just after some generic recommendations for getting veneers in au?
my front teeth were chipped sometime ago, but due to some fortunate wear they ended up flattening out normally so you couldnt tell anything had happened (they were probably on the large side before) but probably lost about 1-2mm off clean across the bottom.
i guess you're supposed to get that capped but stupidly i hadn't and its lead to further wear over 10 or so years. so cosmetically and functionally i'd like to sort them out as well as i guess the adjacent couple of teeth.
seems like this is the job for veneers so wondering if thats suitable? if veneers can extend my teeth more to their natural length?
my layman understanding of veneers just assumes they come up with a new shape and bond it over the existing tooth. due to the wear i already have the surface seems rough already and perfect for this. but ive also heard weird things, like they grind down your existing teeth almost sleepy hollow style so a veneer can be connected onto it. what i'm trying to say is, technically i don't know, but i'd find it slightly horrifying if they completely disfigure the existing tooth and if the veneer happens to come off, you're standing there looking all like christopher walken in sleepy hollow.
that and any recommendations for a good place in sydney for porcelain veneers?
I've heard of people travelling to Thailand for veneers. Definitely interested in hearing about anyone who has done this.