Went for a look in my local Dick Smith and they have Logitech MX Master Mice for $55.60. Rang around, seems to not be store specific so try your local shop if youre after one!
Pics of Receipt:
Went for a look in my local Dick Smith and they have Logitech MX Master Mice for $55.60. Rang around, seems to not be store specific so try your local shop if youre after one!
Pics of Receipt:
Just called, none left :(
i picked it up just before lunch. the broadmeadows store is pretty empty of all stock.
did you really need 3? There was one left at Greensborough Plaza when I was there on Sunday!
Must be because the percentage off the retail is now finally increased - it was 40% before and the original price was like 140 and thus brought it to around $84 which was eh so I'm assuming its now 60% judging by the above price.
Good price.
I've been keeping an eye on my local for the last few weeks and last week there were only two left on the shelf @ $70, so I bought one just in case they sold out before going lower.
/gif 3
Why did you get 3?
One for me myself and irene
By my calculation you got ripped off. Yesterday they were $119.98 at DSE Warringah mall with 60% off mice. That would make it $47.99, not $55.60. Must be a Tasmania tax?
Shelf Price at DSE here in Tassie is $139… lol
-60% is $55.60.
Bought all 3 because the salesman said they had never sold 1…. so i took that to mean novody else would want them, so i bought 3 and will gift them.
Edit: Also.. I wouldnt say i got 'ripped off' @ $55.60…
Why is there gifs?
Happens every year, don't worry about it.
oh my. I was just thinking to myself "gee I didn't see any April fools stuff today" and separately "holy cow those gifs were annoying, what's with all the gif comments". They got me good - I thought this was a new feature for the site
/gif annoying
Why didnt my comment get a gif
why do you need 3?
/gif mouse
I bring mine from home to work, I would probably buy another 2 myself but my DS store has been ransacked!
/gif dancing
i have 2, one for work and one for home
/gif yolo
I'm sure there will be a lot of people buying these mice and putting them up on eBay for a sizeable profit.
I've been waiting for the price to be right so I guess I'll raid the locals at lunch :)
Nailed it ^
Purchased this last week at $69.50 (which I think is already a great price). Will try to claim price protection.
/gif exciting
I have no issue with the introduction of GIF's but I really feel like people are just putting them into their comments for the sake of putting them into their comments, this many unnecessarily is going to draw un-wanted attention to my desk at work.
Look at the date
LMAO thanks
/gif facepalm shame
look at the time.
Someone is a hypocrite!
/gif hypocrite
you do realize it was automatic lol?
Of course I do. That's why your whinging was funny.
People arent putting them in, its doing it automatically.. an april fools prank im guessing.
Why would Ozbargain's greatest new feature be a prank?
/gif polka dot elephant
Oh .. new web site so many pics … so slow browsing ….
I asked in store in Melbourne city store but apparently there's only some in Tassie.
Hoping they have a few left at chatswood
this is the best video to add to a comment ever!! :)
assuming april fools
/gif fools
there was about 7 of the MX Anywhere2 at Dick Smith Kotara last night at 8:30pm
edit: wrong mouse
Wrong mouse you say
/gif mouse surpised
/gif master mouse
No stocks around the north shore area…
All these GIFs make me dizzy.
Logitech Anywhere Mouse 2 are $47.99 if you're able to find it.
None in stock in SA :(
Good price got a great mouse
/gif mouse
mouse … testing to see if it will put a gif for me with the word mouse …
LOL it's a rat.
Wow that's scary seeing a rat being able to climb out of a full toilet bowl!
That is how toilet bowl works? Is it really like that?
I wonder if the rat flushed after he dropped the kids off at the pool (you can see it floating in the middle)
that rat stirred up a little brown nugget
/gif brown nugget
Daam she was hot
Ringwood (Victoria) had none. Only mice worth mentioning were Logitech Daedalus Apex G303 (RGB) x2. The shop is nearly empty with mainly mobile cases and literally the shelves for sale.
/gif skills
I am after a mouse that uses bluetooth without a dongle like the microsoft arc touch wireless mouse.
/gif porn
anywhere 2
Cheers went and bought one was one left after. Plenty of the anywhere mouse 2
how much were the anywhere mice?
/gif cash back rewards
I'n not sure i didn't ask sorry but a comment on this deal said they were $47.99.
Where did you buy them?
dicksmith Jamisontown NSW
/gif boobs
holy crack on a cracker
The one below is better.
Nah. The blonde chick is prettier.
More Boobs
/gif Boobs
This is the one. You've won. Congratulations.
/gif wow wow
Just a note that DSE Mt Druitt has about 20 of the MX Anywhere 2's for $47.99
Also, Logitech Bluetooth m337 going for $10.
Anywhere 2 lacks scroll button and thumb scroll, but better for travellers. Could be a better deal than MX Master for some.
/gif dick joke
/gif Dick Smith
why is there suddenly so many animated pictures that are irrelevant.
DSE Roselands have plenty… maybe 10 or so
Picked up the last one at Westlakes SA (MX Master). 2x Anywhere2 left.
Damn Browns Plains none left had like 5 yesterday or so.
/gif Boobs
I just realised you're in Burnie OP. I'm surprised since the CBD is literally 1 street.
So much for "gifting".
Guys all these gifs are clogging up the amazing dick smith liquidation clearance specials. How am I supposed to work out who has stock of DS branded TV's for 20% off?!??
Scored Anywhere 2 for $48
Damn….I just paid 100 for ONE!!!!
For those interested, there is also a Logitech K400 Plus wireless keyboard for $25 at DSE. Cheapest elsewhere is ~$50
With not being able to locate any stock from DSE, has anyone any luck getting other stores (Harvey Norman, JB Hi-Fi, Big W) to price match?
How can you price match DSE don't even have it on their site.
Various receipts posted by people here.
There was one left on the shelf at DS Broadmeadows when I was there about 4pm…might still be there if someone's interested.