Looking at a new phone

I'm looking to buy a new phone in the next few months and am running through my choices.
I currently have a Nexus 5 which I've been happy with.
ATM I'm thinking either G4 or 5X, the Mi5 also looks good but I'd prefer local warranty and there's not much info out about their worldwide release plans.
Are there any other phones around the sub $600 mark I should be considering? Oppo, huawei, HTC etc.

Camera isn't overly important for photos. I do use my Nexus 5 as a dash cam so video quality is somewhat important. The app I use only records up to 1080p so 4k recording isn't an advantage. 32GB storage in my 5 is just enough for this, but expandable storage would be nice so I've got a bit of breathing room.

Stock android has been nice, but I'm not set on it. Although I may change my mind after going back to a phone with manufacturer's "improvements", how is LGs OS?

I'm happy with the ~5inch screen I have, but I'm not opposed to a larger screen.
I've got a few wireless chargers around so wireless charging would be preferable.
Dual sim would be nice, but I'm happy to continue carrying a second phone for work.
I'm happy with a 1080p screen and wouldn't consider 1440p to be a big advantage.
Fingerprint scanner and IR blaster would be nice to have.
I'm rarely far from a power source so battery life isn't particularly important. Removable battery is not an advantage to me.
Micro USB vs type-C doesn't bother me.

Currently with Spintel (Optus network) but I'm open to moving to a contract if it works out cheaper. Currently paying approx $27/month for my connection. Calendar month, not 28 day "month"

Price is flexible if there is a better phone that is worth it. G5 looks like it ticks every box except wireless charging, plus it has the wide angle lens which would be good for the dash cam use.
I'm not in a rush, I'll likely wait until there is more info on the Mi5 and G5 before I make a decision.

Any advice on which way you think I should go? Or anything I should consider that I've missed?


  • wait it out for the lg g5 reviews/release/g4 price drops, htc m10 coming out sometime too I think (m9 had an ir blaster right?)

    • I'd just been looking at the V10 and now Kogan has it on sale, soo tempting.

      • v10 is pretty sweet upgrade too (got the whole package, same 808 processor and battery size as g4 is all I could put against it), just remember that your warranty would be 1 yr grey warranty with kogan though. If that's a big thing for you.

  • +1

    get the nexus 5x, that would be the most secure. Mi5 is pretty fast for security updates as well.

    • I'm pretty keen for either 64GB internal or expandable memory which kind of rules out the 5x.
      I think I need to wait it out for another month or two until the G5 and Mi5 start shipping and see where the prices end up. Fingers crossed for a big drop on the V10.

      • +1

        v10 and g5 both have poor batteries compared to Mi5

        • +1

          After looking at some benchmarks the SD808 was only a ~20% upgrade over the SD800 in my Nexus 5, while the SD820 is >100% increase over the 808.
          So I bit the bullet and pre ordered an Mi5 Pro 128GB from Banggood

        • @based:
          well done u are in for a great experience (as long as u dont get an unluckily defective device). 808 is a poor chip really, 820 is much better engineered!

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