This was posted 9 years 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Foxtel - Get Full Access to 'Foxtel Go' on Us until March 30 (Current Subscribers, Any Package)


Right now, no matter what you subscribe to, we’re giving you access to all 77 live channels, including a massive selection of TV shows and movies ready to stream anytime, anywhere on Foxtel Go+.

From a drama binge on your tablet in bed, to catching the big game live on your smartphone when you’re out and about, you’ll have more entertainment at your fingertips until March 30. The hardest part will be deciding what to watch first.

*Offer only available to existing Foxtel residential customers who do not subscribe to Platinum/Platinum HD. Valid 16 March to 30 March 2016. Existing subscription and cancellation fees continue to apply. Offer only applies to Foxtel Go – you will not receive additional channels through your set top box that are outside of your existing subscription

+Available to Foxtel Residential Cable & Satellite customers with an STU, excluding Optus TV feat Foxtel customers. Outside of offer period, you must subscribe to a channel (or relevant tier) in your residential pack to access content available from that channel. Not all channels/content available on all devices. Check content and compatible devices/operating systems at Recommended internet speeds apply. Internet connection required. ISP and data charges may apply. Video quality may vary according to 3G/4G and WiFi service. Only available for use in Australia.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    14 Days free service not bad

    • +1

      only the extra channels you dont already subscribe to.
      All Foxtel customers already have the same channels available on Fox Go. For us it would mean we get the Sports channels for free on Go for two weeks.

  • +1

    confirmed, no channels are greyed out, but cannot select World Movies.

    • +2

      Sigh, will have to rely on tube sites then…

  • +6

    Just in time to soften the rate increase?

  • -2

    dont bother it's garbage. not only that, when you try and cancel none of the buttons work unless you pick one specific reason which is 'i dont like the quality' if i remember,

    and the real price is like 95 bucks a month. they wonder why they dont have many customers using the service.


    • +3

      You mean Go or Play… they are different… there is no normal price for Go as you can see the channels you have a subscription to? Play is a different matter.

  • -1

    Pretty sure you get Foxtel Go when you get Foxtel Play, and Foxtel Play always have a two week trial going:…

    "By purchasing a Foxtel Play subscription you will get access to the Foxtel Go app"

    • Go is a freebie with the paid Foxtel service (cable or satellite)

    • They are the same thing. One just comes with your residential subscription, the other is a standalone product.

  • +1

    great deal

    the biggest gripe is that they gimped the cast/airplay of it so you cant watch on big screen unless you plug your laptop directly to the tv then sign in to GO on there

    • +1

      Doesn't plugging it into a big screen kinda suck anyways due to the quality/bitrate?

      • I often AirPlay Fox Sports channels to a 42" Plasma from my iPad. Yeah they don't look great (probably DVD quality at absolute best - maybe a tad under), and the frame-rate is lower too (though I think this is an issue with Foxtel GO - not an AirPlay limitation). But I guess it beats paying for extra outlets + HD every month. Depends how often you use it.

        • Yep as soon as i try to either mirror or Chromecast from phone to tv receive an foxtel error. Saying your not allowed to steam the signal. Yet if you have the foxtel app on a smart tv or ps4 /xbone you can watch it

        • +1

          The app on ps4 etc is Foxtel play, a paid service, not Foxtel go.

    • Air parrot fixes this, but you still need to use your laptop.

    • If youre ios device is jailbroken, you can airplay (native cast, not the mirror crap) foxtel to your apple tv. I do it and the quality is pretty decent. The cydia app escapes me right now, i will repost tonight when i go home

      • I use Videopane…

    • -3

      idea: buy a chromecast and use the tab casting feature

      • +1

        Foxtel GO plays from a separate app, not from inside a browser.

        • sorry, I don't use it.. maybe try running the APK in ARChon and then casting the window

        • I use the Windows app and plug my PC into my plasma tv. That does a pretty good job

    • +1

      You can mirror from your Mac to Apple TV

  • For sport (F1), does anyone know how Foxtel Go compares to the Fox Sports Digital Subscription?

    • I believe its the same quality feeds on both.
      I watch F1 on Foxtel Go. Its just SD and doesnt look too bad on a 42" plasma.
      Just dont go looking at the HD channels on someones flashy tv with an actual Foxtel set top box.

      • Doesn't look too bad…. Looks crap. Nowhere near DVD quality. Even worse than VHS quality.

      • Um yeah, no, SD automatically equals bad. You are literally seeing 25% of the detail if you want to count pixels.

  • -4

    Sweet, now Telstra hurry up with my iPad pro.

  • Bit annoying how they stop this from working on Chromecast or an External TV hooked up to your pc.

    • +1

      just use HDMI tv out from your laptop or PC :)

      • I had tried this and the app wouldn't work. Figured it knew it was a TV.

        • +3

          definitely works mate, thats how mine is connected.
          Use both a laptop via HDMI and a desktop via HDMI, app loads and works fine.

          all i can suggest is troubleshoot (uninstall/reinstall, clear temp internet files etc) with maybe the TV connected?

        • +1

          It works as primary monitor only. Would not work as extended monitor or accessing via remote desktop.
          If you think its not working, reinstall the app, plugin as primary via HDMI restart.

        • +1


          That's the issue then. I had it extended.

    • Use the chromecast app, click 'Cast screen/audio' :)

    • Screen casting from the Foxtel Go app on my laptop to my television via my Sony Blu-Ray player works perfectly!

  • +1

    Think people need to understand that there's a reason Foxtel Go can't be used on a TV and that they sell Foxtel Play for those people who want that functionality.

    • +3

      Foxtel Go can be used on a tv, you just need to use a PC/Laptop directly connected via HDMI

      • Correct. Got to keep in mind though that Go has restrictions on channels etc (primarily sport that ive found) and the resolution to be frank sucks big time.

        At least Foxtel play via the PS4 the quality isnt bad, its not FHD but its watchable.

        • +1

          i use other peoples unused logins so some sport on SD Foxtel Go is better than no sport! :)

      • Was more referring to people complaining about Chromecast and airplay moreso.

  • No wonder…. I installed foxtel go on my ipad app today and suddenly every channels are all watchable. I thought foxtel is being generous to me because i unsubscribe all the channels yesterday (except the required entertainment pack) and giving me all this channels enticing me back to the add ons i had. I guess i did it in a perfect time! =D

  • While you're all here, if you have regular Foxtel, can you switch to Foxtel from Telstra and get 3 months free?

  • Yay, thanks Foxtel!

  • Anyone know if BeIn sports is included? I doubt it somehow.

    • nope, that would be awesome

    • Also Foxtel Have lost the rights to the 2016/2017 new season EPL. (or should i say where outbid by Optus) But im sure most people know this. Just Saying in-case someone thinks of renewing their contract long term and watch's a lot of the EPL. Not to mention the Champions league now an extra cost on (BeIn sports) when it was part of fox sports package last season.

      • +1

        Good to see a fellow Arsenal fan on here mate :)

  • Is this still SD only?

  • "Foxtel on Us" thanks OP but are you a rep? Noticed three of your posts are Foxtel related and wondering whether you are a store rep (using the words "we've" and "us). No harm being one, but just to let others know and I think there are some posting limits you need to abide by (which by looking at your frequency you would be nowhere near violating!). Thanks. Also why don't platinum subs get the offer, or do they already have access to Go in their packages?

    • +1

      No. The 'we' and 'us' are a direct copy and paste from the website.

      As discussed on other Foxtel deals it seems like I'm the only Ozbargainer who receives their e-mails!

      • Haha I think so! I'm a subscriber and I don't get emailed offers in my inbox. How much does this usually cost and I'm gathering it is all SD (ie. no HD sport).

    • Platinum already has all the channels, can't add any free ones.

  • +2

    I have 3 slots on my package unused if anyone wants the login details

    • Yes please!

    • fa reals ? im keen for some occasional golf watching

    • Would love a login please! Thanks in advance!

    • wow that would be awesome mate

    • +3

      So you are giving out your login password that people then have free access to your account, can add channels. Buy movies etc. I suggest you don't give it out.
      You are giving out unrestricted access to you whole account not just Foxtel Go.

    • Good idea, the entire internet can see your box so now's the time to start giving random people on the internet the login details.

      I'm giving you a gold Koala award.

  • +2

    I have Foxtel Go already, my father has Foxtel and has nearly everything on there, so I grabbed his info and got the phone version since it was basically going wasted otherwise.

    Firstly, the app is smart enough to detect if you're using an HDMI out from your phone, so don't bother if you're going after that.

    Second, everything else is perfect. The video quality is superb, and looks amazing on a 5" phone. The live streams and whatnot are about 5 seconds behind real Foxtel (to allow for buffering and shit I assume) so for all intents and purposes, if you're watching a live sport, it may as well be live.

    And third, it's just a really good service and I strongly urge anyone who has Foxtel to take advantage of it, it's not like Foxtel and Testra are known for giving things away for free.

    • +1

      Put in on your computer too so you have a bigger screen.
      We have it on a 27inch mac.

  • If anybody has a spare Foxtel Go login they aren't using i will pay $10/month for it. PM me!

  • Is it just me or does this work horribly? I have a 100mb/s connection and struggle to even get a stream going.

    • It worksfinefor me on multiple devices and multiple houses (adsl)

  • A true ozbargainer doesn't pay for Foxtel in the first place :)

    • +2

      No, true ozbargainer use their parents Go account :)

  • If I am a foxtel play customer, do I get this offer?

    • No.

  • I wonder is Mobile FOXTEL quality video, representative of Foxtel Go app

    Recently got to try the former in which video appears like some glorified (enlarged) thumbnail graphic from the naughties? I' d hesitate to score M-F audio&video 1/5 as it will be inferior to iView that I view equates with sub 125 kBs level/single star. SD may get 2.5, 720p 3. (BR 4, 4K 5 etc)

    However. I enjoyed data glitch, have Netflix, & pleased by this so.

  • didnt foxtel recently get into hot water for bumping up the price a whole one dollar a month for the base package?

    • Foxtel Telstra.

  • +1

    How many times can you signup for trails. Recently cancelled Foxtel and sent the box back. Today I signed up for trail with all the same details but different email id just to watch the T20 worldcup. Will cancel within 2 weeks. It worked. Any one here has done it multiple times?

    • Talking about Foxtel Play here.

  • I have Foxtel on TBOX, no luck for me. I still can't get the premium channels. Does anyone know, if this promotion is applicable to Foxtel on Tbox. I have subscription to basic channels and the sports package.

  • I had to soft reset my TBox, I am on. thanks for the info.

  • Good timing, I notice mad max is available now.

  • Doesn't work on a jailbroken device, so they can get (profanity).

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