• expired

Weber Q2000 $349 @ BBQ's and Outdoor


This is my first post.
Long story short, found they are selling this a few dollars cheaper than https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/239828 and it was expired.

Masters Price match 10% off plus 5% gift card bring it down to $298. And get a free gas exchange if you can make it by today. This is one of the best portable BBQs in the market. Good for picnic and camping, and I am going to use it for backyard as well. Btw, this beauty is big enough to feed up to 5-8 ppl I reckon.

P.S. David Jones has 10% off on weber now.

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BBQs and Outdoor
BBQs and Outdoor

closed Comments

  • Price match is not a bargain. Please read the rules of posting a bargain

    • Thanks for the update.

  • +1

    It's worth getting the higher lid version with thermometer….

    • That's true, was struggling between those two, but the Q2200 is only available at BBQ specialists and RRP is $439.
      But you can buy a wireless thermometer and connect to mobile which makes it even more durable.

      For the higher lid, only if you cook super big turkey.

      • what thermometer did you buy? and would you recommend it? or go for another? I have a baby q which is amazing but has no inbuilt thermometer, I kind of regret not getting the bigger one. nonetheless I'm on the hunt for a thermometer - mainly to be able to use to cook anything and everything, I know one isn't needed in some instances, example meat ( as long as you follow their instructions) but I like to know - just more for knowledge than anything.
        also is the thermometer the type to just put on the side and leave it there? the reason I ask is because Weber bbqs aren't made to be opening on a constant basis

  • +6

    this beauty is big enough to feed up to 5-8 ppl I reckon.

    or ONE jv….

    • how about -1 jv

    • How many americans?

  • +1

    Have this can cook for 6 easy, great unit, takes up no space and easy to clean, no more giant size BBQ's for us.

    • +1

      It's true too - because the weber cooks meat fast, the small hot plate doesn't really matter…

    • Same here. Got rid of my rusting 4 burner cheap Kmart BBQ for a weber q2000.
      Does a better BBQ for less space and should last a lot longer.

      • +2

        Agree great bbq. I've got the same model as this, cooked a whacking great turkey in it last week, no probs fitting it in. If your bird doesn't fit in this , time to stop eating EMU. :)

  • nice find OP.
    I'm still using this one https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/169857
    who else is using it still? ;)

    • i found i couldnt get the jumbuck hot enough to sear steaks

      • i had no problems with it.
        for ultra thick steaks close the hood!

    • Absolutely I am.
      Sitting next to it right now.

  • Post should have "Melbourne" in the title as there is no automatic shipping calculator. Even for the price match at Masters, no one is going to price match this outside of Melbourne unless it you can prove the shipping cost.

  • Gift card? Where do we get the gift card from? I hate incomplete deals.

  • hey so does the free gas exchange finish today 30th March?

    • Yes

  • Does anyone know if Myer will price match with these guys?

    • They should match it, but no 10% off.

  • In before 10000 Weber testimonials.

  • Master has this listed for $341 in store .

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