What is currently the Best credit card with the most benefits for:
- online shopping
- amazon
- ebay
- paypal
What is currently the Best credit card with the most benefits for:
Plus one. Can also get the price insurance for free if you pay before the statement date.
what do u mean?
Can't remember the exact name, but 28 degrees offer a price insurance of sorts. If you find the product cheaper within x days, 28 degrees/ge money will refund the difference.
The insurance premium is based on your closing balance, so if you pay the credit card before the statement is produced, it will calculate on a zero balance, so zero premium.
@tyler.durden: I believe the BankWest is on par with their international transaction fees. I'm not sure about Citibank, but I know they then have the reward program. I am unsure if either have price protection.
Bankwest Zero Platinum Master Card.
what benefits?
pros and cons?
Best benefit is to avoid Overseas Transaction Fees.
Also Citibank Plus - Is a debit card, so no Credit Card Application, or Credit Check required.
so which is better ?
this one
28 degree master
28 degree master card if its overseas.