This was posted 8 years 11 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 Uncharted Collection $39, PS4 1TB + Lego Dimensions + Tearaway $499 @ Target


Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection $39

PS4 1TB Console includes Lego Dimensions Starter Pack (RRP $169) & Tearaway Unfolded for $499 which is exclusive to Target.
I understand Big W have the Starter Pack for $109 at the moment but this is still a great deal compared.

They also mention there will be a games clearance in store so it might pay to head in and scan some older games.

Starts 31/3 and runs until 17/4

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closed Comments

  • Anyone know if ebgames takes that lego dimensions starter pack for trade in? Might be a better deal than Big W's console pack if so

    • I'm sure they would but no idea on value. They also won't give you anymore if it's new unfortunately. You could probably sell on Ebay for $80 after fees etc if you could be bothered.

    • I don't think they do since there are so many parts and they wouldn't be able to easily check if they are all there

    • +1

      Had a chat to my mate who works there. They said they don't trade in any of the LEGO Dimensions items as it's too hard to confirm every piece is there and if they drop/lose/misplace a piece they can't resell it as it's not complete.

      Too much hassle, I can see that. If you traded it in brand new in packaging it might be a different story.

      • +1

        I assume if its not on the list on the pc, they just wont be able to do it.

    • what was the cheapest price for this console bundle?

  • +1

    Oh good price on Uncharted collection and Gravity Rush. Wonder if I should wait for further drops or used on gravity rush as you'd think used price would have to get lower than $30 over time.

    On one hand I really really like these new $40 HD remakes. But on the other hand I don't know whether to buy them up since they're cheap at the start or the ozbargainer in me says wait since they'll have price drops or I can then buy them used for wayyyy less.

    Heavy rain/ BTS at $44, Valkryia chronicles HD remaster for $40, Resident evil 4,5,6 also getting HD remasters for ps4 and looks to only be getting digital releases over here but physicals for $20 USD in the USA.

  • Some very good prices there

  • Uncharted collection should be further less around Uncharted 4 release. Digital download might reduce further like TLOU around $15-$20.

    • i prefer physical copy.

      you can't resell digital copy

      plus physical is better

      • plus physical is better

        In what way? On the PS4 the discs all install to your HDD so they still take up the same amount of room and you can't just delete the installed data without deleting the updates too which can be like 20GB for some games so you are practically downloading the whole thing again if you delete it anyway.

        I think digital is better because you don't have to change disc and you can take your PS4 anywhere without bringing the disc and you can gameshare with your friends so you can buy 1 copy and play on 2 PS4 at the same time.

        The only advantage physical has is the ability for resale. In every other way digital is better.

        • +1

          I used to be all for physical but have now started to prefer digital. It helps that the Playstation store actually has good sales for their digital games.

        • +2

          You can delete it and when you wanna play it again the game is ready to play within a minute from the disc. Downloading a 50GB game would take the average Australian internet user about 10 hours and use up a large chunk of their monthly bandwidth.

        • +1

          so u happy to download 20 gb to 50 gb each time?

          wow how hard is it to change a disc?
          So much effort to walk up to my ps4, pop out a disk an put it in ps4.
          Yeah it is is really hard…

          I rather take a disc then to download 20 to 50gb again..

          Also physical disk has value in terms of
          -collectible item and some games will have more value when it goes out of print.
          -beautiful art work, user manual and disc art.
          -also if u sell your ps4, it looks good to show included discs/games, vs showing nothing.
          and I don't think u can transfer games to someone else that u sold the ps4 to..

        • +1

          Also Firmly in the Physical 4 Life column.

          As well as resale Physical has many other benefits. You can share the games your own with your friends so they can try games they'd never normally buy and vice versa. You can wait until brick and mortar shops sell used games for nothing. I got Last of us HD for $15, Tombraider for $12, FF Zero for $15 New. PSN rarely ever does discounts that low.

          PSN and digital marketplaces also have the problem of even though the games many years old they don't cut the base price of the game back low enough or only will mark it down a ton on flash sales. Sure some of those prices can be nice on flash sales every few months but old games have an incentive physically to go down in price on the shelves at Brick and mortar stores because it's taking up shelf space and they want room for the new games so they're going to mark that old stuff down because if they don't it's bad for business. Digital store fronts have little to no incentive to mark down old games aside from sales and marketing their next game in the series. When Sony inevitably stops supporting PS4/PSP/Vita what happens to your digital games?
          Suddenly you can't download them anymore since sony's turned off the download servers. You may have backups on your memorycard/HDD but those can fail. Physical can degrade/break too but theres tons of physical available.
          Theres not really a good example of what could happen like this yet. Xbox original had arcarde games but I think unless you have it downloaded on your console you can't re download them.

          Buying digital actually hurts you if you want to buy cheap games as it leaves the pricing up to the devs/publishers instead of the physical stores who will want to move old stock.

          I'm guessing physical will go away eventually but for the time being if you want to buy cheap games physical is the way to go.

        • @Scaregdearimasu:

          I agree…

          I think digital does have it's Steam
          since that is the only way you can get games from steam..

          I think GOG style is also good, cos u can keep the installer of the games, so u can burn it of on a disk.

          But i don't consoles should get rid of disk..
          such games are getting more and more bigger..20 to 50 gbs and who know how big is next gen ps5 etc..
          It will be shit needing to download that much and will eat a huge chunk of your ISP quota.

          Also I think being able to buy second hand games for cheap price from EB / jb hifi etc is good..
          Digital is what Devs want because they don't make any money from second hand games.
          And they tried with xbox one and there was a huge revolt against it.

        • +1

          @Yuri Lowell:

          You can delete it and when you wanna play it again the game is ready to play within a minute from the disc. Downloading a 50GB game would take the average Australian internet user about 10 hours and use up a large chunk of their monthly bandwidth.

          Like I said in my comment, if you delete the locally installed data it will also delete all updates for the game so you will have to re-download large patches anyway. On some games the patch is bigger than the game itself (i.e. Destiny, Trials). Either way you must wait 1hr+ to play your game. Although yeah I agree about the 50GB download taking a day so downloading the 20GB patch would still be quicker overall. I replaced my PS4 hdd with the 2TB Segate Backup Plus Slim HDD so thankfully haven't ran out of room yet (1.5TB used so far)

          I wish Sony would let you use external USB hdd for storage like Microsoft do with the XB1.

        • @Agret:

          20gb patch is probably more like an exception than the norm…

          Most patches won't be that big.

          However the game downloads will always be huge…
          So I rather just install from disc than waiting for 50gb to down + patches..

          Also it eats into your ISP quota, so no thanks.

        • @Scaregdearimasu:

          Where did you get TLOU and Tombraider for those prices :)

        • +1

          Cashconverters can be really good on prices sometimes. At the moment they have The Order 1776 and NFS for $12 each. They also had Assassin creed Black flag for $12 as well awhile back.
          Prices are a bit hit and miss there though and these prices are way better than you'll see at most cashies. I have no clue why some CC sell the same games way cheaper than others. I'd recommend going to a few of yours if theres any in the area to find what ranges they price things in.

        • @Scaregdearimasu: wow cool thanks soo all Cashconverters have same pricing on used goods across all stores I didn't know that thanks :)

        • @Scaregdearimasu: Oh wow I've played 1886 and loved it, can't wait to try 1776. $12, what a bargain.

          But seriously, I never considered looking into cashies for games, cheers for that.

        • @vip69:
          No sorry I meant to say that prices with them are all over the place. Some cashconverters have decent prices and some don't. Sorry for the confusion.

        • @Ryugen:
          Sorry I meant to say The Order 1886. There is no 1776 lol. No worries sometimes you can find good deals there on used games. Most cashies all sell ps2/Xbox Original games at $2 used as well.

        • @Yuri Lowell: not just Aussie users.. Sony's network is slow worldwide.

  • +1

    post the xbox page of the catalogue?

  • Anyone considering this, keep in mind Sony is releasing the PS4k pretty soon.

    • with 30fps.

    • +1

      Very much just a rumour, very unlikely to be true.
      The original article most are based off is really just talking about 4k movie support, as in, blu-rays with 4k. I think the ps4 and the xbone already support online streaming like netflix at 4k.

      It would make zero sense to release a new console, not only for adoption rates, but also because the price of the GPU's needed for decent VR/4k is not cheap yet, a 980TI is still around $1000 AUD and a 970gtx which is considered the minimum I'd even think of trying it on is around 500, more expensive than a ps4 by itself! Maybe sometime in 2017 when these prices are half, or less than that, it might start to become a thing.

      *Note I hate calling it 4k, its 2160P. 4k is a random throw around word marketing companies have used to try to make it sound 4 times better than 1080p.

      • +2

        But in one sense it is 4 times 1080p.
        It's not 4 times the horizontal lines, but it's twice the horizontal and twice the vertical.
        Or to think about it differently, it's like four 1080p screens and making one big screen.

        The reasons I thought they called it that were:
        1. Marketing wank/it sounds cool
        2. Vertical resolution is 3840 pixels, rounded off to 4000, or 4k

        Having said all of that, I don't understand why most people would actually buy a 4k tv when:
        - most tv is still broadcast in SD
        - Foxtel's best resolution is 720p (interlaced sucks IMO)
        - most people have internet that would struggle to stream 4k
        - and most people still only have a DVD player

        • +2

          Reasons to buy 4K:

          1. Netflix is steaming 4k
          2. My GoPro/Phones are shooting 4k
          3. Some PC games have already supported 4k (e.g. Witcher 3, Fallout 4, SW: Battlefront etc.), and more coming.

          I know 970/980 is kinda pricer now but I can enjoy 4k video now and wait for next year's 4k games.

          That's my two cents.

        • +3

          Maybe I should have qualified my comment with the fact I'll definitely be getting a 4k tv when an affordable flat OLED concomes out.

          Mind you, I contradict the statements I made about most people.

        • +2

          @legiong: Cool. Thanks.

        • @JPic:
          You're welcome :)

      • +1

        Agreed. This PS4.5 might do 4K video - but there is not a snowball's chance in hell it will be running games at 4K.

  • +2

    Great prices! Hard to see GoW falling past $17 now.

  • +1

    Costco has the similar deal with two games around the same price, if someone else can confirm.

  • Consoles still havnt dropped much $499 is still alot for the console

    • this is the 1tb console, the original 500gb console can be found for ~$400 or less pretty regularly now.

      • yeah i got my 500gb ps4 for $349 couple months back with that kmart deal havnt seen it that cheap since then

      • yeah i got my 500gb ps4 for $349 couple months back with that kmart deal havnt seen it that cheap since then

  • Gonna def buy Heavy Rain.
    Not sure about unchartered. $39 is pretty good, but gumtree can buy for around $30? Not sure what I should do

    • $39 for uncharted is a very good price i cant see it getting cheaper than that , i got it a couple weeks ago on the target ebay store with 20% off for $47

  • Can confirm prices are now active.and these games aren't clearance so you can also layby.

    • ^ yes , just got one myself, seemed to be the last one there (uncharted collection) so i would get in quick.

  • Driveclub is currently $15 on the AU PSN store which includes both the base game AND season pass. The season pass adds a heap of additional content and is highly regarded as one of the best season passes ever. Highly recommended.

  • The Dark Side is telling me to get the LBP3, GOW3 & TLOU. :(

  • The catalogue guy must keep missing my street because my neighbours and myself have not been receiving catalogues for the past few weeks. Makes it harder to price match.

  • I had to return two ps4s because both of them stuffed up (kept randomly turnings off). Was pretty sad however, opted to EB to get the 500gb model instead. They have a deal for $448. (Ps4 500gb + extra controller). Not as good as this current deal, but i thought it was a good compromise considering i was never going to play lego dimensions nor terraway.

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