• expired

See Who Unfriends You - US$2/Month (~AU$2.60) (Was US$4.99/Month) (~AU$6.50) Free Setup


SadlyUnfriended.com is a website that does one thing, and one thing only. Tells you whenever someone unfriends you on Facebook.

Previously SadlyUnfriended was free with over 70000 users until Facebook changed their Graph API and prevented Facebook Applications from access a list of all users friends.

However, Sadly Unfriended is back bigger and better, and currently the only website (that I know of) that uses Facebook's Graph API to see who has unfriended you every 30 minutes.

There is no need to install software on your computer, or browser extensions like our competitors!

Concerned about privacy? We only have access to your Facebook Public Profile information, your email address (so we can send you an email as soon as someone unfriends you) and the names of your friends.

Currently, our plans cost $4.99USD per month, with the stalker plan having a $2.99 setup fee.

We currently have a special deal going on at the moment. Receive our Stalker Plan for only $2USD per month with $0 setup.

Just signup up and visit this URL once you are logged in: http://www.sadlyunfriended.com/change_plan.php?plan=stalker_…

What you get:
* Email notifications
* Checks every 30 minutes of your friends list changing
* Manual checking
* See who unfriends you
* See your new friends
* See who refriends you (or reaactivates their Facebook account)
* Access to our members only rewards http://www.sadlyunfriended.com/rewards/

Sadly Unfriended was built in Australia!

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closed Comments

  • +104

    Lol you signed up to ozbargain to peddle this crap?

    Ozbargainers, please dont support the commodification of narcissism - if you have $2 per month to burn, buy a raffle ticket and support a charity!

    That way you may actually get someting back.

    If you buy this app, all youll get back is affirmation of your insecurities and some the worst traits of your personality

    • +16

      pointless making a point

    • +1
        • why u so sad ?

        • +2

          You need a life. Or you need to stop being that person that people unfriend.

          Facebook is an anti-social network. Learn some life skills in dealing with people who unfriend you.

        • There's 3 types of friends on Facebook.

          1. Real friends, those who you catch up with/talk to/see their profile regularly.

          2. Someone I know but don't talk to much too much outside of work/some group etc.

          3. Number of friends filler, people who you don't give a crap about and neither do they care about you. They needed you to make it 1000 friends.

          If it takes you 6 months to realise they're not your fb friend, "not wanting to associate with you" can apply both ways.

          Why do I have the feeling you're the type of person who takes it seriously when random people/someone you used to know but not close friends casually say "yeh let's hang out/have a drink sometime" just to be friendly and polite.

          Rely on your guts and social skills to tell whether that person wants to be friends or how far they want to take the conversation/greeting. Not some app.

      • I dont agree with bill cosby

  • Such a thing exists? WHAT! WHY?

    • See my first post - yes, its that ugly and abhorrent I am sorry to say

  • -5

    Might save me going through my list each month (I have saved linked name titles in a word doc) and checking which ones have unfriended (usually blocked) me.

    I've found it useful because some people delete their profiles, others block or simply delete me (it's good to delineate between those who no longer wants to have a facebook presence and those no longer want you in your life - lest you run into them at a social event).

    Over the past two years sixty seven people have deleted/blocked or removed their profiles. As I've only added three friends my facebook presence has significantly declined.

    • +2

      Still bigger than mine.
      I haven't got one.:)

    • +3

      I know this is probably different for everyone, but why would you need to know?

      Someone removing you on FB doesn't necessarily mean they do not want you in their life. I hardly use FB to keep up to date with friends - just the messenger capabilities. Some may use it more for the news feed and just browsing celebrity crap - hence the friend list /= their actual friends.

  • +10

    What a sad world we live in.

    • Maybe not as sad as you think - noone has upvoted this vile piece of coding yet - and the bargain lemmings on this site really do love to upvote some truly craptacular deals

  • +2

    april fools was yesterday…nice try

    • -3

      Bugger, should have posted it yeserday. But wouldn't want to confuse people of a legitimate service :)

      • Calling this a "legitimate service" is a very very very long bow to draw…

  • +4

    quick google found a similar service for free http://www.deleted.io/

    • Deleted.io is against Facebook's Terms of Service as it doesn't utilise the Facebook Graph API and relys on software on your computer to perform the checks.

      Sadly Unfriended uses the Facebook Graph API to check your friends list.

      • +1

        "Deleted.io is against Facebook's Terms of Service:
        You say that as if anyone here would care. What Facebook wanted to do on Android was against Google's "terms of service" as well. That company is not yet to the stage where it can or does regard itself as a legislative body.

        It isn't providing a service to Facebook. It isn't providing a service on behalf of Facebook. It is doing what you are also doing - collating public information for people who wish such information collated. That your offering is one that is technically under the control of, and easily monitored by Facebook is not only something many here would not give two shits about, it is also something many would consider a distinct disadvantage.
        Why not quit while you are behind?

  • +11

    Oh someone unfriended you…boo hoo.
    You got bigger problems if this is what you worry about.

    • -2

      Some people love to know, some people hate to know. Everyone has there reasons to be for or against this service.

      This goes for anything people pay money and subscribe too. If the service wasn't useful to some people, you wouldn't have the search term "who deleted me" searched 33100 times per month globally.

      • +3

        And there's 33100 people who need to sort their priorities.
        If someone's unfriended you is it really a loss? Obviously they didn't want to be friends in the first place.
        Life goes on

      • When pulling numbers from somewhere, you need to cite credible source

        • Source was Google Keyword Planner

        • @jackcola: link please, or people will just assume you are lying

  • +2


  • "There is an error accessing your friends list. If you have recently signed up to the Stalker Plan, please wait 24 hours for us to manually setup your account.
    Facebook Error Code: (#10) To use taggable_friends on behalf of people who are not admins, developers and testers of your app, your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review"

    • I have fixed this error up for you

  • What happened to Graph API Jack? I used to be able to search for "events X is attending" or "events X attended" or "photos X liked" or "tagged photos of X" etc. etc. even if I wasn't friends with them. Why has facebook disabled this feature? It was very useful if you are shy but want to get an advanced understanding of someone by events they go to and things they like. Also if it was built in Oz why does it charge in USD?

    • Yes, that was really handy. But I think Facebook got a bit of a backlash due to privacy. Some of the things you could search to track people down was astonishing.

      • I think any person who has a relative amount of astuteness would deduce that anything you like or comment on or attend is publically accessible, graph search was very handy to look back on events and find tagged photos. Pity the 'privacy brigade' ruined it all. I know very well if I take a photo and upload it on a public page that people may come across it, especially if it is tagged on a profile. I'm enraged that the bleeting of 'privacy' ruined graph search when the content is still out there for those with programs. Or for plebs who search google like site:facebook.com/events "XXX XXX" melbourne

    • Likely coz its hosted in some sketchy eastern european nation that does not care about facebooks terms of service and where they cant be sued or even tracked properly

      • -1

        Facebook has shut down Sadly Unfriended once already, by disabling our Facebook Application.

        Website is hosted in Melbourne.

        • +1

          Thats a shame……that they dont shut you down again!

          Waht are your thoughts on my first post, at the top of the page?

        • -3

          That's no good! Why doesn't the compiler detect all my friends? Does it exclude deactivated profiles?

          If these profiles reactivate, then one or two of these friends delete me, will sadly unfriended count these people as new friends who have then unfriended/blocked me? Will profiles that block me come under the 'unfriended friends' heading?

          Does your app work on detecting changes to the friends list - does the avi for those who remove me come up under the list even though through my profile won't be able to detect them? It might be pretty pointless for me if most people who delete me do so by blocking.

          I notice them doing my manual word doc method as each name that is in the doc is hyperlinked to the profile. If exists then I have been simply unfriended, if it doesn't exist I log out of my profile then recheck the link. Sometimes the profile will come up which means I have been blocked, if it still doesn't then it has been deleted…

          It may sound laborious but it avoids awkward conversations at parties, if I see a person who has blocked me on facebook IRL I know not to talk to or associate with them. Until the advent of tech wearables like google glass which will hopefully have some facial recognition linked to facebook profiles, there will be no way of telling whether old mate has an issue with you without directly confronting them.

        • +5

          @pointless comment: I just ignored it. :)

        • -1

          @juzz0: It detects all your Active Friends. So this doesn't included deceased accounts and currently deactive friends.

          If the profiles are reactivated, it will be shown as a new friend as we didn't have them on record prior to signing up.

          Profiles that block you or unfriend you will appear in the unfriended section.

          It doesn't detected who people who unfollow you or put you in the restricted list.

          Hope this answers all your questions.

        • @jackcola: That's fine! I don't care who unfollows or puts me on restricted lists. Just the ones who want me permanently out of their life/off their facebook altogether.

        • +3

          @juzz0: you sound so serious you must be taking the piss?

        • +1

          @jackcola: most reps get on the front foot and address potential users concerns…not you though, you make a joke of ignoring it.

          I think it goes to show what a joke you think the product you are pushing actually is.

          Are you a career salesman - perhaps you have also flogged bargain basement used cars and door to door phone/utility providers?

        • @pointless comment:

          I am starting to think the same thing. Cracking read though

        • +4

          @pointless comment: I am just taking advice from your name :)

        • @jackcola: but im not offering advice in my user name.

          If you are searching for advice on this page, id suggest that you take the 50+ upvotes my first comment has received to be an indication of the collective will of ozbargain, take your sleazy website that preys on the weak and needy and kindly go away, never to return.

          If you choose to ignore that as well, remember that next time you post a 'deal' users will click on your user name to check your credibility, smell this "deal' and proceed to refuse you the time of day once again!

        • @jackcola: "Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match."

          Got this message when I went to the site, made sure I was logged in to my account. I wonder why this message came up?

          Edit: nevermind, working now!

        • @juzz0: Visit sadlyunfriended.com/logout.php

    • Doesn't sound creepy… So I'm with you, it's puzzling

  • -4

    Please ignore the users on here who are only here to spread their negativity and take out their frustration of their pointless lives on others. Thank you for sharing.

    • Rep - you shouldnt side with this poster by upvoting if you want to retain any shred of cred - he has a history of never posting deals, just controvertial, goading comments that often lead to arguments.

      Just look at his offensive username (read it backwards) !

      Dont take his post as a sincere message of support - based on history i suspect he has just come to dump his daily quota of negs on my comments, proceed to make a bunch of nasty comments towards me, ironically call me a troll, then up and leave

      • -1

        Wow what on earth are you on about?? You're one disturbed individual!

        • +1

          My post is actually quite succint and clear - i think you are just playing dumb.

          My predictions based on your recent history most likely dissuaded you from your usual immediate course of action, now youve come back several hours later to gloat in telling me how wrong i am.

          However, ironically you have actually fulfilled my prediction by launching a personal attack/trolling by calling me a "disturbed individual"

        • @pointless comment: Wow I can't get my head around how you keep going and going, this is getting seriously weird now!

        • @pmupsinep: cant get my head round why youd bother to respond with a rebuttal attempt thats even worse and less relative than previous, which was feeble - and thats being kind TBH.

          Whats weird is how you repeatedly put yourself up for public humiliation - as they say "if you havent got anything intelligent to say , best to say nothing at all"

          to be fair, perhaps your mind is on other things while you are typing with one hand as you are preoccupied with your furious, continuous gnipmupsinep


        • @pointless comment: whoah another one… Getting really creepy now!!

        • @pmupsinep: give up buddy….you got pwned several weeks ago….perhaps the blood has left your head and your not thinking straight with your furious, continuous gnipmupsinep

        • @pointless comment: No… you got "pwned" every time you've been banned for abuse. And then rubbed salt into your own wounds by having a cry about it at every opportunity. So sad! I also find it amusing that some sort of war has been raging inside your head against me, and you're now self declaring victory… completely normal….

        • @pmupsinep: well i guess in a sense yes, I've been pwned by the mods by being banned a few times for pushing it to far with other users. But i regret nothing and certainly don't cry!

          I think you really have to ask yourself some questions after i reiterate two key facts:

          1) I originally clicked on this post and tested the mettle of someone who became a member today to attempt to profit from internet narcissism - i got 100 upvotes and he got made a fool- it may even be a top ten time record on this site

          2) you weighed in to denigrate me by sticking up for him

          Answer back if you want, but know that ive already bettered you - keep inmind youll need two hands and your blood stream undiverted to even try….lay off your penchant for furious gnipmupsinep

        • @pointless comment:

          I've been pwned


        • @pmupsinep: yes you have, im glad you took a good look at yourself and accept that.

          You seem a bit delusional so it must have been hard…nice work little buddy!

          I look forward to the next time you troll/personal abuse me to start a fight - again i suggest you change your user name - it makes it even easier to put you in your place

        • @pointless comment:

          it makes it even easier to put you in your place

          LOL, oh you've really punished me. Oh no what do I do, I'm so intimidated and fearful of my anonymous stalker on a bargain website! What a winner you are, your parents must be so proud!

        • @pmupsinep: stalker? Mate you are the one who continues to insert yourself into threads with anonymous spiteful comments aimed at me.

          Not once have i started an argument with you - i just finish them!

          It appears You are just confusing yourself , please go away and refrain from posting at me either directly or in reference again

          if your parents saw your nastiness and spite - and your user name - they would def not be proud of you….theyd be ashamed and wondering if its too late to put you up for adoption, eventhough you are like 20 or 30 something!

        • You two need to get a room

        • @pointless comment:

          It appears You are just confusing yourself , please go away and refrain from posting at me either directly or in reference again

          An interesting request, considering how you launched your attack on me above when my comment was not in reply to you, nor referenced you.

          Your crocodile tears are amusing…you could easily have blocked me long ago. The fact you haven't shows I have done nothing wrong and your accusations are a complete fabrication and you get kicks out of trolling and abusing me… let's not forget why you've been banned on multiple occasions.

          Keep up the good work, you certainly live up to your name on every occasion.

        • @pmupsinep: cmon mate, no one buys any of those lies and half truths.

          I havent abused you - you are the one letting loose with personal insults as you usually do.

          And ive never been banned for dialogue with you - so you must be following me pretty closely if you claim to know all the stats.

          I think i said it before - you may well me ozbargains least MVP - all you do is make nasty condescending sarcastic remarks. You dont post any bargains. You just lurk around sniping and trolling.

          Kindly go away.

          Dont make conversation with me again, or troll me in posts in reply to other posters, as you did at the top of this thread.

        • @pointless comment: Your refusal to block me and continuing with your replies just proves everything.

        • @pmupsinep: youd make a terrible lawyer

        • @pointless comment: Coming from you… I'll treat that as a compliment!

        • @pmupsinep: good for you little buddy, you just gave yourself a compliment

        • [@pointless comment](/comment/3588667/redir

          little buddy,

          The weirdness just went up another notch.

  • +2

    fbpurity is also free

  • -1

    I think the narcissist brigade cares more about profile and post views. But no app like that exists!

  • +3

    People really think those "friends" they randomly added are real friends?

  • +1

    What? Mum?

  • +1

    I don't mind having an app that does this but can't see myself use so often that I would pay monthly for it. I will not negate this post because others might still see benefits in it like teens who collect hundreds of friends. Again that was my 2 cents worth.

    • If you were to pay any fee for it, what would you pay?

  • I just wonder what's worst. Does it hurt more when a REAL friend unfriend or block you, or when he/she never comments or like any of your posts?

  • +1

    People still use farcebook?

    • +3

      Sounds like everyone unfriended you. :P

  • -3

    I'm guessing a lot of those people disliking my comments are sociopaths who regard many people as 'excess clutter'; who they happily cull from time to time on Facebook. To this they take advantage of Facebook's relatively anonymous path to rejection. Unfriending is dirty and easy. Don't have to sought out issues or even confront them before you walk out of their lives; just delete and forget another person exists who has feelings as well.

    Of course if someone is harassing you with posts or messaging you constantly you should probably consider blocking or deleting them but in my case I don't post content or interact and the rare times I have it's as if others notice the fact they are still connected with me and unfriend me. So now I just use it to feel connected to the virtual phone book and observe trends rather than actively engage.

    There is a whole segment of journalism devoted to think pieces designed to make 'high functioning outgoing' popular people feel justified in their decisions to cut people out of their lives. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1245684/5-000-friend…
    That's what's really sad. I just want to know who the sociopaths are so next time I'm in a room I know to avoid them; those heartless hacks who unfriend me on Facebook.
    There are probably people out there with more malicious or mundanely narcissistic motivations. I just want to avoid people who loathe me and can't suffer 'polite' talk from people who either denigrate me behind my back or who have made it known they don't want to associate with me. My posting here may be extensive and to some inappropriate but it's a subject I'm very passionate about.

    Everybody has autonomy and freedom of choice to reject who they like and not provide closure, however it often can lead to awkward situations and for someone who is non confrontational and cannot stand people who pretend things are fine the app is valuable.

    • +1

      "I just want to know who the sociopaths are so next time I'm in a room I know to avoid them"

      So without this service you wouldn't have a clue who didn't like you? Methinks you need to get more face time.

    • Wow. You are more out of touch with reality that I thought. Your first paragraph is so out of touch with reality, it's unfathomable. I've read it over and over again and I still don't know if what I am reading is real or if you are trolling.

      I'm a sociopath because that person who sold me a motorbike 4 months ago who said, "bro, you should add me to Facebook" and posts nothing but incorrectly used memes and photos of his beaten to death Holden ute and his bottle blonde scrag mole bogan attired female friend, I decide to unfriend him instead of calling him, organising a time to catch up and having a heart felt sit down chat about how it just isn't working out for us on Facebook?

      Out of your 793 people on your friends list, I bet you hang out with all of them on a regular basis. Heaven forbid if Mary Jane Peterson from Minisota, who is your bestest, bestest candy crush saga buddy decides your dank memes and cats photos combined with your selfie photos and photos of your lunch is too much for her.

      You need to keep your $2US a month and get some counselling and disconnect from Facebook and connect with real people.

      • Of course people have multiple uses for facebook and many people don't have any initial standards to add somebody. However I'm going off how it is relevant to my uses and the vast majority of "friends" I have on the site are people I've known for at least a three year period. It is most disheartening to find out later on that they have decided to 'streamline' their life but deleting rafts of people, or just me, it shows complete contempt. I find it akin to a woman flaking on a date (at least you find out eventually), or a person ghosting you after showing interest. People have every right to reject someone but I cannot stand not knowing who has effectively blacklisted me. Someone deleting me with no trigger is the type of thing that sidelines me at 3am - keeping me up at night, at least knowing who it is prevents future embarrassing scenarios. About once a week or so I do check the number in my friends list, the week after I made a post the other month I went down from 260 to 235 people. But sometimes there is no trigger and people just block/delete and it is saddening to not know but with this at least I know.

        As I've already mentioned in comments on here I'm excessively shy and purposefully go out of my way to avoid confrontation. I just cannot stand information asymmetry as it is the basis for imbalance of power in social networks. I'm not going to daily peruse my friends list to work out which old mates are deleting me at any given period, but 'old mates' who have deleted know as much and know the score leaving the window open to oblivious me making a fool of myself at the next get together by thinking 'old mate' is a mate, unaware that he was so disgusted with the koala video I posted on my wall that he blocked me (just one example).

        If there are people posting about halal snack packs, Donald Trump and HSV incessantly there is always the option to mute, unfollow, restrict their profile. You should probably consider using lists as well if you want to target posts. With all these customisation options available now on facey the only message a deletion/block sends is a nuke to whatever relationship you once had. But I'm not going to moralise and dictate how you choose to interact on social media. Just as I would hope you would appreciate that vengeful psychopaths, self-absorbed narcissists aren't the only ones who would want to use such a service. It is very useful to sensitive, shy, non-confrontational types who want to avoid making social gaffes and being denigrated by people who take advantage of the fact you still think they are your friend.

        • Wow. You are a very broken person. If Facebook has this much of a hold on your life, my heart weeps for you. I was genuinely saddened while reading what you wrote. It was like reading a heart breaking story of a meth addict trying to justify their use of a horrible life wrecking substance.

          But seriously, if this is how you feel about being unfriended on Facebook, you really need to seek some professional help. It sounds like you have a distorted vision of reality that has been warped by social media. I don't understand how someone unfriending you is akin to sociopathic, but if they mute, unfollow and block you but stay on your list, this is ok.

          And you have 235 people on your list? And all of these are close personal friends? There are not a few on there who are "in passing" acquaintances? What would it matter is Bob from the mail room who like ponies and star shaped doughnuts suddenly took you off his friend list? These people are not black listing you. They are cleaning up their list of people who were just not really friends or who they just didn't click or interact with.

          And again, if this is the sort of thing that keeps you up at 3am working out how to avoid an embarrassing situation with a person who should never have been on your Facebook list anyway, you really need to seek some professional help. Facebook is an Anti-social network. It creates anti-social behaviour.

          And I am not being a troll here, but if you have anxiety issues, Facebook is not a place you should be. And you need too seek counselling. You need to work through your issues and get some serious help. You need to get out and really connect with the people that matter in your life. Spend time with the real people who want to spend time with you and not worry about some digitally warped version of a person who deep down inside doesn't care and only has you as a number on their "friends list".

  • +1

    I was really hoping Facebook would fail, I was hoping social media in general would fail. Now with people paying for this pathetic crap it further reaffirms why I think social media should fail it's seriously destroying society and allowing antisocial behaviour to prosper.

  • +4

    Stop using Facebook and go hang out with some real friends you losers LOL. I don't care what anyone says but using a tool like this to work out who to avoid in real life is pathetic. They probably unfriended you because you became the type of person who uses this tool. Have you thought of that way?

  • +1

    What a waste of time, bits and bytes …

  • +2

    people paid to use this service?

  • This shouldn't be here

  • This is pathetic…

  • +1

    The sad thing is that these services actually exist. Shows that Facebook is an anti-social network. You give them $2 a month for access to your Facebook profile and information and your friends list. They should be paying you…

    Neg because it's something that can be done manually and/or cheaper/free.

    And it might be out of the rules for a neg vote, but I am negging because it's disgusting behaviour for any company to willing go out and sell something like this. Absolutely puerile to its core… You want to enable stalkers and unstable people or cause controversy in a place that already makes people anti social.

    Well done on topping my list of the worst of humanity bargains.

    • Whilst I also laugh at the people that need this kind of product, I do expect you to neg the next Dishwasher bargain.

      • +1

        Send me the link and I'll get on it. If I'm not too busy working out who of my Facebook friends that never talk to me in real life anyway, has just thought I needed to be pushed outside their social circle in the most passive aggressive move I have ever thought possible…

        Ps: I have no idea where the whole washing machine thing comes into it…

        • +1

          "Neg because it's something that can be done manually and/or cheaper/free."

          Perfect example of a dishwasher. :)

          Note: I realise it was a bit obscure.

        • @fatpizza: hahaha… Based on this reasoning, I negged my wife… Pfffft, I can do all that she does… And for free!

          Now I'm sleeping on the couch… :(

  • Just get fbpurity and get told this for free. Oh, and it does a heap of other useful stuff. And it's free.


    I love these innovative and clever ideas. Thanks!

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