Anyone also get this? Is this against the rules?
There's this seller who always private message me every time he post a deal up

Oh dear…this may be an instaban - something which i know of first hand - not for solicitation but for my controversial commentary
This kind of offense would be perfect to put to an ozbargain jury for open court trial by ozbargain members - instead of an instaban
the framwork is already there - just open a thread with a simple guilty / not guilty poll
Then if found guilty, punishment can be voted on with another simple poll with options for a ban of 24 hours through to 4 weeks
(Might not actually be a "guy") but…we ask things from time to time, of people we think will know the answers, to work out how we can serve OzBargainers better, and to keep communication flowing, because otherwise everything happens by assumption, and that doesn't always go too well. If you like a hello every couple of weeks (or months) then that's OK. However, if you don't wish to communicate, you could always politely ask not to be conversed with, or disable PMing altogether. It's easier for people to be friendly and respectful, if you start by being polite.
I think he may be getting a little lost in translation here…while he seems to be pushing the envelope of acceptable boundaries by PMing those who are most likely to have bought from him before, at the end of the day all hes trying to do is build a customer base.
While ive never bought anything, his deals have been well received, so lets not lynch him just yet.
And he is right - if you dont want to hear from him, just ban his messages to you
Instabannning users to the penalty box when offense has not being caused without justification through antagonism or to many other users is not a good modding policy - its akin to how a lazy kindergarden teacher would deal with 5 year olds
But if hes being dodgy or excessive then ill stand corrected - with lighter and stake in hand
@pointless comment: Yes. "Do unto others as would have them do unto you" applies here. If someone asked me for information that would (a) help the community, and (b) help me, it would make sense to be part of the conversation. If I thought not, I would be very unlikely to ban anybody, I'd simple ask them politely if it's OK only to communicate when I wanted to, or not at all. I know we've respected that in the past, why wouldn't anyone else? Being polite is giving the other person the option to reply without anybody being aggressive. After all, it's the advice we have gotten from fellow OzBargainers that have made many of the great deals OzBargainers have benefited from. Help may (or may not) be a two-way street, so why not help the hand that feeds you?
@pointless comment: yeah i can see both sides but i do agree to just say no thank you instead of making a big deal about it unless it was obnoxious spamming. people on ozbargain are very rude to reps sometimes and it turns them off wanting to give good deals.
Screenshot the PM's, report it to mods via TWAM.
Shouldn't have to 'opt out' of unsolicited msgs
What are they PMing you about? Asking you to vote on it?
Posting a deal and then PM'ing somebody is not against the rules.
However, if you were to elaborate — maybe we'd understand you and your predicament better.
Please report in the Talk with a Moderator Forum. Without knowing what the discussion is about then its hard to give an answer.
From Rep's Code of Conduct:
Representatives are strongly discouraged from unsolicited private message communication to users for any reason, especially for commercial advertising which is explicitly forbidden. However we encourage store reps to respond to private messages from users seeking assistance with a deal that has been posted.
Ive been PM'ed before from posters thanking me for upvoting them
That would be a short list.😃
I have a very high deal standard - and if i dont know about a product first hand, i wont just jump on the bandwagon like many of the bargain lemmings around here
And ive been negged on this occasion by one person for stating a simple fact
I want to know who it is!
Also you sure it seller? Might be one of the affiliate feeders
Strange :/
I received some PMs from him - just ignore them and move on
Yes, you've caught us out. We "might" be actual bikies. Ones with tattoos of Vita JRPGs on their shoulders :p
The kind of people with a katana collection.
i had some loser pm me swearing at me. but no i haven't had reps emailing me. if i frequent stores then i wouldn't mind them pm me when they have an ozbargain especially like errorfree? i think his name is (sells mobile stuff)
Amazingly, ive never had that - mostly the abuse i cop is in public forum, which is fine - as i said above, i think that any offence derived from an argument involving two people, that only essentially offends one or the other ( so no racial abuse for example) is fair play.
Well, this might be considered fair: if you want a heads-up before we do a major (mainly video games) discount then PM sellingoutsoon and we can put you on our list of friends (so you'll find out a few minutes before it gets rogered vigorously by ozbargainers!) Or if you want to know first, but don't want to "participate in the making of deals" just subscribe. Conversely, if we PM you as being a person of interest in a deal, and you don't want to participate, a simple: "No thanks, I'd rather not be PMd" will get a prompt "sorry about that" from us, and we'll see that next time, so we won't ask you again. Remember, the only reason we do this (can't speak for other companies) is to make sure we're as synchronised with the OzBargain community as possible. And that means relationships, and all of the best deals come from relationship which are because we want to give to the OzBargain community. If it becomes too hard, the deals don't happen as easily (or at all) and everybody loses. Cheers guys :) Have a great weekend.
Name and shame please