wondering what the best deal around is at the moment for a 100cm+ tv?? Not real good with technology lol, am I better off with a LCD, plasma or Led? Would like to keep it under $1500. Thanks guys!!!
plasma, led, or lcd???

but you can get 40inch+ lcd's for under 1500?
sorry was thinking about 46-50" lol
then that leaves you with plasma and lcd
depending on what your primarily going to use it for decides what tv you should get.
lots of movies, home entertainment sort of thing, watched in the dark at night = plasma
general use, with lots of usage in the day and in brightly lit rooms = lcd
that's my opinion, might not be perfect but that's what i used to consider buying my tv
lol c i have no idea!!! So many options im only confused on wat 2 look 4 i need it 2 have with HD
stick to lcd, 42inch. aim for panasonic or sony. stay away from lg
problem solvedpanasonic make good lcds???? i thought they were only plasmas
but basically for lcds u should be looking at sony or samsungI'm biased towards Samsung and Sharp.
one of my friends has a sharp, went over and it just looked horrible after gettting used to my sony x series, forgot what the sharp model was but sony is up there
wats all the resolution etc?? Should I aim for a particular number? I'll just be watching tv and cartoons with the kids :( lol
Here's a decent guide on explaining how to choose an LCD tv. Explains basic things like resolution, contrast ratio etc. http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/article/195181/lcd_tv_buying_g…
Generally speaking, for the same amount of money, you can purchase a larger plasma screen but the compromise is picture quality (and resolution), as well as marginally higher energy consumption.
LED TVs are LCD TVs that use LEDs to "light" the screen up. Regular LCD TVs use fluorescent lighting. Benefits of getting LED over regular LCD TVs are more accurate colour reproduction (very marginal), reduced energy consumption, and a thinner TV overall (probably important if you plan to mount it on a wall). IMO, the current premium you pay for LED vs traditional LCD TVs is not worth it. But that's just my opinion.
ur just confusing her more
go to an electronic store say u want a 42in lcd, u should spend about 1000 for something
Livert - thanks soo much it makes much more sense atleast I now no the difference between them!!!!! Now 2 find the best 1 for my $$$! Thanks every1, if u see a good 1 pls post it!
for under 1500, ur only option would be plasma