that NAS. Was hoping to get the DS1515+ to stream music and movies throughout the home network, and try to figure out a way to access the stored files from outside home network, but thats a hope for now as the learning curve takes time

Looking for:

  1. Views, opinions, why recommend and experience
  2. Doesnt need to meet all objectives, open to suggestions

Thanks in advance =)


  • +1

    Synology is a great product
    Can you return the synology and get a simpler 2 Disktype or keep the one you have

    Regardless get 2 4TB Red drives and an external 4 TB USB3 as secondary backup for important data.

    Synology has a couple of ways to access files form internet:
    1. DDNS and use synology client.. leaves the router open
    2. Synology Quickconnect
    3, Use VPN into home network .. not a bad option also allows you to maintain home network (router etc) and all other LAN resources.


  • +1

    You don't need to fill the synology up immediately with drives (I think you can get away with two .. maybe three and expand later). It will be faster to use and access what you need locally then over a cloud service. Synology has heaps of apps to help you do minor things like run a database ie sugar crm or something custom (wordpress). It has its own cloud system so your devices can easily sync data back to it. It also can hook up to most cloud backup services (because RAID is NOT a backup) ie Amazon Glacier or if you don't want your data in the hands of anyone else you can back up to and external USB (get 2 and cycle them off site yourself? or setup a second synology off site and sync the two).. If you're treating it as a business get an static IP a domain (probably already have this right) and a SSL cert install it on the on box for secure communication when out of the office. You already have the box I'd take advantage of that. I don't know about your duplicate files (why what are they?) but if you use a mapped folder to the NAS it should solve most your problems I would think. I also saw synology has some sort of cloud / browsers based spreadsheet system (ala Google Sheets) .. but havn't tried it out as yet.
    I have a DS411+II from back in 2011 .. its still kept up to date with OS updates and meets all my needs (and more).

  • +1

    +1 for synology. I have a ds413j and been very happy. Your synology box should be able to meet all your criteria, and also a few extra things.

  • 3 comments all pointing to the box, okie thats good. Time to wait for the WD Reds to go down back to $153 …

    Thanks folks!

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