EB Games online changed my order after checkout

Long story short, I bought the PS4 Batman Arkham Knight Collectors Edition from EB Games online posted here and got sent the EB exclusive special edition instead.

Checking my email receipt and online order history, it says I did order the special edition, but when I actully placed the order I never even went to the special edition listing, just clicked the Collectors edition link, checked it was the edition i wanted (confirmed statue picture and "Collectors Edition" name in the listing) and checked out from there

Anyone else have this problem?

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia


  • Just take it in store and tell them you are swapping it.

    The 15 year old kid at the desk wont give a shit - and if you get angry and irate, he will just cave anyway

  • Contact EB's online store. I had a similar problem last year.

    I bought the collector's edition of Watch Dogs + Pokemon White 2 for $60 together (part of the "2 for $xx sale). Bought Pokemon in-store and Watch Dogs online and paid for the two in-store. I then took Pokemon home (which was in stock), while I waited Watch Dogs to be delivered (out of stock in-store, available online).

    However, Watch Dogs was suddenly marked 'out of stock' after I paid for it and after some talking to their online department, they agreed to refund the $30 (since Pokemon was fine). Went back in-store to receive the refund, where I originally paid with card.

    Few days later, I got an email stating I have a $30 giftcard waiting to be collected. So, I went in-store again to receive it and now, I have $60 refunded - thus making Pokemon a free game!

    Explain the situation to them and they should refund/reimburse you. They even give you more than you expected! But the key here is: Don't be a pain in the arse and you'll be fine.

  • Thanks for the replies guys :)
    I was going to contact the online department anyways and see if the order could actually be fulfilled or just get a full refund, just wanted to see if anyone else was in the same boat or if it was just me

  • EB Games sucks! They claim to be "Australia's leading games retailer" but this couldn't be further from the truth. On every occasion that I have shopped there at least one the following events have happened to me.

    1. They offer a satisfaction guarantee where any new game (excluding PC titles) can be returned within seven days of purchase and a refund is given. Guess what they do with the game after it's returned? It goes straight back up on the shelf as a new title. That's right, a USED item is resold as NEW countless times to those unaware of how things work at EB. I don't know about you but when I buy something that's new I expect it to be new, not something that's been in and out of the shop countless times passing through many different hands. Of course someone uses the download code and lies about this when they return it so if you do buy a "new"game from EB be prepared to revisit the store to obtain a new DLC code to purchase any extra content. I got real sick of this happening real fast.

    2. Their used game prices and trade in values are an unfunny joke. EB are the masters of maximising profit from every single customer that walks through their doors. They continually push pre owned "Are you sure you don't want a pre owned copy, it's only $2.00 less than the brand new one" on the one hand while lowballing trades on the other. Customers get force fed: Pre order! Midnight launch! Come along and pay $109.95 for the latest COD game. Then in a few weeks time, come back and trade it in for a pittance while putting that money towards another pre order that will also be $109.95. They are the only organisation that sell used games at higher prices compared to other shops selling brand new copies. That's right, come to EB, pay more for USED compared to NEW elsewhere. I've given up on buying new games from them.

    3. Their used consoles and accessories are junk. EB do not test items that are traded in such as consoles and accessories. They hold onto them for a week as per the law for such things and then back out they go for sale. Read EB's Facebook page, they make claims about there being an "expert refurbishment team". Have you ever heard of a bigger crock than that? Do not buy used items from EB unless you like flushing your money down the toilet. There's a reason why the warranty is only 90 days. I bought a used console that dies four weeks after purchase. EB were VERY reluctant to do anything and I had to make numerous threats to get them to fix it. Not good enough.

    4. They treat staff like dirt and expect customers to do all the hard work for them. EB are currently under investigation for abuse of staff members by a racist homophobic fine specimen of humanity known as Mark DiStefano. This has bought to light many other staff members speaking up about mistreatment at the hands of EB. Unpaid hours, early starts, late finishes, harassment, bullying, you name it, EB are probably guilty of it. Seen it cheaper elsewhere? We'll match it! Of course you have, the entire games retail sector is cheaper than EB. They want you to do all the hard work, find a cheaper price, go to them tell them where you found it, they then call and check if stock is available and still, it's at managers discretion if they will do it. Perhaps you could lower your prices EB and be a market leader for once? Set the trend instead of being hopelessly behind it. On many occasions I have had price matches denied because of some arbitrary reason that no decent business would cite as a deal breaker.

    5. Pressure selling tactics to make you feel like you're ordering fast food. EB staff members have some vicious KPI sales targets to meet each month. That means that should you choose to shop there you are going to have a whole variety of crap shoved down your throat that you don't even want to know about.
      Join EB World, it's free!
      Would you like to pre order the next Call of Battlefield?
      Trade those old games in and save money!!!
      Come to the next midnight launch and hang with us!
      Would you like scratch protection on your disc?
      Are you sure you don't want the collectors edition of the game you're buying? It's only $199.95!
      I hate being pressured into these things, it happens way too frequently when shopping there.

    So, in summary, don't buy from EB, they are a cancerous lump on the arse crack of Australian games retail. Support the stores that have the best prices, whether they be online or bricks and mortar. Just say no to EB and all of the dodgy shit mentioned above!

    • holy shit dude

      • -1

        Now whose stalking?

    • +2

      It appears you need to learn how to be an adult and just get over things.
      "they pressure you into buying stuff" right, not hard to say no thanks and leave.
      jesus christ man.

      • It's relentless and off putting. You might like hearing it all the time but others don't.

        • +1

          Maybe you should stop going to the same store then.
          I've never been asked to buy anything else other than my purchase. I always price match games from various EB's with no issue and no upselling.

        • -4

          @theguyrules: Well done. Here have a cookie.

  • And here I was thinking that being a bargain hunting website people would go to the stores that actually have the bargains and NOT the store with the highest prices to beg them to lower the price to bargain level.

    • That's not even what this post is about mate.

      • It's all part of shopping with EB so it's relevant.

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