This was posted 8 years 11 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4/XB1] Rock Band 4 – Band in a Box Bundle - $199 @ EB Games


Rock Band 4 – Band in a Box Bundle for ps4/xbox one for $199 at EB games
comes with
Full Version of Rock Band™ 4 Game Software
Wireless Fender™ Stratocaster™ Guitar Controller with Strap
Wireless Drum Kit with Wooden Drumsticks
Microphone with Lengthy 15ft (4.6m) USB Cable
cheapest I've seen it.

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • How realistic are these compared with the real guitar and drum set? It is a serious question as I am thinking to get a set for the kids.

    • How realistic are these compared with the real guitar and drum set?


      The game is just as arcade-y as Dance Dance Revolution (the game where you step on arrows in rhythm to the music).
      It's just like comparing apples with oranges.

      • No strings etc on guitar and drum just touch (not even with 3D touch)? Thanks.

        • The drums are a velocity sensitive electronic drumkit (obviously cheaply made and without cymbals) but if you buy cymbals and another pedal and work your way up to Expert difficulty then you will effectively be doing real drumming.

    • +1

      Try Rocksmith

    • There seams to be a lot of negative feedback about the drumkit in Rockband 4 (not registering a lot of hits) and i don't think there is a drum trainer (lesson mode) like there was in previous rockband games - you can plug in a real electronic drum kit with a midi adapter but that means buying a real drumkit and the adapter and you are still left with no option to learn to play like older versions of the game.

      As for the guitar its just a guitar shaped controller with 5 buttons so you can't compare it to a real guitar - i would definitely recommend Rocksmith 2014 but that requires purchasing real guitars (Electric guitar or Bass guitar), the game and the special usb to guitar cable (it usually comes with one cable) you can get extra cables and play two players and it has great guitar lessons (its more of a learn/play-along guitar game than a game).

  • Any way to get the equipment to work with PC?

    • +1

      The PS4 versions will work on a PC (though, i'm not sure what you'd use them for). There's a campaign underway (almost over and unlikely to reach its goal) to bring Rock Band 4 (and Rock Band Network) to the PC…

      If you're having problems with your instruments registering/missing notes, you can use a PC/Laptop with Bluetooth to update the firmware on the guitar & drum controllers. Just grab the latest firmware from the Madcatz site (who are no longer their publishing partner… PDP will soon be making all of the instruments).

      • Looks dubious it'll ever reach the goal…Damn.

        And nah, was curious because I was thinking maybe using Performous to play similar rythm game type things on PC.

        Having an official port will be way more awesome. =/

        Thanks heaps for your detailed replies, though. Might look into this next time around.

  • honestly if you have rb3 you will be very disappointing with 4, its an absolute nightmare transferring you previously bought tracks. PS4 I'm talking about.

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