"A Better Camera" is a well-regarded camera app for Android. The app also supports the Camera 2.0 APIs in Lollipop and upwards. Also comes with a bunch of neat features.
"A Better Camera" Now $0.99 (90% off) on Google Play
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Some of the features
- RAW Capture (only on the Nexus 5 at the moment)
- Burst Mode
- Manual Controls
- Exposure Bracketing
- Hi-Res panorama
Why are thee recent reviews so horrible..
I was wondering the same.
Quite a few of really good apps got bought just for their large userbase. The apps were then loaded with ads and other rubbish. Note: I am not saying that it happened to this one!!!
Tried the free version on my Xperia Z1 (let's you take limited number of HDR shots). Compared with Sony camera, and definitely an improvement. Sony camera limits HDR to 8MP, instead of using all 21MP. Slow though, when using full res.
Great price
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is that just your name kicking in ?
This vs Camera FV-5?
It's a buck. Live on the edge!
How does this differ from the camera 'app' that we normally use?