• expired

uberX Price Lowered by 15% for uberX in Victoria - from Thursday 7am


Uber have just advised all their drivers that they are trialing a 15% reduction in UberX prices in Victoria effective from 7am this Thursday.

As a valued partner of Uber, I wanted to take this opportunity to explain an upcoming change that Uber is making to its prices for Victoria.
Increasing demand for rides, and earnings guarantees

After careful consideration and analysis, Uber has determined that to increase demand for trips from riders, and make it easier for driver-partners to more reliably get trips across the week, prices should be lowered by 15% for uberX in Victoria. This change will come into effect this Thursday morning at 7am.

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (214)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (212)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • +22

    This is an announcement, not a bargain. It belongs in the forums.

  • How cheap is it per KM atm in Vic? Black is only available in Adelaide and its costly, like $5 a Kilometer

      • +3

        Worst joke.. Ever

        • -3

          I wasn't joking.

        • +2

          @jv: Neither was I

        • -4


          Now you know why then…

    • +2

      Melbourne x:
      $0.40/min + $1.15/km + $2.35 base.
      Min fare $6

      Melbourne black is:
      $0.8 + $2.40 + $10.
      Min fare $25

      Adelaide (black) is:
      $0.45 + $2.05 + $8.
      Min fare $20

  • -1

    This is meaningless.
    Reduce fares while making hidden changes to the surge pricing algorithm…..

    • +4

      What are the changes?

      • -8

        They certainly won't advertise them ….

        • +2

          Seems like you certainly don't know them…

    • +5

      Well it's meaningful if you're not taking fares during surge periods then.

  • +7

    Thanks for posting this bargain, wouldn't have found it otherwise

  • +4

    I thought vic can't have uber

    • +3

      nope technically it's not legal in Vic. but that doesn't stop them from doing business here. Melbourne will get UberEats in coming weeks as well.

      • +2

        We use to get offered a choclate and sometimes water bottle, seems we may not be getting it lol.

      • Melbourne will get UberEats in coming weeks as well.

        I'm only interested in UberPuppies

  • +2

    i hope it's more successful than the 20% reduction in brisbane. it's surge pricing more often than not now, and some drivers aren't offering water/lollies in protest. i haven't really noticed it being much cheaper without surge anyway.

    • -7

      They're protesting? Why dont they just get a real job instead?

      • +8

        Everyone's circumstances are different and you gotta admit these guys are 9/10 offering a better service than your average overpriced cab.

        • Give it another year see how the service is then… When prices have down even more , and they have to work the same hours as a taxi driver and their seats and cars become worn out through all the trips , see how many sweets you get offered on your trip then.

        • +3

          Can I have the crystal ball that you're holding? It must be great to be able to see the future with such a clarity and certainty.

        • @djc926: what so you think with all the extra drivers added everyday and all the rival companies starting up that uber drivers are going to get more work ? Don't ever get into the stock market mate lol , do a it of research , look at the U.S and the forums they are all earning less and less. , unfortunately the golden ticket for earning $300 + For a bit of driving is eventually going to run out.

        • +1


          Indeed. I drove for a while for them when they launched 2 years ago (NSW), but gave it up after a few weeks when some fines came in.

          It was only worth it when they were providing $150 bonuses for 10+ trips in a night, and minimum earning guarantees. I think thats all gone now.

          Its a shame for the uber drivers themselves, they now get to take home less money for the same work. A 'valued' uber 'partner' indeed.

        • @ubcool:

          Hygenic people without BO doesn't suddenly start smelling bad just because they get paid less. Just because they get paid less doesn't mean their own personal cars will get trashed and not looked after.

          I don't really care about cost because I only catch cabs for work and it doesn't come out of my pocket but I still choose to use Uber every time because I can't stand the stench of 95% of the cabs out there and the BO from the drivers.

          There you go. How was research and share market related again?

        • @klownz: i'm curious, are the fines because of uber? or because of you?

        • @djc926: you are a snobby idiot if you think a driver smells bad just because a different company pays them… you do realise lots of taxi drivers have switched to ubering so by your logic uber must be a wonder cure for BO….

        • @shuckeru:

          Because at the time Uber was stating that UberX was fine/good to go at the time. RMS on the other hand had another idea. Plenty of drivers at the time were fined by picking up RMS undercover officers and dropping them off for fares, and later getting the knock on the door.

          Uber covered the fines. But they still somewhat misrepresented the legality of their operation to their 'partners'. The lawyer they provided for me stated after ascertaining driving for UberX in a normal plated car without a public passenger transport permit was a grey area, that he advised against driving further unless I was happy to keep getting fines. Uber continued to describe their service as 'ride-sharing' rather than a public transport service (even though the application clearly assigns fares to drivers, and doesn't give them the option to share their ride to a destination they are already going to).

          You could say the fines were because of uber, or by extension because of me operating under uber. I'm not quite sure I understand your question.

        • @ubcool:

          How can I be snobby or an idiot if I'm talking from experience? You have a very twisted logic lol
          If Uber stops delivering good service, no issues. I'll just stop using. So far, it's leaps and bounds better than cabs. It doesn't bother me. I vote with my feet. Maybe you don't and you drive cabs. Lol

        • @djc926: no just not an idiot who can see that obviously a uber drivers car is going to be nicer than a taxis who has done 10 thousand trips and only has to do a few trips a day because they get paid so much.

        • -1


          Better than an idiot who puts down uber when it clearly provides better service for passengers. I don't give a crap why cab drivers are cranky and smelly. I am not paying them for crappy service and uber will meet the same fate if they go down that path and if and when that happens I will stop giving them my money.
          I just won't be a stupid idiot with an imaginary crystal ball and claim to know what will happen in the future.

        • @djc926: when i have i put uber down? i think its good at the moment too but i have enough common sense to understand why its good now and why it wont last, unless you think in 4 years every uber is still going to be a fresh car thats only done a few hundred trips with a new jolly driver who quit his stressfull day job because of the amount of money he was making with uber… that part has changed allready

        • @ubcool:

          Why not? People usually don't buy a new car just to start driving for Uber. I can safely say it will always be cleaner than cabs because it's their personal vehicle and not a dedicated work vehicle

    • +1

      The promise of lower fares equaling more passengers didn't quite work, from my experience.

      • +2

        Members who never posts deals but are the fastest to neg others efforts. Typical.

      • +1

        You've been here 5 years and offer nothing of value to our community (zero deals posted). Put up or shut up.

  • +2

    Get ready for surge pricing whenever you need an uber, which is more than likely a Friday, Sat or Sun between 4pm and 4am.

    I preferred it before the 20% cost reduction (Brisbane) because it actually worked out cheaper.

    • +1

      Get ready to be hit by SURGES now. It is a double edged sword gonna kill riders and uber eventually.

  • Sydney is next.

    Sort of looking forward to it as currently there are way too many drivers out there and not enough passengers.

    • How do you know? Have all the other major cities had price reductions?

    • +1

      They only lower the rates (15-20% off) once there is a surplus of drivers and so far Sydney has, overall, alot more riders than drivers. Uber is trying their best to increase the number of drivers on the roads in Sydney so they can cut the rates (not great for the driver as your odometer goes up for less money)

      As of today Uber Sydney has doubled its driver referral incentive to $400 per referral!

      Uber really do go by supply and demand, so more drivers means they can cut rates and get more riders therefore increasing uber's popularity/market
      Also more drivers means more reliable service

      It's happened in the states, where rates have dropped to as low as $0.3/mile (compared to $1.45/km)
      however the minimum wage over in the states is ridiculously low so not a great comparison

      • Lol why would you refer a driver if you was an uber driver, it's a like a pyramid scheme soon there will be more drivers than riders..

  • +1

    As a valued partner of Uber

    Good thing Uber does not give a flying sack about you ergo the price decrease.

    Whats hilarious is people still work for this pack of monkeys, even after cutting the rug out from under drivers.

    Hopefully the transport industry safe rate changes on April 1st will eventually apply to ride sharing services as well.

    • +1

      Yep and they still keep their 20% cut of whatever it is you make just for running their 'platform'.

      I don't suppose they have ever considered reducing their own take of drivers income - you know, allow their partners to share in their success?

  • Did someone mention free wi-fi on Uber ?


    • +1

      More uber evangelising:
      "Uber has fundamentally changed the way we think about getting from point A to point B,” Mr Long said."

      Uber isnt really that different to what capabilities are offered by cabs. They had an app, and lower prices due to no regulatory burdens.

      But anyways… I'd debate the usefulness of free wi-fi in an uber car - most are going to be short trips. Would be great if we could see free wi-fi on our public transport networks.

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