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Big Data Basics regular price $9.99
Amazingly, 90% of the data in the world today has been created only in the last two years. With the increase of mobile devices, social media networks, and the sharing of digital photos and videos, we are continuing to grow the world’s data at an astounding pace.
However, big data is more than just the data itself. It is a combination of factors that require a new way of collecting, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing data. These factors are forcing software companies to re-think the ways that they manage and offer their data, from new insights to completely new revenue stream
What is Data Science regular price $19.99
This report examines the many sides of data science — the technologies, the companies, and the unique skill sets.
We’ve all heard it: according to Hal Varian, statistics is the next sexy job. In What is Web 2.0, Tim O’Reilly said that “data is the next Intel Inside.” But what does that statement mean? Why do we suddenly care about statistics and about data? This report examines the many sides of data science — the technologies, the companies and the unique skill sets.
Don't bother…
They're not books…
'Big Data Basics' is more a like powerpoint presentation…
'What is Data Science' is just a brochure…