Found this on clearance while looking for one of these straps.
Black Rapid Metro Camera Carry Strap for $15 (was $30)
Black Rapid Elle Ballistic Camera Carry Strap for $25 (was $50)
Found this on clearance while looking for one of these straps.
Black Rapid Metro Camera Carry Strap for $15 (was $30)
Black Rapid Elle Ballistic Camera Carry Strap for $25 (was $50)
anyone know how these compare to the industry disgrace from Crumpler?
get this cause it's cheap and you'll not be disgraced
Never heard of the Crumpler one, but Black Rapid has been industry standard for as long as i can remember.
I use the crumpler and absolutely love it.. Very comfortable and long enough to be worn as a sling. Only downside is that it takes up a lot of space in my bag as it's got thick padding.
Yeah I have the Crumpler too. The camera is well supported (it feels safe anyway) and it is very comfortable over the shoulders. Have to agree about the bulkiness though. I usually un-clip it and store it separately.
How about the price?
I've tried a number of different straps, and the Black Rapid is by far my favourite! I've had my current strap for years, and have never had an issue with it.
thanks OP
great price for the Metro!
Is this brand reliable? I saw some broke.
Where? I have been using two for 7 years carrying 5KG of gear and never had issues.
Sorry I mean some other cheap brand broke ….
Metro would only be suitable for smaller mirror-less cameras, wouldn't recommended it for larger DSLR type cameras
google their webpage for more details
Black Rapid is a pretty big company
Are you sure? Their web site video have it on DSLR.
The FastenR is FR-3 with this model, is the same as the heavy duty strap models. I see the worse thing happening here is maybe the small width of the strap may dig into your shoulder but i doubt it. It won't break with heavy equipment.
Thanks OP, ordered one!
the difference between two is?
Elle for female comfortability
Or for Men with Moobs (TM).
Hmm… maybe I shouldn't went with the Elle =/
@ms: NOpe, I just regret not buying the Elle… and I see why the confusion, typo lol!
I let the grammar nazis down!
The store that said in stock but when I tried to check out it said pick up not available, oh well
I'm getting this as well. I'm assuming I can't arrange to pick up, if a store doesn't have any stock? Because delivery is $14.95! Can anyone suggest a work around?
I finally found one that I can select pick up and received confirmation but don't know whether they really have stock for me to pick up.
Let see.
Last time HN had Black Rapid on sale, I ordered a couple from my local store, but one was out of stock there.
Their staff tracked one down from another store for me - I got it within a week.
Ha, I asked my local store if they could get one from the only store in WA up to them.
Errrrr no sir we can't do store to store transfers!
Thanks OP.
plz remove
Thanks OP, got the Metro.
What's the diff between this and all the $10-15 "BLACK Quick Rapid Single Neck Shoulder Sling Strap Belt for Digital Camera DSLR" on ebay? Anyway, ordered one.
Ebay ones are fake and not from reputable "Black Rapid" Company, ebay is "Quick Rapid".
Yes, fine for a small camera, but I would not trust them with a $1k+ lens..
The ones on ebay are probably better TBH. Sure, the good black rapid gear is good, but this is a $15 strap and you're paying about $12 for the brand.
I have a ~$10 'Caden' branded sling strap from ebay that I have been using for years now. The heaviest setup I have is a 550d + 70-200 f4 + flash - but I'm certain it could hold five times that much.
Whilst certainly not worth the $80 HN were previously asking for the Metro, it's definitely not a $15 strap. They're extremely good quality and whilst I don't doubt some of the stuff on eBay might be ok, most of it would be inferior to the Black Rapid gear.
I use the quick rapid with a tether, d7200 70-200 f2.8.
I've used an $8 ebay one for a couple of years, and a genuine BR one for a few months.
They are absolutely chalk and cheese. BR has much higher quality parts, and is actually a lot heavier. It also sits better on my shoulder.
I still think the $8 copies are awesome for the money, but at this price, I say just get the real deal!
I assure you they aren't. Use a BR with regularly with my 1DX for wedding and sports shoots, whilst also have a noname Chinese clone for my OMD. Difference is night and day. BR is much more pleasing to use, especially if you use it often.
I haven't seen those ebay straps in particular, but I've bought a generic hand strap off ebay before. I was looking to replace my aging Nikon AH4 strap. When it arrived, the plastic didn't inspire a lot of confidence. I had to modify part of it. When I saw how easy it was to snap with my pliers, I decided to just bin it and stick with my old strap.
YMMV of course. I'm sure there are lots of cheap ones that work fine. The BlackRapid stuff does feel very well-made. I have no complaints about the feel and build quality of my BR Cross Shot.
6 left at Fortitude Valley.
The Cargo RS5 is going for $55, the RS4 is $45.
3 Cargo and 2 RS4 left at the valley.
where are you seeing the Cargo Rs5 / RS4? can't see it on HN's website
I assume in store hence the stock level updates.
It's in-store.
Just picked my Metro up from Fortitude Valley. Still has the $79.95 price tag on it… no wonder they couldn't sell them!
Damn mine just arrived from Amazon yesterday…oh well will have to invoke the spirit of Ozbargain and buy another one! has some cheap-but-good straps if you miss out on this deal and don't mind waiting a month.
Got one to go with my Canon 7D… not sure if it will hold but worth a try considering the default one digs into my neck lol.
It will hold
The OEM ones are terrible, they're just for advertising. Try a sling strap with a padded shoulder section (if you don't like the BR one). You can get them for about $10.
Any suggestion for something that has both a shoulder sling as well as a hand strap? I want to be able to interchange between them at a minutes notice.
No such thing exists because you need a lot of material for a shoulder strap and very little material for a hand strap.
closest thing would be…
which is a neck strap with an extendable string
other solution is to have both mounted at once.
eg. have this BR strap attached as well as something like this…
at the SAME time.
personally i think it adds a lot of bulk to the camera - but if you need the convienience/security - there really is no other solution.
@voter1: That's the current setup I use as well… my hand strap is kind of broken at the moment so looking at alternatives… I'll see if the BR strap fits my use.
Thanks OP! Bought one and got my partner to buy me a second :)
Got this from the last HN sale. Recommended. Also bear in mind that you won't see discounts on BR very often.
My first BR cost me $80
can't seem to buy
won't let me pick up or deliver =[
nvm standard postage only at $14.95
Got an Elle. Thanks OP.
picked up the metro, had a RRP sticker of $79…
just got a call from Harvey Nth Ryde (NSW) - out of stock even though their website says in stock and was able to order
They're floor stock so if it's a good deal, people could have walked in and bought them all before they were able to reserve yours.
Boo Harvey Norman. The postage went up from $5.95 to $14.95. Shonky practice!
Wow - it did indeed. That's really dodgy. I only paid $5.95 @ 11am.
Serious?! I confirmed my order at 11:23am and paid $14.95 for shipping :(
i had both the metro and the women's strap in my cart but only one was available for local pick up. at that point they showed as $5.95 delivery for each one. HN cart doesn't let you split order between pick up and delivery so I let the metro go and ordered the women's one for pick up, then went to reorder the metro and the delivery fee went up $9!!!
Confirmed, extremely dodgy
If you're in Vic, you can get one from Mildura, Bendigo, Broadmeadows, Swan Hill or Moe :-(
broady gone now, and I don't want it that badly unfortunately =[
Great deal. I paid around $100 for my BR Sport.
Almost no stock anywhere near me.
Thanks OP, I was in need of a new camera strap. :)
Thanks, OP. I've been waiting for a deal on one these and this is perfect:)
Seems to be out of stock in store all across Brissy. The $15 postage charge kills the deal :(
Picked mine up from HN Coffs Harbour this arvo and the sticker on the box was $79.95 lol. Gee HN are a rip off!
Damn coffs was all out of stock when I checked earlier today
Yeah sorry, I must have snagged the last one :(
The box was damaged and dusty but the strap itself was fine.
All good I grabbed last one in lismore a friend can pickup for me
the sticker on the box was $79.95 lol. Gee HN are a rip off!
The strap normally goes for $60-70, so $79.95 isn't too bad for a non-camera store like HN.
how much are they normally from HN ?
edit (nm) just read it
No stock in VIC for in store pick up. Still a bargain @ $29.95 including postage but something inside me refuses to pay $15 for shipping!!
thanks OP ordered a Metro, delivery was $5.95 (sydney)
Finally I got an email from HN online team, they said they don't have stock at the store I want to pick up but they have it at their regional store and ask me for delivery address and will deliver it to me for free.
Thanks HN.
Still waiting the order status changed to New.
Finally got a tracking number …. lol ….
Your parcel is currently in transit between our 'Cairns' and 'Sydney' depots.
Finally arrived, $15 delivered … :p
Delivery seems to have changed now to $5.95, just ordered.
Still seems to be $15 delivery to Melbourne. Queried it via online chat and was told it was due to the distances involved(!). Ordered nonetheless but seems like a poor show
just arrived, should have ordered two, good quality.
Legend, thanks. Got the Metro, its worth it just for the tripod mount attachment alone (FastenR FR-3)