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[STEAM] PayDay 2 ($4.99 USD - 75% OFF)


This is probably the cheapest i've seen the game, and although it's probably not a massive hype as it was before. I still think that $4.99 USD each is pretty damn cheap. That's roughly 75% off, and I believe it is the cheapest it has been!

Hope this helps someone.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    micro transactions ruined it.

    • The micro transactions aren't game breaking. You can still enjoy the base game without paying extra. Buy the 4 pack and play with 3 other friends for the best experience.

    • Not really, I felt people were whining about something that didn't change the game play of the game. So what if you got better buffs stat wise? If you can't work as a team, run to hug dozer every 3 seconds, fail to complete the objectives or are a crap player that runs around with suit perks thinking you are invincible then all the buffs in the world won't help you. It's a co op game so seriously nothing was ruined, just the devs made us feel like they got a bit too greedy. Game is the same, never changed just everything has more colour added to it (i.e. skins - don't buy if you don't like).

  • +2

    Read before buying.

    They have picked up their act a fair bit since the start of the year but they've messed with weapon/skill/perk/difficulty balance so much that I think Valve should just stick the Early Access label on. Whatever vision of the game they once had is now gone.

  • +1

    Warning game has huge elitism, vanilla players are treated pretty badly, paying $5 to play a few stages and auto get kicked on most overs.

    • pretty common in all online team based games unfortunately >.<

      Just look at Evolve and how the rotten Aussie playerbase totally killed itself…

    • I get kicked when I join a vanilla party and I assume it's because they don't like max level players for whatever reason. Experienced players get treated badly as well. Had some kids kick me because I kept running out the house to do objectives while him and his mates were shooting from inside without any level progression (none of them had even an infamy level under them).

      • key word: kids :P
        but yeah there's a growing trend for online games and their audience being total shitlords…dunno what happened to etiquette and respect online -_-

  • +2

    Number 1 game on my Steam refund wishlist.

    • lmfao

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