Rumor: Upgraded PS4 to Be Announced before PS VR Release

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that its sources not only confirm that Sony is working on a more powerful PS4, but that it will be announced before the PS VR is released in October.

Citing "people familiar with the matter," the paper says that the upgraded system will be needed to make the most out of virtual reality, but one source said it is likely both the current PS4 and the higher-end model would share the same software catalog. Also, production of the current PS4 would continue.

While WSJ's sources indicated that Sony wants to target consumers willing to pay for a high-end experience, the report did not mentioning pricing or any other specifics. Earlier in the month, Kotaku originally reported a rumor on the PlayStation 4.5, as it has been colloquially called.

Sony has previously refused to comment on the matter. We recently shared our thoughts about the rumors, specifically the aspects focused on high-end, 4K gaming.

[Source: The Wall Street Journal]

Our Take
The pre-October timing certainly isn't surprising given that the PS 4.5 will amplify the PS VR, but given how long the company has been talking about its virtual reality venture, it feels like Sony is not giving consumers enough time to save up for both PS VR and this supposed upcoming system.…

Keep in mind this is not merely a heardware revision (i.e. a slimmer model/more power effecient) Thoughts about console upgrades?


  • PS4.5 sounds good

    VR minecraft here we go!

  • it won't allow 4k gaming at least not for AAA titles, high end gaming pc's do it at a high cost though.

    idk if id get it rather spend the cash on my pc.

  • I am getting the feeling that this'd be like New Nintendo 3DS XL in that it have significantly better hardware to be notificible, but still has same software catalog. My personal opinion for it was if you already have the original, it's likely that you wouldn't want to buy a new console for a relatively small upgrade like this but rather wait up for new gen?

    I might be wrong in this, but as far as I know, HDMI 1.4 on Playstation 4 doesn't support 4K 60Hz along with other things. As far as I know, there are really only few devices that can do 4K 60Hz, Nvidia Shield is the only one I could think of. So I guess those people who want to get something that does 4K really well, even with video contents, they might be interested if the new one supports 4K 60Hz? Though I am not sure whether there are enough contents on 4K 60Hz, probably as a "future proof" feature if such thing can exist.

    • PS4 supports 4k video and photos, but not games.

      This new PS4 will not support 4k @60Hz gaming. The cost would be astronomical, think about how much a high end GPU alone is and the experience is arguably pretty average. PS4 doesn't even support 1080p @60Hz for all games. UC4 is 30FPS for SP and 60fps for MP.

      If this is just for the sake of VR, that's fine, but if Sony created a two-tiered performance system with the PS4 then that is imbecilic. As imbecilic as Nintendo's 3DS nonsense.

      • Yeah, I meant videos at that resolution. Playstation 4 can't play 4K 60Hz videos on TV (because HDMI 1.4 only supports 4K 30Hz). While I personally see that being almost useless feature for now (4K contents are limited to begin with, I doubt many are at 60Hz. Netflix was 4K 24Hz or something like that). I was pointing out that some people might consider buying one if it uses HDMI 2.0 which does have supports for few more things. Nvidia Shield I think plays 4K video at 4K 60Hz and as far as I know, that's a rarity.

  • -1

    This just makes me want to not buy a PS4 even more… If that was even quantifiable before. This whole VR fad is nonsense; Videogame technology is only as good as the videogames available for it. I mean, this isn't like porn industry technology, coz a booby is a booby, and everyone likes boobies. Having cool new ways to view boobies is cool, because boobies are timeless.

    Releasing a whole console upgrade so that you can play the… 3 games available for VR seems insane to me, but hey, I'm only a guy who plays videogames for their stories, mechanics, gameplay and creative concepts, so what the f*** do I know?

    The insane part is that you can ALREADY play the VR games so far without VR technology; is it really worth the 600 dollar PS4.5 and the 400 dollar VR headset so that you can play the games you already own, but closer to your face? What the hell has happened to this industry…

    • 3 games. Really? VR will likely have more games released for it within a year than WiiU did in 3.
      Nobody is saying you have to buy a PS4.5 for VR at all, if you read up it is actually for 4K TV users. The VR has its own little buffer box tech wiz doo-hicky that gives the PS4 all the help it needs.

      • Whatever, but you know it's just a method to sell more consoles to people who already have the console, in retaliation to the proposition from Microsoft about how they want lots of different Xboxes, both companies once again punishing the early adopters before the console has really hit its stride. And, to nobody's surprise, the biggest changes to the new flagship VIDEOGAME CONSOLE are best experienced with watching TV, and not with playing videogames.

        I don't know where you've heard of this secret massive catalog of VR games, but so far I've not heard of any VR exclusive games that really justify the purchase, because frankly, I dislike Minecraft even when it's further than 3 centimetres away from my eyesockets. "Keep talking and nobody explodes" is the only game I've seen that really looks developed with VR in mind rather than merely trying to capitalize off headset owners, but that still works just fine without VR, much like the other games utilizing the hardware.

        I will admit that the Sony VR looks better and, at least, more affordable than both PC alternatives. Not that I'll be interested in any of them, because my games are still working just fine when they're a metre or more away from my face without needing to shell out a hefty thousand dollars.

        • +1

          Yeah, secret catalogue huh.
          100ft Robot Golf
          Ace Combat 7
          Albino Lullaby
          Allison Road
          Apollo 11 VR Experience
          Aquarion Evol
          Ark: Survival Evolved
          Atom Universe
          Bad Bird
          Chernobyl VR Project
          Classroom Aquatic
          Crystal Rift
          Cult County
          Cyber Danganronpa
          Dead or Alive Xtreme 3
          Dead Secret
          Eagle Flight
          EVE: Valkyrie
          Final Fantasy 14 (demo)
          Futuridium VR
          The Gallery: Six Elements
          Gran Turismo Sport
          Harmonix Music VR
          Hyper Void
          Job Simulator
          Joysound VR
          Jurassic Encounter
          Loading Human
          Megaton Rainfall
          Mind: Path to Thalamus
          Mortal Blitz VR
          Omega Agent
          Paranormal Activity VR
          Project Cars
          Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin
          Rez Infinite
          Robinson: The Journey
          Rush of Blood
          Star Wars Battlefront VR Experience
          Summer Lesson
          Tekken 7
          The Assembly
          The Deep
          The Getaway: London Heist
          The Hum: Abductions
          The Mars 2030 Experience
          The Modern Zombie Taxi Co.
          The Occasional Encounter
          The Playroom
          Trackmania Turbo
          Unearthing Mars
          Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
          Vector 36
          VEV: Viva Ex Vivo
          War Thunder
          Wayward Sky
          White Day
          World of Diving
          World War Toons
          Xing: The Land Beyond

          Found it on a secret place called Google. Turned out this particular list is from an even more secret place called IGN lol.

          PS. There are 200 devs out there working with this tech right now according to Sony press release. Cue X-Files style conspiracy theory from McFuzz.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: And which of those are exclusive and/or better when used with a thousand dollars of Virtual Reality technology? Are they a thousand times better, which they should be, considering that's how much I have to pay for this pointless technology.

          It's just like 3D movies. Huge deal when it came out, now the amount of movies that actually support 3D are entirely missing from cinemas, and the ones that do have it have 6 noteworthy seconds of 3D and the rest remains within the safe 2D movie, but you have to keep giant goggles on your face OVER your glasses for the entirety of the 2 hour film. For an additional 8 bucks. Another technology that people go along with just because it's a new thing and not necessarily because it's better or necessary.

          It doesn't actually enhance anything, except for the rate at which Microsoft, Sony and Valve rip us off.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: New technology, new concept. Maybe it'd be a flop and worthless like you are suggesting, maybe it'd be a big success like 3D graphics on games.

          I do agree with the sentiment of "it's not worth its price at current stage", that said, I personally am more excited about the potential that VR as a medium for games. I personally see some form of virtual reality, be it this or be it something in distant future, to be the next big step that games will take so maybe I am slightly biased on this.

          It's pretty much at its infant stage (embryo more like), I don't think it's fair to argue about whether it's good or not at current stage.

        • @Oversimplified: agreed, Fuzz is just being a Debby Downer as usual cos Sony.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: I actually love Sony, at least when they're trying to sell me a videogames console and not a media PC. I spent the weekend playing The Last of Us on PS3, which remains one of the best games of the PS3/Xbox360 generation. I am just as unapproving in the other VR's as I am with Sony's, except nobody else is trying to justify making me buy a whole new rig to use the tech, on top of the price for these overpriced goggles.

          Someone should really change the name of this site to "OzSpendAsMuchAsYouCan" because when it comes to the new consoles and Virtual Reality, the only bargain is not buying any of it.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: Nobody is making you buy a while new rig to play VR, stop with this silly unfounded comment mate. The overpriced goggles are the cheapest of the big three VR devices by US$200 as well so again I don't understand where you're coming from.
          Doubting whether it will be the future of gaming is one thing but saying there are no games, you need to buy a new console and that it's overpriced are all just silly comments.
          I've preordered one from EB, if it's getting as good of reviews as it has had previews I'll pick it up. Otherwise I'll cancel and continue as is.

        • +1

          @FrankMcFuzz: Bargain in my opinion depends on what you see for value. If you don't see the value in it, that's fine by me. I can see why you wouldn't want one at current stage. I personally believe first generation technology is usually lacklustre and VR technology is just coming out. That said, to extend that and say that no one should get it, the technology is useless and it shouldn't even exist, I think you are exerting your opinion too much. As I said, bargain in my opinion depends on individual's opinion.

          One of my favourite game is still Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup (tile version, I can't play ASCII one because I get confused) so I am not the kind who looks for graphical details. So I don't usually go "pretty graphics = good games", in fact, I personally think current focus on graphics is killing the creativity of the game industry (I think most creative game play concepts come from indie games nowadays for that reason). That said, I don't go decent graphics are useless and they should ditch it.

          If I were to use your logic, the website isn't "OzFrankMcFuzz'sbargain". The person who decides what is bargain and what is not is not just you but the users. Besides, this is on the forum where it's not always about bargain anyways.

        • @Oversimplified: +1 Coz I love Stone Soup :3 You should try Dwarf Fortress, which is my favourite game, lol.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: I never was able to get the orb on Stone Soup. :( Probably should try other combination, but I still love the game.

        • @Oversimplified: I came close before they nerfed naga warriors :((((( I heard centaurs are a good choice because they're faster, but I like toxic spit and tail wrap so I always pick Naga.

          I'd like to see a larger, HD game where you play as even half theraces from that game. Glorious Centaur MMO when? If we get to play as dragons and kobolds and octupuses in any VR exclusive game then you've sold me on the technology, lol.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: I'd assume it'd be hard so… Also, my downfall is that I like demonspawn necromancer too much. Personally think necromancer cannot survive with just necromancy, but I always miss the timing to change to something else.

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