my scooter has been stolen from prospect Adelaide tonight. I have report to the police already. if anyone can advise what should I do next please
Yellow Bug Scooter Got Stolen. Terrible Night

Pretty bad situation, you could try asking nearby businesses if they have cctv footage, so you could at least try and get a description of the thief. Or put up notices in the area. You could also try posting on local social media groups eg: Stolen Car And Tools Site australia wide! Only other thing to check would be if you had any type of insurance on the scooter that covers theft. Lastly, you may want to think about cancelling your rego, but I guess this might not really have much benefit other getting some cash back.
Left me scooter outside the dairy, nek minit!!! :o
What's a yellow bug scooter? I just googled it and got all sorts of results.
Am I right thinking that it is one of these things
or an actual motorized scooter?, or something weird like these
this is a Automotive forum. so I am definitely talking about a motorized scooter .
We know what forum we are in. What we don't know, is what your bug looks like. Got a picture of yours or link to one.
We can put out an Ozbargain APB on it
I was going to ask you to pick me up a pizza and deliver it……..