Advice on car

Not sure if correct forum selection but here we go

I was approved of a loan with commonwealth for 10000 to purchase a car due to the past one being beyond repair.
I was told by commonwealth the money would be in my account the following Tuesday.
Skip forward to now. Bank declined loan after accepting as I am a contract worker. In this time my wife and I used all our savings so we could get ourselfs to work .

The money we had spent was to get my wife's permanent visa as she is from South Korea and her visa ends end of July.

We now are stuck with no money. No way to get a loan. Having to pay her visa

We have been trying to sell the car but just are getting stupid offers left right and center. Overall we spent $13500 with rego for the car.

Is there a means to this problem I have. Or have I dug myself the biggest hole and now need to live in it.

Again sorry if incorrect sub


  • So you say this:

    the past one being beyond repair.

    But then you say this:

    We have been trying to sell the car but just are getting stupid offers left right and center.

    Are you listing it at the proper market value for the condition? What do you define as 'beyond repair?' What will it take to fix it up?

  • The old car is beyond repair. 2008 proton savvy. Transmission is broken. Needs new battery. All paint peeling off. Engine stopped multiple times while on highway. It's an auto so it's not stalling.

    The new car is a Mitsubishi Lancer 2012 with 49000 km

    • How'd you buy the car if the loan wasn't approved?

      • Borrowed money off house mate and used all savings

        • Ok I understand. And how much will the visa cost?

  • $7000 is the visa.

    • Oh :/

      I mean, you could've gotten a $6000 car to get around in, and had the money left for the visa

      My advice would be to list the car, make sure the ad is top notch and the asking price is right, and save like crazy. If you could sell the car for $12k, buy a car for $6k and save $1k, you'll have your $7k needed for the visa.
      But have an ad with good pictures (you're up against car dealerships), at the right price (don't overprice it or it will never sell), and hold your ground, you'll get out of it ok.


        That's my current ad

        She wanted for once to get a nice car to last us the next few years .
        I am saving like crazy and we are selling
        All our possessions because we don't know what else to do

        • +6

          First pic alone is a bad pic, needs to be bright and clear or you won't get attention.

          It may also pay to list on Carsales, open yourself up to a bigger audience.


          Regrettable sale, Need money for family

          Need sold this week

          Opens yourself up to stupid offers. Get rid of it. You're showing your need to sell.

          But for gods sake get pictures out in the sun, stand back so the car fits in the shot, and have all photos facing the same way (ie all landscape).

          Should have (at a minimum):
          Front corner
          Rear corner
          Side view
          Interior (through drivers door)
          Interior (from middle of back seat facing forward - stereo/dash etc)
          Speedo (showing kms on the car)

        • @Spackbace:

          I will take better photos and edit the listing tomorrow
          Morning before I head off to work.

          Is there anything else I could improve on.
          I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to help.

        • +2

          @Sugata: take it to a nice park or foreshore area for the photos. Make sure it is nice and clean too (looks like it is already)

        • @Euphemistic:

          I keep the interior and exterior as clean as humanly possibly haha

          I'll find a nice place to take photos instead of my driveway

        • +3


          Regrettable sale, Need money for family

          Need sold this week

          I was going to offer $500 after seeing this low hanging fruit.

        • Is that the sunnybank car park?

        • @captobvious:

          That it is.

  • I can't understand about her visa part. Can't you guys renew her visa? Shouldn't cost too much i think. Then she should be able to work in long term. What i can suggest is.. ask her to work even cash in hand job for now.

    • That is how much permanent visas cost. They were $3K a few years ago, but the government has jacked up the fees.

      Good Sheppard has some no interest loan programs if you really need some money now. I don't think they will lend you $10K though.

      • i don't think anywhere will loan me. I work off 3 month contracts due to a hiring freeze at my work

        • What is your occupation?

        • @captobvious:

          I am level 3 I.T support for Australian hospitals

  • +2

    Try getting credit with another credit provider - which may be other than a bank. Explain the history and you may get sympathy.
    Consider using the car as collateral. Do you have other collateral?
    Check your rating on It should be over 700 to get credit like you are chasing.
    I came back from overseas recently after 10 years away and then without a rating. I took out a post paid phone plan and got my rating up, then a credit card (with a $20,000 limit I might add). Though I have a $1m+ house but now retired so no income.
    Credit cards are expensive to service but good to get short term credit if you can pay it back quickly.
    Consider multiples of them and choose the ones that give the cheapest cash advance rates.
    My 10c.
    I wish you the best and feel for you mate!

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