Boxes of misc electronics / computers & parts recycle value?

I have accumulated over the years boxes upon boxes of miscellaneous electronic parts, PCBs, monitors, cables, computers, cards and various parts that I find hard to "just throw out" (hoarder in me). Is there any way to recoup some $ to a recycler for its copper and gold plated components? I don't think their is any demand for the "junk" I have on eBay etc.
The alternative is my local council has some e-waste program if I cannot recoup $.


  • +1

    Take advantage of e-waste collection services before they start charging. Recycling is profitable only in volume.

    • I shall keep my eyes open for the free services. ATM there is no free service available (usually twice a calendar year for me).

    • I see your point. Quite time consuming, however the CPU post below seems viable?!

  • +1

    Here's a list of Cpu's that have high gold content Link Older macintosh pcs, anything that was a limited sample or even anything with an older soundboard can also have value for their respective collectors. If you don't have anything you think is worthwhile the scrap dealer should offer less than if you found someone who collects older parts and is prepared to buy all of your items.

    • Wow, thanks for that site. I got a few of those chips. When you refer to a 'scrap dealer' is that like places like Sims metal ?

      • Yeah they look familiar, there are also smaller groups that do this. They usually have ads in the local papers or sites like Gumtree, wanting scrap metal or e-waste. Maybe even a gold buyer would have some contacts? The recyclers either reclaim the precious metal or maybe even sell on to other countries. If selling individually components, you can look at eBay's sold listings to see what they are going for.

        • Thanks for the reply. Informative.

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