Looks pretty cheap but limited stock. Check your local store.
Staticice says it was $449.
Looks pretty cheap but limited stock. Check your local store.
Staticice says it was $449.
Note that depends on your case and card setup, Blower-style cooler would not work as well as other ones. If you use SLI, Blowers usually work better, but if you're on single card, most of the time non-Blowers would cool better. Although for roughly 100$ less… it's your choice to make if it's worth sacrificing some temperatures, I can't comment on that aspect.
Indeed, also blower style is super noisy usually.
Checking forums on whirlpool show that this card was $419 two years ago. I know it has to do with the dollar dropping but I figure I'll wait just a little longer for the new cards to drop rather than pay the same price I would have 2 years ago.
with the new Nvidia cards coming out, i think its April, these should drop in price?
I'd think May at earliest, and we are talking about a Titan. Probably won't see normal ones for actual sale like 6 months.
get another 970 or wait for pascal?
Get another. Pascal will be $$$.. New tech always is.
Bought this last July for about $440. Great VC IMO.
Compared to pascal, 2 970s will be pretty weak. The whole reason why you'd get 2 970s is to game in 4k (one 970 can easily play graphic intense games like witcher 3 at good FPS), the pascal GPUs will be able to play in 4k without a sweat (and that's with only 1 card). + you're getting diminishing returns the more you buy for SLI thus less bang for your buck. Personally I'm gonna wait it out until pascal comes before upgrading.
SLI 970s are barely getting 40fps on BF4 at 4k and that's already an older game: http://www.techspot.com/articles-info/898/bench/BF4_01.png
Hell even SLI 980s are barely keeping it within the 30-60 fps range, and only averaging at about 50: http://media.gamersnexus.net/images/media/2015/game-bench/wi…
I know technology is always getting better, but getting 970 SLI right now seems like a bad idea unless you've got loads of money to blow on gaming. SLI 980s are already starting to get maxed out on 4k, so 970s SLI wouldn't last long into the future with new games with better graphics at 4k. Sure it'll easily cost 1k for one pascal GPU, but really the difference in cost of getting 2 970s now isn't going to be that much more. Pascal is a better long term 4k solution for gaming, and will probably be more cost effective.
It is not all about the 'Pascal',the new graphic cards would be optimized for the VR,they said medium range as well.
AMD/Samsung 14nm Polaris will be much faster in all DX12 games then 16nm Nvidia/TSMC pascal.. I would skip the new Nvidia and go to AMD for next gen
Sure, because AMD has always been so much faster and reliable in the past.
Believe it, when I actually see it. Not just made up rumours on the internet.
AMD were shittin' all over Intel in the P4/Athlon XP days, same with ATI with Nvidia pre AMD purchase. I remember pencilling my jumpers on my Athlon to unlock it haha. Then Intel and Nvidia upped there game massively.
I wouldn't write off the possibility entirely, seems like all the companies go through their peaks and troughs like a business cycle.
I'm an old fart though. I still think glide on the voodoos were the best and ahead of its time and it was a shame to see 3dfx go down the toilet with that.
AMD is wooping Nvidia in DX12 games right now with current and OLD cards.. yes there's only one real DX12 game out at the moment and all the rest are ports from DX11 game.. but its looking like DX12 favours AMD heaps for some reason
Good summary. Agreed. I guess for me, I went from an old 560Ti so it was a massive jump. Would love 4k too, but that also requires investment in a new monitor to support it. I figure as Stoogie already has a 970, might make more economic sense to get another one instead of going the new tech. :)
Out of stock in VIC , MSY sucks with stocks
Yeah their stock is useless. Always has been.
It's almost like they're trying to sell products and make money or something..
What do you expect lmao
I have one of these, bought it because i planned to go SLI but in practice I'll go faster single card when it's time for more grunt. Mine has very slight coil whine occasionally but not bad at all and inline with most 970 cards. Fan a little noisy but nothing to bother much about IMHO.
we need more deals on graphics cards, coolers and the like since the kogan skylake sale
Agreed, good deals on CPU and GFX are rare
Hopefully there will be some good CPU deals soon, considering an upgrade.
using onboard graphics until the new Nvidia cards come out
me too. Its hard to resist but we'll be the ones laughing when the 14nm Polaris/Pascal generation comes out.
is that from the CPU?
Yep - theres some benchmark info here - http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/skylake-intel-core-i7-67…
Nothing spectacular - but good enough to do until next gen cards are released :)
I have this card in my HTPC, and the cooler fan is while not exactly loud it makes an annoying buzz (no coil whine).
I've taken it off and tried to quiet it down by putting rubber washers on it, which made a difference, but I can still heart it from the couch… it's the actual fan that makes the noise.
Anyone know an aftermarket cooler which would work?
why would u put this in a HTPC?
I've had an R9 290 in my HTPC since they came out. I prefer to game on the couch. But that's the beauty of PCs, do what you want :)
hey who doesn't want to play HuniePop on the couch?
If you don't have a side window you could try sound deadening the side panels:
Most aftermarket coolers are made to fit everything:
Many GPU manufacturers use non-reference lays. These two things mean you may miss a hot chip and kill your card.
I used a factory sound deadened case 10 years ago, an Antec Sonata with a 4870. It worked reasonably well.
I now use open air coolers and quiet case fans which minimise idle noise to that of a gentle breeze. But now I have a HDD on the way out making an annoying buzz.
As mentioned already, the thing to be aware about this card is that it makes an annoying whine sound with the fan under load.
While most manufacturers have 0% fan operation on idle, this reference Gainward model has the blower fan running still.
For $399 it's definitely packing the performance, but if you're after a silent rig, look towards MSI.
Gainward doesnt come with the Division, so if a ASUS, Gigabyte, Zotac, PNY GTX970 can be found for around the same price, go for that
what Division?
have gainward Phantom - pretty happy with it
The Division is a game.
Prob the best game I've ever had come free with gpu
sounds like it's worth paying the extra 100$ for an ASUS card!
bought this card when it was on sale a few months ago, works great, no problems. fan can be a bit loud when you really stress it tho (but this rarely happens, well for me anyway)
does it support 3d mode to watch movies or gaming?
how does this card compare to a similiar AMD/ATI?
to be honest im not sure, you would have to google detailed reviews for it. as a gaming graphics card, it handles games at 1920 x 1080 with everything maxed quite easily.
I have the Gainward GTX970 Phantom - i'm very happy.
I'm the idiot.
I recently bought this. A fine card, but make sure to find a mini HDMI thing first. I found a cheap one at Dick Smith.
Dont forget to claim your free games from nvidia
Just grabbed one of these yesterday to create an sli setup. Which free games am I eligible to claim? I saw on the Nvidia page something about the division, but it only appears open to purchases from US retailers.
OP. WA now out of stock.
Nvidia offering the division, but i bought an asus one so i was able to claim the division and far cry primal. The division runs quite good at this card :)
Hey - sorry but - how did you claim the redemption code? I've tried putting in my SN that was on the 970 that i just bought from MSY and it tells me that "This serial number has no available promotions"
@benjoon: Im afraid the reference model may not be eligible for the game, but anyway try your luck from galax website it self.When i claimed the game from Asus i did it from Asus website not from nvidia website.
enjoy your 3.5. are you guys sure you're going to support nvidia with this product even after their lies?
I just visited the nvidia site and Gainward have been added onto the list. So if you buy this graphics card you can get free Division
Just paid $520 this morning for asus one :! Anyway, no stock in NSW.