Best Laptop Suggestions?


My Sony vaio recently died, and since I was quoted more than I paid for it new 3 years ago to replace the part, it seems like time for a new laptop, but there's a lot out there and I'm not exactly sure what I need. Here's what I'm looking for:

At least 13' screen, up to 16'.

Not too heavy, my old laptop was very bulky around 2.8kg, so something lighter than that!

Preferably under $600

Not too slow, enough memory to hold some downloaded tv shows etc, able to have a good few internet tabs open at once, word processing, occasional upload of photos and download of tv shows.

I very occasionally use photoshop, about a couple of times a month, nothing too heavy, just some photo editing, so if it that could handle this, then that would be ideal! Try to have it as the only thing running when Im using it.

Happy to upgrade RAM etc myself if needed, and if it isn't too complicated to do?!

Any suggestions would be great, thanks! Both where to buy and what to look for, I haven't been in the country for long, so not sure where to look for best deals!


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