planning to buy a new quilt cover. Just wonder has anyone has a silk quilt cover and can comment on that? Currently looking at silk quilt cover.
Don't mind paying a little bit extra if its a much better feeling and pleasure since will be using it everyday
much appreciated any help or comments , thanks
Is Silk Quilt Cover Any Better than The 100% Cotton or Linen Quilt Cover?

I have a silk travel liner, which I can hardly use because it gets too uncomfortably hot. Silk will be good for the super cold nights, I suppose, but it may not be suitable for warmer nights. It is very light, which is an advantage.
I have a silk quilt…really great. Keeps me warm in winter and actually ok through all seasons!
Thanks for the comments, i guess will give it a shot, any particular brand or seller that u guys can recommend?
Got mine as a gift. Made in China pure silk..rather costly. Think about $200 over.
No washing just need to sun it every now and then.
Great investment!
I used to have silk sheets, my partner would put a cotton sheet on top because he found they didnt breathe well and made him hot. I liked the feel.
Where did you get them? I've found them hard to come across.
I bought them from a David Jones Boxing Day Riot over a decade ago, I have not seen any around for years.
These guys ship to Australia, have a good range and happen to have a sale on right now - There are a few stores selling, but be careful of paying too little, you want that silk, silky!
they always have the same sale, now is autumn sale last time is easter sale
same discount %
i heard silk worm quilt is very good. warm and light.
not sure why no shop in australia sell them