This was NOT shown as marked down- I only got the price by asking the guy to scan it for me.
Good luck!
This was NOT shown as marked down- I only got the price by asking the guy to scan it for me.
Good luck!
Mine was the last at Mandurah.
Like I said, I only asked because I liked the illuminated bit…otherwise, I never would have known. Even the cashier was shocked!
It must take a lot to shock DSE staff these days!
Holy Shot!! Will head there first thing tomorrow. Best HTPC keyboard on the market by far.
And don't ask the cashier— just in case they scoop it…
Did they have more available for this price?
They must have changed the price overnight. I was at my local DS yesterday and asked the cashier to scan this very keyboard and it came up as $65. I'll have to go back tomorrow to try my luck.
I think there are 2 models of the K830. One is Bluetooth and the other using a USB dongle. The packaging almost looks identical but could explain the price difference?
I asked a cashier the same KBD @ Whitfords this morning. He scanned and replied $65. Is he the guilty one?
Ah, you might be right 4892
Yep, two different models. Previously mentioned in K400 post.
Good price and probably a better deal than the K400, but I would prefer to spend $65 & get Bluetooth.
why is bluetooth better?
My guess is so you can just use an inbuilt bluetooth adapter rather than wasting a usb port on the proprietary logitech receiver.
And compatibility with tablet/phone devices, if you so wished…
makes sense, none of those things apply to me so i can happily stick with the normal wifi one :)
Dang, bought this yesterday for $65! Still thought it was a good deal yesterday,
Ah on second glance my one has both the Bluetooth and the dongle didn't realise their was a cheaper dongle only one
lol u srs
This neg SHOULD be revoked
BAMmers, there it goes…
You should receive a BAN after this post.
Try to read everything again…
By everything do you literally mean both lines of the description…who, I ask, could wade through that wall of text! :P
Perhaps the OP should upload a receipt for proof.
Man how did this get voted up when the website says $119 and no proof. seriously??
I posted the cached image as the keyboard was not on the DS site
I didn't keep the receipt since there's no point (I have faith the KB will be ok being Logitech)
As was stated, others bought one as well.
Good luck!
How do so many people post comments without actually reading everything? Seriously serious.
I can vouch for the OP's price and you will also see on the k400 post someone else bought at this price. It's 75% off.
Then maybe you have a receipt to prove?
I have the negs to prove it seems lol.
I have no reason to lie, neither does the OP or the other guy who bought one. (I purchased this when it was 70% off so with the latest 5% bump it now makes it cheaper, what the OP posted)
I purchased this yesterday. Dicksmith product code for the wireless version is CN5308.
Happy to post up receipt if someone tells me how to do it.
take photo on your phone ,download imgur app and press upload. copy the link and paste it here as a comment :)
Go into your Ozbargain account, go to files and upload then copy the picture url and paste in the comments. Up top click upload image.
Its a really good keyboard, post receipt and store so I can get one. I looked at Whitfords WA like one of the last posts there were none this morning, let alone at 25
so it was on sale since yesterday, but how did u know ? did it have a sticker on it
I went in looking for the k400r but there was none left and got this instead. There was no sticker or marked price reduction as such and I took it to the counter to have it scanned.
how many stock at this price out there? if there are only a couple, this should not be posted as a deal.
Well seeing that a lot of stores aren't pricing everything individually and this discount is greater than the generic % off for keyboards, you may get lucky. Probably your best bet is to go into your local once they reopen and try your luck.
I do understand your point but I think with all these dick smith deals happening you do have to kinda expect little to no stock as things move so fast. At least by seeing these deals which are nationwide you do have a chance, but that's the gamble with closing down sales
Good luck!
A) The item was no longer on the website to check stock, hence I used a cached image for clarity
B) Ringing to check would alert the staff, which might mean they take them instead
C) Not sure where you live, but in WA our stores can be over 80km apart (or more)
I'm not driving around, all day, to see who has any left. Nor does anyone, on deals such as a closing of a retail chain. If you get there & get one, great. If you don't, better luck next time.
Good luck!
Would anyone recommend this for use with a smart TV?
Yeah it's ok.. I use for my RPi2
With a smart TV?
Questionable pricing to start with and likely stock issues (obviously depending on the one you go to), this 'bargain' is close to being a treasure hunt and I certainly won't be holding my breath for it.
You're 4 1/2 hours too late..gotta be quick.
If only shops are open tomorrow… lol
Questionable pricing?
I do enjoy myself a good treasure hunt though. Sometimes that's what my OzBargain life feels like, one big treasure hunt, the payoff can be awesome :)
Yeah. If the price wasn't great then it wouldn't be worth spending the time trying to find it.
Plus this is a dick smith bargain so stock is always questionable but if you don't try…
As the pricing is nationwide (confirmed), the only issue would be store stock. As the OP simply pointed out the pricing was on, I think this is a verified Ozbargain "Bargain".
The onus is on us to confirm which stores have it avaliable.
Confirmed its $25, but there were 2 models, only one scanned at $25. The one with code CN5308
No stock for below branches
Altona VIC
Sunshine vic
Add Nunawading Vic to that too lol :(
Had to go to Brighton TGG's so stopped in at these along the way. Can confirm no stock.
Brandon Park VIC
Chadston VIC
Brighton VIC
watergardens = none
Nothing in both Penrith stores.
Are they open today?
Looked before the weekend and opening hours showed all the stores as closed today.
Looked again yesterday and they showed all the stores as being open today.
Trying to ring several stores no one is picking up the phone.
Don't think I'm going to get a payoff on this one.
yes i just went in
Finally got through to one out of 5 stores.
Don't bother with Winston Hills - their only logitech left is the Mk120.
Hey all, just got back from Mt Druitt Dick Smith. Got the last one apparently. Confirmed 2 models of the K830, the other one is $60 odd dollars on their system.
3 more in Bankstown in anyone wants to head out that way. Blacktown has one but the guy told me not to rely on their stock inventory as Mt Druitt had about $15k of stock stolen in the last week.
thanks alot.
was hoping to get one from mt druitt DS…
I'll be checking out Bankstown during the week, if you want me to grab one (If any are left) PM me your details. :)
I checked it out last night and there's nothing left except the LG wireless and the Dicksmith branded ones, also some Razer Deathstalker essentials but they're normal price at around $50.
Damn. I got the next model down from Albury Dick Smith yesterday 'cause this model was listed as $60. They had about 8 units there yesterday.
Shattered my local didn't have any left :(
Just picked up the last one in Dubbo. Can confirm it was $25 for the non Bluetooth version. I called beforehand and the guy mentioned the $25 price over phone, so it's showing live on their system.
Visiting the zoo I assume?
The folks!
So…. the zoo then?
(sorry, couldn't resist)
Cheers OP, ended up paying the extra and grabbing the BT + Dongle model @ $65. Still a good price imo and a bit more versatile!
IS this Thursday is the last week of DSE in business?
Happy to pay someone $60 to buy and post to Victoria if they happen to go and buy the $25 one along the way. Doing this pretty much means you are getting yours for free.
I would do this if only my local had stock. 😬😬
I bought the bluetooth version of this keyboard last week from DSE - it was cheaper than any other store, but nowhere near $25. I would have been VERY happy to get the wireless version for $25!
Dicksmith had another markdown of all their stuff last thurs. Anyone know if they have marked down further again today?
the store I've been to there is nothing left to mark down!
I ended up getting the bluetooth version, cost me quite a bit, $60 but meh, at least its half the price what JB HiFi is asking for.
I paid $65 today for the bluetooth/wireless version. 1 left at Maroochydore (old Bunnings centre, not the Plaza store) at $65 when I left a couple hours ago.
All gone except for regional areas in Victoria
ddp3, how you know that? You have sources ?
Asked the staff. I perhaps should have used some quotation marks where I wrote 'All gone'
Just picked up the last bluetooth at Tuggerah for $52
How much stock left and what store? Thanks!