A friend of ours from Singapore is staying at my place for the month, and yesterday he showed me his activity tracker — a big round faced watch that tells you time and the number of steps you took (something like this). I thought he bought it from one of those Chinese online shops for $20, as it does look a bit more functional than the Xiaomi Mi Band. However he started to interest me when he said that he got it for 5 bucks — from the government! He could even earn points by making his daily step quota, which can then redeem shopping vouchers.
So I went online to do a search, and it is indeed a program offered by Ministry of Health Singapore. I thought Singapore, as a fine country, would actually fine their citizens for not doing enough exercise. Instead they offered rewards for the participants — which is a win-win as it might save cost on public transport and health system.
Do we have anything like this here? Or maybe it's not needed as in Australia, we probably don't need a government initiated program to keep us fit.
singapore also whips people for crimes. good idea though..we need it