I'm looking at booking flights from Syd to Adl.
Light fare is $129 and "express" fare is $143.
Wondering what was included in the express fares, I looked. Included is free seat selection ($5 or $7) and Queue Jump ($3)
So the maths.
The light fare with the added extras= $129+$7MAX+$3= $139.
So there's a $4 difference between the Express fare and Light fare with added extras.
Am I missing something or are they getting $4+ free dollars off unsuspecting customers?
Dodgy Tigerair?

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Basically says it all. Nice work tiger… why wait till passengers arrive at the airport to screw them. Now you can do it as soon as they book.
Maybe you can book the premium seats that normally cost more than $7?
Forget the queue jump and you will save some dollars as TigerAir will never honor it as I experienced once for our flight from Gold Coast to Melbourne . When I asked their staff on ground they just kept mum . You will get frustration over your money wasted.
it's a marketing thing. people who don't know better but want some thing better than "lite" will buy "express" because it is "express" and not the cheapest.
e.g. "OMG, I'm flying Tiger but I booked an express ticket. One moment Sharonn, hold my Bacardi Breezer. Jayxonn!!! Shayreenayh!!, yous get the f%&k off the XR2!!!